
  • 网络single concept;singular concept;individual concept
  1. 在此基础上,经过层层抽象概括产生出来的单独概念、普遍概念都由感性形象与概念形象所构成,并具有金字塔式的立体结构。

    Single concept and Universal Concept , made up of perceptual images and conceptual images , are generalized and characterized with pyramid-like solid structure .

  2. 传统逻辑中专名和限定摹状词都是单独概念,在谓词逻辑中则被称为个体词。

    Proper names and definite descriptions are singular conceptions in traditional logic , while they are named as singular terms in predicate logic .

  3. 比赛,模拟,和指示是单独的概念。

    Game , simulation , and instruction are separate concepts .

  4. 轻便线程可以(而且通常应该)比单独的概念性操作规模更大。

    Weightless threads can , and usually should , be larger-scale than a single conceptual operation .

  5. 首先一个,我们称之为显式接口(ExplicitInterface),它本质上是一个分离单独接口的概念,将它完全从它的实现中解耦。

    The first is what we have termed Explicit Interface , which in essence is the notion of factoring out a separate interface , decoupling it fully from its implementation .

  6. 本文主要检测了通常被单独研究的几个概念在现实中的共同作用。

    The work in this volume examines the real-world confluence of several concepts that are too often studied in isolation from each other .