
luó ji mó xínɡ
  • logic model
  1. 中国区域卫生规划监督与评价的Logicmodel(逻辑模型)研究

    Developing a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Health Planning in China : a Logic Model Approach

  2. 面向与CAD几何引擎集成的机械多体系统逻辑模型研究

    A Logic Model for Integration of Mechanical Multi-Body System with CAD Geometry Engine

  3. Web服务编排的并发事务逻辑模型

    Web Service Choreography Model Based on Concurrent Transaction Logic

  4. 安全协议的扩展Horn逻辑模型及其验证方法

    Security Protocol 's Extended Horn Logic Model and Its Verification Method

  5. 在LogicalDataModelFile页面上,接受用于逻辑模型的默认数据设计项目和逻辑模型的默认名称。

    From the Logical Data Model File page , accept the defaults for the data design project for the logical model , and for the name of the logical model .

  6. CSCW时序逻辑模型交互行为的正确性研究

    Study on Correctness of Interaction of Temporal Logic Mode of CSCW

  7. 逻辑模型的以ESB为中心的视图

    An ESB-centric view of the logical model

  8. 分析了Agent和一般信息检索模型的特征,根据Web网页信息检索的特点,综合布尔逻辑模型和向量空间模型的优点,提出了一种基于Agent的智能、主动、自适应超文本网页信息检索模型。

    With the analysis of the features of Agent and the Web information search , this paper presents an intelligent self-adaptive model for hyper-text homepage information search based on Agent .

  9. 详细分析了世博食品追溯系统的功能需求分析,并用UML统一建模语言建立了系统的逻辑模型。

    Detailed analysis of the 2010 world expo food traceability system function requirement analysis , system was established using UML the logical model .

  10. 对基于BPR的生产业务系统进行了需求分析,提出了系统的功能逻辑模型。

    Through studying demand for business system based on BPR Author put forward a functional logic model .

  11. Neutron插件负责与底层基础架构交互,以便依据逻辑模型而传送流量。

    The Neutron plug-in is responsible for interacting with the underlying infrastructure so that traffic is routed in accordance with the logical model .

  12. 一为邦员内部对象以及对象之间的关系,称为邦员业务逻辑模型,可用UMLprofile进行映射;

    One reflects the objects and their relationship in the same federate , it can be named federate logic model and can be mapped by UML Profile ;

  13. 逻辑模型、存储模型和服务器端JazzAPI的语义全都与特定的关系数据库系统选择无关。

    The semantics of logical models , storage models , and server-side Jazz APIs are all independent of the particular choice of relational database system .

  14. 介绍在Struts分层逻辑模型+Hibernate数据库持久层解决方案基础上,对选煤厂信息管理系统进行总体技术设计。

    Based on struts model and hibernate , this paper introduced master technological design of information management system to coal preparation plant .

  15. 例如,使用CreateFragment命令将逻辑模型分割为片段,并使用AbsorbFragment命令,将片段再引入到模型中。

    For example , using the Create Fragment command to split your logical model into fragments , and using the Absorb Fragment command to re-introduce the fragment back into your model .

  16. 在详细进行数据库子系统需求关系调研的基础上,用系统工程的理论研究了CAT系统工程数据库的概念模型、逻辑模型和物理模型的设计。

    On the base of investigating the requirement of database subsystem , the paper researched how to design the concept model > logic model and physics model of CAT System Engineer Database .

  17. 复杂项类型的逻辑模型还可以包括Helper类,并且项可以具有引用Helper对象的属性。

    The logical model for complex item types can also include helper classes , and items can have properties that refer to helper objects .

  18. 在现代CAPP技术的基础上,对东方锅集团股份有限公司锅炉集箱CAPP可行性分析指出实施锅炉集箱CAPP的可行性,导出新系统的高级逻辑模型和新系统的数据字典。

    Based on the modern CAPP , the feasibility analysis of the boiler header CAPP indicates the feasibility and educe senior logic mode and data dictionary of new system .

