
  • 网络Ganesh Chaturthi;Elephant God Festival
  1. 象头神节是印度重要的宗教节日之一。

    Genesha 's is one of important religion holiday in India .

  2. 孟买最著名的沙滩GirgaonChaupati上渣滓物细菌是健康标准的四倍,其他沙滩的情况更糟。另外,孟买每年都会在沙滩上举办象头神节。

    Girgaon Chaupati , Mumbai 's most popular beach , has four times the acceptable limit of fecal bacteria . Other beaches are worse.Despite the pollution , Mumbai 's beaches still receive much use , particularly for the city 's annual Ganesh Chaturthi celebration .