
  • 网络Logical calculus
  1. 他的思想对于现代逻辑的产生和发展产生了极其重要的推动作用,尤其是他所构造的概念文字和建立的逻辑演算系统结束了亚里士多德传统逻辑的统治地位,开创了逻辑的新时代。

    His ideas for the production and the development of modern logic played an extremely important role especially on his construction of the concept ﹣ script and established the deductive system and calculus of logic over the Aristotelian tradition logic dominance , and create a new era of the logic .

  2. 中介逻辑演算ML与中介公理集合论MS的纯数学意义及其应用前景

    The pure mathematical significance and applied perspective of the medium logical calculus and medium axiomatic set theory

  3. 基于时态逻辑演算的程序验证

    Verification of programs on the basis of temporal logic calculus

  4. 介绍了命题逻辑演算方法。

    This paper introduces a method for propositional logic calculation .

  5. 本文建立了时态逻辑演算。

    Temporal logic calculu is established .

  6. 案例分析中常用到离散数学中的逻辑演算,特别是在信息处理方面。

    Logic calculus of Discrete Mathematics has been applied to analysis of cases , in particular , on information handling .

  7. 它既支持数学公式的形式化描述,又为公式的逻辑演算提供了证明工具。

    It not only supports formalized represen-tation of mathematical formulas , but also supplies a reasoning tool for logical for-mula deduction .

  8. 接着他展示了,所有的证明,那些像国际象棋一样的逻辑演算规则,它们自己本质上就是算术的。

    He then showed that all the operations of ' proof ' , these ' chess-like ' rules of logical deduction , were themselves arithmetical in nature .

  9. 中介系统是以中介原则为基础,以中介逻辑演算为工具的一种新的数学理论系统。

    The medium system is a new mathematical theoretical system , in which the medium principle is used as base and the medium logic calculus as a means .

  10. 本文讨论了中介逻辑命题演算(MP)的形式系统。

    This paper deals with the formal system of propositional calculus of medium logic ( MP ) .

  11. 在语义Web服务规范OWL-S的基础上,研究通过一阶逻辑状态演算来规划组合服务的方法。

    Based on semantic Web Service and OWL-S specification , a first-order logic Situation Calculus planning method for services composition is introduced .

  12. 本文借助中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM,对不完全信息系统的理论和应用进行了研究。

    This paper investigates the theory and application of incomplete information system by using the medium logic predicate calculus system MFM .

  13. 对中介逻辑命题演算系统MP的18条推理规则作了简化,从中删除了5条不独立的推理规则,构成与原推理规则集S等价的形式推理规则集S1。

    In this paper , the eighteen formal inference rules of the medium logical propositional calculus system MP are simplified , five of which have been omited and the simplified formal inference rules S 1 which equalize former inference rules S are constituted .

  14. 最后,建立了中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM的表推演系统,并证明了该系统的可靠性和完备性,该系统可作为不完全信息的自动推演系统。

    At last , the tableau system of medium logic predicate calculus system MFM is constructed , and the soundness and completeness of the system is proved . This system can act as the automated reasoning system in incomplete information environments .

  15. 中介逻辑命题演算的扩张(Ⅱ)

    An extension of the propositional calculus system of medium logic (ⅱ)

  16. 命题泛逻辑的演算理论及推理研究

    Studies on Calculus Theory and Reasoning of Propositional Universal Logic

  17. 命题逻辑等值演算的计算机实现

    The Computer Implementation of the Propositional Logic Equivalent Calculation

  18. 这样,我们就可以在虚拟企业本体论基础上,以逻辑情景演算来描述虚拟企业过程模型。

    So we can describe the process model in the logic situation calculus based on the virtual enterprise ontology .

  19. 本文将三值逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M应用在不完全信息数据库的研究中,对原有的扩充关系模型做了改进。

    In this paper , the original extended relational model has been improved by adopting MFM in the research of incomplete information database .

  20. 本文基于中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M构造了一个公理集合,证明了该公理集合的完备性。

    This paper constructs an axiom set based on the medium logic propositional calculus system MP ~ M and gives a proof of its completeness .

  21. 中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M和中介逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M是一种适用于处理不完全信息的新的逻辑系统。

    The Medium Logic Propositional Calculus System MPM and the Medium Logic Predicate Calculus System MFM are new logic systems . They are fit for dealing with incomplete information .

  22. 真值表、归谬赋值、真值树、演绎证明和范式等方法是数理逻辑命题演算中重言式的判定(或证明)方法,但不是传统命题逻辑推理式的判定方法。

    Truth table , value assignment of reduction to absurdity , truth tree , deductive argumentation and normal form etc. are the methods of judging ( or proving ) tautology in propositional calculus of mathematical logic , but not that of judging inference formula in traditional propositional logic .

  23. 本文为参考文献[7]的续篇,在此继续生成中介逻辑的谓词演算系统MF的形式定理。

    This paper is the continuation of Reference [ 7 ] .

  24. 如所知,中介逻辑的命题演算系统MP有三个命题联结词,即蕴涵词→,对立否定词和模糊否定词~。

    It is known that MP has three propositional connectives : The implication symbol →, the opposite negation and the fuzzy negation ~ .

  25. 中介逻辑的谓词演算系统(Ⅰ)

    Predicate calculus system of medium logic (ⅰ)

  26. 文中推论2说明了MP~与经典逻辑的命题演算系统(P~)的关系。

    The relations between propositional calculus of classical logic ( P ) and medium logic ( MP ~ ) have been obtained .

  27. 亚氏模态三段论自成系统,可以尝试从现代逻辑的联合演算观[2~3]出发构筑这一系统①。

    Aristotelian Model Syllogism has a system of its own , which can be constructed by the views of joint calculus of modern logic .

  28. 目前常用的形式化方法包括:有限状态机、Petri网、时序逻辑、通信进程演算和Z语言。

    The formal methods include : finite state machines , Petri nets , temporal logic , communication process calculus and Z language .

  29. 限悖论逻辑Lpm的命题演算

    Proposition Calculation of the Logic of Circumscribed Paradox Lpm

  30. 本文从基于模糊逻辑的量化命题演算出发,探究一个新的数据库查询机制,用以处理更一般的量化命题意义的模糊数据库查询。

    In this paper , A new retrieval mechanism of database is investigated based on quantified propositional calculus of Fuzzy Logic . It Can be used to process the more general fuzzy database retrieval .