
xiànɡ yá huì zhuó mù niǎo
  • ivory-billed woodpecker
  1. 曾有人在东南部的沼泽森林一带时发现过象牙喙啄木鸟。

    The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states .

  2. 学术界最后一次对一只北美大陆象牙喙啄木鸟发布的广为认同的报告是在1944年的路易斯安那州。

    The last undisputed report of an ivory-billed woodpecker in continental North America was in Louisiana in1944 .

  3. 就在同时,希尔听到了象牙喙区别于其它啄木鸟的独特的“双击”声。

    At the same time , hill says , he heard a " double knock " - the unusual pecking sound that distinguishes the ivory-bill from other types of woodpeckers .

  4. 风在林间吹过,叶子微微作着声响。岭上啄木鸟在波波地敲着树子。就在同时,希尔听到了象牙喙区别于其它啄木鸟的独特的“双击”声。

    Leaves rustled lightly in the wind and woodpeckers tapped at tree trunks . At the same time , Hill says , he heard a " double knock " - the unusual pecking sound that distinguishes the ivory-bill from other types of woodpeckers .