  19. 文中分析了目前MIS实施中权限管理存在的问题,并将RBAC应用于管理信息系统中,给出了实现的逻辑模型。

    This paper analyzed the problems existing in administration of authorization in MIS and applied the RBAC in MIS , then presented a logic model of implementation .

  20. 简要地介绍综合经济管理部门MIS的逻辑模型和系统开发的优先级排序原则,力求完整地刻划出大型MIS逻辑模型的设计思想、方法、原则和步骤。

    The synthetic economy management organization and its priority order in system development are presented with a view to fully exposing the ideas and methods adopted in designing large MIS logic models .

  21. 提出了基于RUDP的可靠数据传输的系统架构,确定了系统的设计目标,给出了系统的逻辑模型,分析了系统的逻辑模块结构,进行了各逻辑模块的设计;

    Introduced the structure and logical design of reliable data transfer system based on RUDP .

  22. 本文由数据库设计角度出发,将XML文档类型定义(DTD)看作逻辑模型,提出了一种由对象概念模型到DTD的转换方法。

    From the point of database design , this paper treats DTD as the logical model of XML document and presents a method which converts object-oriented data model to DTD .

  23. 本文中把工作流技术、软构件技术和ERP结合起来研究ERP的流程可重构性,提出了流程可重构ERP系统功能逻辑模型和实现机制。

    I have studied the workflow reconfiguration of ERP through combining the technology of workflow and the technology of component with ERP and then put forward the logic modal and the realized mechanism of the Re-configuration ERP system .

  24. 如果这个新属性不是logical-only属性,那么当您选择转换物理模型中的逻辑模型时,RationalDataArchitect只在物理数据模型中创建该属性。

    That new attribute , if not a logical-only attribute , is only created in the physical data model by Rational Data Architect when you choose to transform the logical model in a physical model .

  25. MDA的核心思想是以模型为中心,将模型和实现分离,使软件开发过程简化为建立业务逻辑模型后由机器自动生成特定计算平台的代码。

    The core idea of MDA is to separate the model with the realization , so that the procedure of software developing can be simplified into building up business logical model then creating code on specific computing platform automatically by machine .

  26. 该算法通过网络等值原理将复杂配电系统逐步等值为只有一条馈线的简单配电系统,进而结合等效逻辑模型和FMEA法评估系统的各项可靠性指标,这样就比直接利用FMEA法大大提高了效率。

    This algorithm turns the complicated distribution system into a simple one step by step using equivalent principle , and then obtains the reliability indexes , which is much more efficient than directly employing FMEA .

  27. 故障树是表示故障发生和故障传播关系的一种逻辑模型,基于故障树诊断方法的广泛应用由于实际故障树分析过程的NP困难问题而受到妨碍。

    Fault tree is considered as a logic model to represent faults occurrence and propagation . However , the diagnostic method based on fault tree are prevented from widespreading because there exists NP difficulty problems in the actual process of fault tree analysis .

  28. 提出了面向轿车整车设计的DSS系统结构,以及数据仓库的主要建模步骤和关键数据结构设计,建立了关键的数据仓库应用逻辑模型。

    This paper presents a kind of architecture of the DSS for the car design , describes the main modeling steps and key data structure for a Data Warehousing . Finally , an application logic model of the data warehouse is built up .

  29. 主要的研究工作包含以下几方面:设计开发了OLAP建模和管理工具,为用户提供了友好方便的图形界面,根据用户的决策需求,建立OLAP分析的逻辑模型并将逻辑模型转换成物理模型。

    The main achievement of this thesis include the following aspects : OLAP modeling and managing tools is designed and developed , which provides graphics interface for users , creating OLAP analyze model and build it physically , managing and maintaining OLAP cube .

  30. 抗震救灾MES逻辑模型构建:抗震救灾MES的系统边界由抗震救灾MES结构、抗震救灾MES主体和与系统相关的外部环境组成,系统的核心是伤病员在MES内的流动。

    The logical Model of MES : The system boundary of MES included the structure of earthquake relief MES , the agents and the external environment of the related systems . The core of the system was the flow of patients in MES .