
  • 网络ZSL;The Zoological Society of London;Zoological Society of London ZSL
  1. 英国伦敦动物学会的科学家们表示,暴露在含有多氯联苯的环境下的港湾鼠海豚睾丸较小,这表明多氯联苯对其精子数和生殖能力有所影响。

    Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .

  2. 来自伦敦动物学会的SamTurvey博士是这个研究团队的一员,他对BBC说:因为栖息地的减少、偷猎以及人口数量的过度增长,这个区域的许多物种数量都在减少或频临灭绝。

    Dr Sam Turvey from the Zoological Society of London who was part of the team studying the apes told BBC News : " In this area so many species have declined or gone extinct because of habitat loss hunting and general human overpopulation .

  3. “人们并不关心生物多样性。”美国大自然保护协会的CraigLeisher在英国伦敦动物学会举办的“连接生物多样性保护和减贫:什么、为什么以及如何”的会议上说。

    The meeting , 'Linking biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction : what , why and how ? 'which was held at the UK 's Zoological Society of London .

  4. 该由世界自然基金会、伦敦动物学会和环球足迹网络共同完成报告指出,英国人资源的消耗量远远仍然超出了地球的的供应量。

    And the report , from the WWF , the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network , said that British people are still consuming far more than the Earth can cope with .

  5. 伦敦动物学会的科学总监肯诺里斯教授说:生物多样性的不断下降,人类赖以生存的生态环境持续遭到破坏,这都为我们敲响了警钟。

    Professor Ken Norris , director of science at Zoological Society of London ( ZSL ), said : The scale of biodiversity loss and damage to the very ecosystems that are essential to our existence is alarming .