
  • 网络logic rule
  1. 在MAS中,各Agent根据定义的逻辑规则进行交互与协作实现系统柔性的、动态的集成。

    In this system , each Agent , in accord with the prescribed logic rules , realizes flexible and dynamic integration by interaction and cooperation .

  2. 语言所包含的语法结构,也是人类思维逻辑规则的表现。

    Especially , the grammar shows the logic rules of human thinking .

  3. 对于二值图像,提出了类似于数学形态学腐蚀、膨胀的CA布尔逻辑规则;

    For binary image , the CA-based erosion and dilation rules like morphology are found .

  4. 为了说明简化网保持了原网的外部功能,利用基于时序Petri网的时态逻辑规则进行了证明。

    Temporal logic rule of temporal Petri nets was used to illuminate the exterior functionality of simplified net .

  5. 代码就是您识别Eclipse中Java源文件内未使用导入的所有逻辑规则。

    That code is all of the logic that you need to identify unused imports within a Java source file in Eclipse .

  6. 本文提出一种基于模糊逻辑规则检测出SYN湮没(SYNFlooding)攻击的方法。

    This paper brings out a new approach that adopts the fuzzy-rule based technique to detect the SYN flooding attacks .

  7. 与传统的PID控制器作用相比,离线仿真和在线实验表明,逻辑规则控制器作用下的系统输出不仅超调量小,响应时间快,而且控制策略简单易行。

    Compared with the PID controller in the real-time experiment and off-line simulation , it shows that not only the output of system is small overshoot and rapid respond time when the logical rule controller acts , but also its control strategy is easy to be performed .

  8. 根据模糊逻辑规则中传感器置信度与其前件的单调关系,构造了一种基于内插求值的模糊神经网络(FNN)。

    Considering the monotonic relation between the reliability of sensor and the condition in the fuzzy logical rule , a kind of FNN based on arithmetic of insert value is suggested in this paper .

  9. 一致性的验证可以借助于基于Hoare逻辑规则的验证工具XYZ/VERI以及XYZ/E作为时序逻辑语言所具有的对一些程序性质的证明方法。

    The correctness of refinement can be verified by the tool XYZ / VERI based on Hoare logic ruls and verifying methods of temporal logic .

  10. 具体说,论文的主要成果和创新点为:1.源于形式语言思维,提出了文法视角的资源描述方法,也即资源网络的逻辑规则文法LRG。

    From thinking of the formal language , the method is proposed resource structure description to view grammar that is a logic rule grammar ( LRG ) for resource network . 2 .

  11. 逻辑规则描述语言(LRDL)是规则化描述方法中定义的一种具有严格语法定义而且描述方便的语言,方便领域工程师掌握和使用。

    Logic rule description language ( LRDL ) is a kind of definition of rule-based description method , strictly syntax defined and easy described , it is readily for the field engineers to master and use .

  12. 因此规则化描述方法易于理解,便于掌握和使用,较好地解决了领域工程师对DECS进行建模和设计时所面临的建模难问题。(3)构建了逻辑规则描述语言(LRDL)的语法语义体系。

    Therefore rule description method is easy for domain engineers to understand , grasp and apply , it can solve the problem of " curse of modeling " . ( 3 ) Formal syntax and semantics of logic rule description language ( LRDL ) are constructed .

  13. 基于逻辑规则的语义缓存查询处理优化技术

    Optimization Technology of Query Processing Based on Logic Rules in Semantic Caching

  14. 通过诊断逻辑规则将各子系统的信息汇总形成关于系统的故障诊断。

    Integrating the sections of diagnosis to form the fault diagnosis of system .

  15. 设计了基于逻辑规则控制算法的水温控制系统。

    Water temperature control system based on logic rule control algorithm is designed .

  16. 定名&概念的逻辑规则与概念系统

    Naming-Logical Rules Governing Conceptualization and the Conceptual System

  17. 人们可以运用形式逻辑规则反思关于法律问题的种种判断。

    People can reconsider various judgments of legal issues by using rules of formal logic .

  18. 该模型通过BPSOM算法训练样本,能自动生成模糊逻辑规则,调节输入、输出变量的隶属函数;

    This network model can automatically produce fuzzy logic rules and adjust membership function through the EPSOM algorithm .

  19. 然后针对单个子区域网络模型提出基于逻辑规则的优化控制算法,优化的目标是提高整个子区域的车辆通行率。

    Then a optimize control arithmetic based on logical control is proposed for an actual regional network system .

  20. 逻辑规则控制器将相平面分为9个工作区域,对应有9条不同的控制规则。

    The controller divided the error phase plane into nine working regions corresponding to nine different control laws .

  21. 设计了一种新型的基于极坐标二值模糊逻辑规则的模糊逻辑二级电压控制器。

    A novel fuzzy logic secondary voltage controller based on polar fuzzy logic rule is designed in this paper .

  22. 最后通过给定的命题逻辑规则公式来验证构件模型的合理性、框架扩展的正确性。

    Finally , the given symbolic logic formula can prove the rationality of component model and validity of framework extension .

  23. 遗传进化中,同时优化了模糊逻辑规则、选择了最优隶属度函数和隶属度函数参数。

    In the genetic evolution rules of fuzzy logics are optimized , optimal attribute function and its parameters are selected .

  24. 任何其他方法都忽略了表示方面的问题,均假定不会受到环境限制且逻辑规则就已足够了,此方法将会失败。

    Any other approach ignores the representation problem , assumes that context-free facts and logical rules are sufficient , and will fail .

  25. 然后根据求出的对应点对的数目和匹配误差大小和一系列逻辑规则推出匹配分值。

    Match score is calculation according to the number of corresponding minutiae points , matching error and a series of logical rules .

  26. 提出一种利用神经模糊系统从实验记录的曲线或者数据中挖掘模糊逻辑规则的方法。

    An approach of fuzzy rules from data mining on fuzzy - neural systems ( FNS ) is presented in the paper .

  27. 通常,几何定理的证明是依据公理系统,按一定的逻辑规则演绎地进行。

    Generally , the proving of geometry theorem is based on the axiom system , and is deducted according to certain logic rules .

  28. 本文建立了结合逻辑规则的工业过程模型,提出了结合约束程序的混合整数非线性规划算法,并将这些理论和方法应用到工业过程实际中。

    This paper build industrial process hybrid model mixed with logical and rules and advance mixed integer nonlinear programming algorithms combined with constraint programming .

  29. 法官依靠经验规则、逻辑规则和自己的良知这三样法宝,扮演着法律帝国的王侯。

    Judge rules rely on rules of thumb , logic and his conscience these three magic weapons , played the raja of legal empire .

  30. 本文首先给出了将安全协议基于进程代数的形式描述转化成为一组逻辑规则的方法,并提出了基于逻辑规则分类的高效逻辑程序消解算法,对安全协议认证性和保密性进行验证。

    Our thesis proposes the approach to converting the process-algebra-described protocol to the horn logic rules , and proposes the high-efficiency algorithm of reduction .