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  • negative concept
负概念[fù gài niàn]
  1. 用负阻概念设计石英晶体Colpitts振荡电路

    Colpitts Quartz Crystal Oscillator Circuit Designed from the Concept of Negative Resistance

  2. 电负性概念1932年由著名化学家Pauling提出,它表示分子中的原子将电子吸引向自身的能力。

    The concept of electronegativity ( EN ) was proposed by Pauling in 1932 , which describes " the power of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons to itself " .

  3. 元素电负性概念的发展和应用

    The Development And Application Of The Concept Of Elemental Electronegative

  4. 从电负性概念看化学键

    Viewpoints on Chemical Bond in the Concept of Electric Negative

  5. 最后根根熵减少原理得出的负熵概念,进一步说明了人吃饭与获得负熵是辩证统一的。

    Finally , according to this principle , the concept of negative entropy is formed .

  6. 简述了负能量概念从作为物理的辅助计算手段到成为有实在的物理概念的发展过程。

    The paper briefly describes the process of the negative energy concept evolving from physics-aided calculation to substantial physics concept .

  7. 利用负熵概念研究了生态系统的演替规律,并从中得到了一些有益的启示和结论。

    The succession laws of ecological system is studied with the aid of negentropy , some helpful inspirations and conclusions have been gotten from it .

  8. 因此,或许有意思的是,当我3月份访问东京时,当地商人宣称中国GDP负增长的概念几乎是不可能之事。

    It is perhaps interesting therefore that when I visited Tokyo in March the local businessmen pronounced the notion of negative Chinese GDP growth as a near impossibility .

  9. 发明负外部性概念的经济学家阿瑟塞西尔皮古(ArthurCecilPigou),肯定在天堂的某个地方露出了笑容。

    Somewhere in the heavens , Arthur Cecil Pigou , the economist who invented the concept of negative externalities , must be smiling .

  10. 在短视的理性预期均衡(myopicREE)理论框架下,引入负红利的概念,证明土地价格在实际贴现率下是一个贴现鞅。

    Based on the theory of myopic REE , this paper introduces " negative dividend " into analyzing the land bubble . It is proved that the land price is a discount martingale under the real discount rate .

  11. 负利率的概念似乎骇人听闻想象一下,我们存自己的钱还必须付费!

    The idea seems shocking imagine having to pay to save your own money !

  12. 通过引入负熵的概念,把思维创新过程定量化。

    By introduction of the notion of negentropy , it quantifies the process of thinking creativity .

  13. 第一章论述了文化负迁移的概念、分类及产生的原因。

    Chapter one deals with the definition , classification and the origins of the cultural negative transfer .

  14. 并根据打桩引起的桩负摩阻力概念对两类桩基沉降差异的机制作了分析。

    And the mechanism causing the difference is also analyzed based on the concept of negative frictional resistance .

  15. 从而得出,负升力再入概念在提高有效载荷上明显优越于正升力再入概念。

    Therefore , the concept of return flight using negative lift is superior to the one using positive lift .

  16. 我想退一步,再次提出负排放的概念。

    I want to step back , and I want to bring up the concept of negative emissions again .

  17. 结果:本次调查744%的冠心病患者为中度正性自我概念得分者,256%为中度负性自我概念得分者。

    Results : 74.4 % patients were moderate positive self-concept owners , while 25.6 % patients were moderate negative self-concept owners .

  18. 本文对旅游零团费、负团费的概念及其发展现状进行了分析;

    The writers of this paper firstly analyze the conception of the No charge tour and minus fee tour and their present situation .

  19. 讨论负熵的概念、性质及其意义,介绍负熵理论在管理学、经济学和地球生态中的应用。

    The paper discuss the conception of negentropy , its character and significance . And it introduces the application of negentropy theory in management science , economics and earth ecology .

  20. 通过比较宇宙大爆炸的温度和负温度的概念,对自然界中热平衡态下可能达到的最高温度和负温度的物理意义进行了讨论。

    By making a comparison between the concepts of temperature and negative temperature in the cosmic explosion , this paper discusses the physical meaning of the maximum temperature and the negative temperature which can be achieved in the natural thermal balance condition .

  21. 借鉴数值方法中梯度方法的思想,引进了广义负梯度方向的概念,给出了一种基于广义负梯度方向的MonteCarlo方法&GGMC方法。

    The concept of general gradient was introduced into the original Monte Carlo method , and an improved Monte Carlo method based on general negative gradient was proposed .

  22. 首先,本文针对负商誉的有关概念进行相关介绍。

    First , we introduced the related concept of negative goodwill .

  23. 基于成本和电量之间的函数关系提出辅助服务管理中负所得电量的概念及其补偿方法。

    Based on the function between cost and electricity quantity , the concept of negative income electricity and its compensation are introduced to the management of ancillary service .

  24. 那么,当我们在讨论电负性这一概念的时候,本质上我们讨论的是一个原子的吸引能力,用来吸引另一个原子的电子密度的。

    So , when we 're talking about the idea of electronegativity , essentially what we 're talking about is the ability for an atom to attract electron density from another atom .

  25. 根据微观经济学理论并结合环境科学提出了负价值物质的概念,指出无论从使用价值,还是从稀缺性衡量,其价值均为负值。

    In this paper the concept of minus value matter has been put forward according to microeconomics combined with environmental science , whose value is minus no matter how it is weighed by use value or scarcity .

  26. 进而探讨了国际上船价波动与国内船价上升的原因,据而提出了负无形损耗的概念以及定量分析的方法。

    Furthermore , the paper approaches the subject of the fluctuation in foreign ship price , and the rise in domestic ship price . Then , advances a concept of " negative invisible wear and tear ", and it 's quantative analysis method .

  27. 基于普通多目标模糊优化设计问题的研究,给出了正理想点和负理想点的概念及其定义,提出了一种基于理想点的多目标优化设计模糊判决。

    Based on the study of common multi target fuzzy optimal designing problems , the concept of positive ideal point and negative ideal point and its definition are given out . A kind of fuzzy judgement of multi target optimal design based on ideal point was put forward .

  28. 在对负阻元器件特性进行研究和分析的基础上引出负阻效应的概念,对负阻效应产生方式和原理进行了论述。

    Based on the research on the characteristic of the dynatron component and parts of an apparatus , the concept of dynatron effect was educed , and the engendering mode and principle was discussed .