
  • 网络xiang-thinking;imaginal thought;concrete thought
  1. 象思维是中华传统文化的一种主要思维方式。

    Xiang-thinking is the main mode thinking of Chinese traditional culture .

  2. 象思维乃中国传统思维方式的经典对中国传统文化的衍生产生了重大的影响。

    As a typical way of traditional thinking model , Xiang-Thinking has produced a significant impact on the derivative of Chinese traditional culture .

  3. “象思维”视野下的“易道”

    The " principles conceived in Yi " under the vision of image-thinking

  4. “象思维”是中国的传统思维方式。

    " Image thinking " is the traditional thinking mode of China .

  5. 象思维:以电影中的风景为例

    Thinking in Terms of Images : Taking Scenery in Films as an Example

  6. 汉语词语修辞的象思维特征

    The image-based thinking features of Chinese lexical rhetoric

  7. 象思维在歌唱训练中的体现形式与功能

    A Study on the Approaches and Functions of Image Thinking in Vocal Music Training

  8. 以意象思维取代了事象思维。

    Replace material thinking with image thinking .

  9. 空间象思维观照了庞德翻译和创作的互动关系。

    The spatial image thinking cares about the interaction of Pound 's translation and creation .

  10. “象思维”与概念思维可以互补而不能替代。

    " Image thought " and concept thinking is complementary , but not substitutional to each other .

  11. “象思维”是对中国传统思维方式基本内涵和特征的概括。

    " Image thought " is a summary for the basic contents and features of Chinese traditional thinking mode .

  12. 如今,象思维也广泛地应用于文学、美学、教育学、管理学等领域。

    Nowadays , xiang thinking is also widely used in literature , aesthetics , pedagogy , management and other fields .

  13. 中医学通过象思维方法建构了以《黄帝内经》为代表的中医理论体系。

    Chinese medicine through the construction of the " Yellow Emperor " became Chinese medicine theory of the way of xiang thinking .

  14. 中西比较视野下的象思维&回归原创之思

    The " Image Thought " in the View of Comparison between the Western and the Oriental & Return to the Primitive Thinking

  15. 然而,象思维的界说目前还不够完善。

    However , the definition of " image thinking " is yet to perfected and knowledge about it is yet to be deepened .

  16. 结合目前国内象思维研究的发展现状,对象思维及其特点进行了初步的探讨。

    Referring to the status quo of the development of Xiang thinking , the definition and the characteristics of Xiang thinking are tentatively discussed .

  17. 象思维的实现过程是一个信息加工的过程,其实现过程可从模式识别理论和问题解决理论得到较好地阐释。

    The xiang thinking is a process of information processing . It can be explained with the theory of pattern recognition and problem solving .

  18. 汉字作为一种特殊的空间象思维,也可以其图像意义分解为译诗的诗行。

    As a particular category of spatial image thinking , Chinese characters can be split into English poetic lines based on their picture meaning .

  19. 应该指出,象思维的思维器官即中国传统文化中所谓的心。

    It is important to point out that the thinking organ of " image thinking " is the " heart " as held by Chinese traditional culture .

  20. 象思维是汉民族思维的一大特色,它体现在汉文化的各个方面,在汉字中尤为突出。

    Image thinking is the main part of thinking of the Han nationality and can be found in every aspect of Chinese culture especially in Chinese characters .

  21. 他的晚期著述的诗意表达,可以说是超越概念思维局限而呈现的一种象思维的西方现代版。

    The poetic expression of his works in his later years is a contemporary western version of " image thinking " by transcending the limitation of conceptual thinking .

  22. 在各种形式的空间象思维的框架内,意象在译诗中的组合方式也各不相同,呈现为不同的意义和美学价值。

    In the framework of various types of spatial image thinking , the images are differently combined in the translated poems and subsequently they have different meaning and aesthetic value .

  23. 象思维是汉字形成的重要理据,同时汉字也巩固了象思维在汉民族思维中的地位。

    The forming of Chinese characters mainly bases on image thinking and at same time Chinese characters strengthen the status of image thinking among the thinking of the Han nationality .

  24. 汉字创造中凝聚成的象思维、主体思维和合体思维直接蕴育出了中国设计思维。

    The thinking in images , the subject thinking , and the integral thinking , coming from the creation of the Chinese characters , give birth directly to the thinking of Chinese designs .

  25. 从心理表象到情感意象的转化,情感意象的诞生是心象思维运行的最终结果。

    The process of thought in imagism way includes two transformations , first objective mental image to subjective image , then subjective image to emotional image , which is the end of the process .

  26. 人文教育必须尊重、继承和回归中华人文的优秀传统,发挥象思维的教育智慧,走出片面强调概念思维的教育泥潭。

    Humanism education must respect , inherit and return the excellent traditions of Chinese humanism exert excellent educational intelligence and get out of the educational " mire " of putting undue emphasis on conceptual thinking .

  27. 取象思维作为易学文化精神在现代思维方式中极具价值的部分,对材料型议论文的写作具有指导意义。

    Thinking mode by adopting images is the extremely valuable part of cultural spirit of The Book of Changes adopted by modern thinking modes , and has an instructive significance to the writing of material argumentation .

  28. 取象思维是《周易》中典型的思维方式,这种思维方式是指在思维过程中不离开物象而以想象为媒介直接比附推论出一个抽象事理的思维方法。

    The thinking mode by adopting images is typical in The Book of Changes , which depends on images in the course of thinking , taking imagination as a medium and deducing an abstract conclusion by analogies .

  29. “象思维”是比理性的逻辑的概念思维更加基础和本原性的思维方式,具有“原发创生性”和保持动态整体平衡的特性。

    " Image thought " is a thinking mode which is more fundamental and original than the rational and logical concepts , so is has the feature of being " original creative " and keeping dynamic and overall balance .

  30. 《诗经》中的取象思维方式&《易》学文化精神及其现代价值讨论之二试论王勃的易学时命观及对其文学创作的影响

    Influence of the Book of Changes on the Book of Songs in the Mode of Thinking An Exploratory Examination on the Idea of Fate Adopted by Wang Bo from Studies on The Book of Changes and Its Influence upon His Literary Creation