
  1. 今天伦敦证券市场一片混乱。

    The London Stock Exchange is in turmoil today .

  2. 伦敦证券市场上的股价下跌。

    Share fall on the london market .

  3. 因此,方莺很难称得上是一位传统意义上的首席执行官。目前,她领导着一家利基型投资银行,帮助中国公司在伦敦证券市场上市。

    Then again , Ying Fang , whose niche investment bank helps Chinese companies list on the London stock market , is hardly your conventional CEO .

  4. 加速追踪产品在伦敦证券市场挂牌交易,可以像普通股票一样委托股票经纪人买卖,并具有无须缴纳印花税的优点。

    Accelerated trackers are listed on the London stock market and are dealt just like ordinary shares through a stockbroker , although with the advantage that no stamp duty is payable when buying .

  5. 这个基金现已关闭,他有10年的生命期,并且伦敦证券交易市场上市。

    The Fund , which is closed-end , has a10 year life and is listed on the London Stock Exchange .