
  • 网络Logicism;Logicalism;logistic
  1. 逻辑主义:基于认知分析的数学哲学

    Logicism : The Philosophy of Mathematics Based On Cognitive Analyses

  2. 柏拉图与康德:逻辑主义与直观主义之源

    Plato and Kant : Origins of Logicism and Intuitionism

  3. 无理数的逻辑主义是颇有些不自然的。

    The logical definition of the irrational number is rather sophisticated .

  4. 第一部分着重论述了逻辑主义的创新思想。

    The second part concretely discusses the thought of theoretical of historism .

  5. 第三章对罗素的数学逻辑主义思想作出评论。

    In chapter three , the author makes a comment on Russell 's mathematics logicism .

  6. 它们都可视为是对传统语言观中过度膨胀的理性主义-逻辑主义的不同反动。

    They are both against the excess rationalism-logicalism in the traditional viewpoints of language in different ways .

  7. 第二章详细介绍了罗素对其数学逻辑主义论题的证明。

    In chapter two , how Russell proved his topic of mathematics logicism is introduced in detail .

  8. 论罗素的逻辑主义

    The Logicism of Bertrand Russell

  9. 认为罗素形成数学逻辑主义思想的历史背景在于他对数学基础建立在数学理论的算术化的不满。

    As a mathematician , Russell is critical of arithmetization of mathematics theory underlying the basic of mathematics .

  10. 西方现代科技知识体系,带有西方文化的逻辑主义文化人格特征,是现代性危机的根源。

    Western knowledge system is produced in the same procedure , which formats its logistic personality in its culture .

  11. 本文对伟大的数学家和逻辑学家伯特兰·罗素的数学逻辑主义思想进行了研究和探讨。

    This thesis makes an exposition of the mathematics logicism thought of Russell , the great mathematician and logician in phytogeny of logic .

  12. 第一章介绍了罗素形成数学逻辑主义思想的历史背景及其提出数学逻辑主义论题的情况。

    In chapter one , it gives a historical introduction to Russell ' mathematics logicism and introduces how Russell put forward his idea .

  13. 首次理清了逻辑主义关于这两种划界的不同说法,而这两种划界在过去常常是混在一起的。

    It is the first time to explicate the logicism 's demarcation criteria of these two kinds that were usually confused in the past .

  14. 以罗素为代表的逻辑主义提出数学可化归为逻辑的观点受到了哲学界广泛的关注和批判。

    Russell , as the representative of the logicism , pointed that mathematics can be reducible to logic , which has led to many reclaims .

  15. 但这种失败只是部分失败,其成功之处在于,罗素的数学逻辑主义研究对数理逻辑的发展作出了重要的贡献。

    But it is not a whole failure . Russell ' contribution lies in his study of mathematics logicism promoting the development of mathematics logic .

  16. 逻辑主义将科学中实际存在的文化因素彻底清除出去,使科学理论评价研究完全成了独立的封闭系统。

    Logic and science in the actual existence of complete removal of cultural factors , so that full evaluation of the scientific theory has become a closed system independent .

  17. 分析算术化在数理经济学早期发展中的作用认为罗素形成数学逻辑主义思想的历史背景在于他对数学基础建立在数学理论的算术化的不满。

    Functions of arithmetization of analysis in the early development of mathematical economics As a mathematician , Russell is critical of arithmetization of mathematics theory underlying the basic of mathematics .

  18. 弗雷格在贯彻逻辑主义纲领的同时,率先擎起反心理主义大旗,坚决驱除逻辑学中的心理因素。

    Frege carried the logicism creed , at the same time , he hold up the banner of the anti-psychological at first on the history , and resolutely repelled the psychological factor in logic .

  19. 彭加勒对逻辑主义预期理由的批判,对数学对象存在性的辩护和对实无穷假设的反对,都为数学哲学中直觉主义学派的发展开辟了道路。

    Poincare 's criticism onthe expected reason , justification for the existence of mathematical object and opposition to the postulate of real infinite provide the developmental approach for the intuitionism in philosophy of mathematics .

  20. 与“逻辑主义”、“形成主义”的数学观不同,康德的“数学哲学”认为数学的对象是验前的感性直观形式,数学概念是从纯粹直观中验前地“构成”的。

    This article listed the main arguments of Kant 's " mathematics philosophy " and also compared Kant 's view of mathematics with the concepts of mathematics in " logicism " and " formalism " .

  21. 数学基础的研究,形成了逻辑主义、形式主义和直觉主义三大学派,其运用理性主义构造数学,认为数学是一个欧几里得系统。

    The research of the foundations of mathematics falls into three schools of thought : logicism , formalism and intuitionism . They constitute mathematics by means of rationalism and maintain that mathematics is a Euclidean system .

  22. 后期哲学所要治疗的主要正是这种超验逻辑主义。

    With the help of such a perplexing concept , the paper tries to seek the possibility of a final animadvert on the transcendental logic in aesthetics . His later philosophy aims at eliminating this kind of transcendental logic .

  23. 同一时期,在科学哲学内部,由于库恩的工作,逻辑主义的对科学的解释在某种程度上被瓦解,科学与社会以及文化的根本性关系得到关注。

    And during the same period , in the area of philosophy of science , because of the work of Kuhn , logicism interpretation of science collapsed . Scholars began to pay much attention to the relationship between science and culture and between science and social .

  24. 命题意义的图像论是逻辑原子主义的核心内容。

    Picture theory of prepositional meaning is the core of logical atomism .

  25. 论逻辑原子主义寻求确定性知识的价值

    On the Value of Certain Knowledge Sought by Logical Atomism

  26. 逻辑原子主义哲学的教学法意义

    On the Significance of Logical Atomism on Teaching Methodology

  27. 逻辑原子主义的确定性知识之梦

    The Dream of the Certain Knowledge of Logical Atomism

  28. 逻辑原子主义关于确定性知识的主要内容。

    Second , the main contents of certain knowledge discussed in logical atomism .

  29. 专名对应于亲知的简单事物,对事物的分析则是沿着逻辑原子主义的思路进行的。

    A proper name is corresponding to a simple object , and the analysis to things is carried out under the method of logic atomism .

  30. 逻辑原子主义是哲学史上探索知识确定性的一个重要阶段,研究它具有重要的历史意义和现实价值。

    Logical atomism is an important period of studying the certain knowledge in the history of philosophy , and which has important historic and immediate significance .