
  • 网络Index Tracking
  1. 基于支持向量机的金融市场指数追踪技术研究

    A Research on SVM Based Financial Market Index Tracking Technology

  2. 资产管理公司和银行正大举推出多种与大宗商品有关的投资产品:基金、交易所交易基金(ETF)、指数追踪基金(tracker),以及各种结构化投资产品。

    Asset managers and banks are rolling out a wide range of commodity-linked investment products : funds , ETFs , trackers , and all kinds of structured products .

  3. 该指数追踪新增贷款、发电量和铁路货运量。

    The index tracks new loans , electricity production and railway cargo .

  4. 标准普尔500指数追踪记录美国最具价值的500家上市公司的数据。

    The S & P 500 index tracks the most valuable 500 companies listed on US stock markets .

  5. 道琼斯可持续发展指数追踪全球领先的以可持续发展能力为推动力的公司的经济、环境与社会表现。

    The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes track the economic , environmental and social performance of leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide .

  6. 由于可交易指数追踪基金市场的飞速发展带来了惨烈的竞争,基金发起机构更加难以弥补经营成本,有些基金被迫清盘。

    Cut-throat competition in the fast-growing market for tradable index-tracking funds is making it harder for sponsors to cover costs and forcing some to close funds .

  7. PMI指数可以追踪工厂和车间的活动,被认为是牵动世界发展的中国经济健康的重要晴雨表。

    The index , which tracks activity in factories and workshops , is considered a key indicator of the health of China 's economy , a major driver of global growth .

  8. 这是最近推出的很多新指数或者追踪基金中的一只。我认为正是这些基金将革新我们的投资理念。

    It 's one of many new index or tracker funds just released that I reckon will revolutionise investing as we know it .

  9. 一些投资者担心,新监管规定将影响他们投资于现有指数所追踪的大宗商品的能力,因为这些指数主要是基于美国交易所的价格。

    Some investors fear the new regulations will hinder their ability to invest in commodities tracked by the existing index , which is largely based on prices from us exchanges .

  10. 对最近提出的一个临界系统,设计了一个非线性控制器,使得系统的第一个状态信号以指数收敛速度追踪任意给定的参考信号;

    A nonlinear feedback controller is designed to make the first state of a new chaotic system track an arbitrary smooth reference signal at an exponential rate .

  11. 此举将把希腊剔除出某些发达市场债券指数,迫使追踪这些指数的基金经理们从投资组合中清除希腊债券。

    The move excludes Greece from some developed market bond indices , forcing fund managers tracking those indices to cleanse their portfolio of Athenian promises to pay .

  12. 用我国沪市1998年和1997年的数据进行实证检验,将资金在组合证券和国债间合理分配,并随着指数的变化追踪调整,从而达到预期目标。

    1998 and 1997 's data of Chinese security market are used as actual example for analysis in this paper . Reasonable asset allocation between portfolio and national debt is done and dynamic adjustment is made with the change of stock index week by week .

  13. 纽约汇市后市交易中,美元指数跌至14个月低点。该指数追踪美元相对于6种主要货币的价值。

    The dollar index , which tracks its value against six major currencies , hit a 14-month low in afternoon trading in New York .

  14. 与2010年初的峰值相比,彭博中国反向并购指数(BloombergChinaReverseMergerIndex)暴跌了68%。该指数追踪在纽约上市的82家中国公司。

    Dozens have been delisted and the Bloomberg China Reverse Merger index , which tracks 82 Chinese companies listed in New York , has tumbled 68 per cent from its peak at the start of 2010 .

  15. 指数提供商富时(ftse)开发了两个指数,用以追踪东盟某些最大型企业的表现。

    FTSE , the index provider , had developed two indices that track the performance of some of the largest companies in ASEAN .

  16. 中国内地股市的预期市盈率已升至14.8倍,相比之下,摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数(MSCIChinaindex)的预期市盈率为10.8倍。该指数追踪在中国内地之外上市的中国股票。

    The price-to-forward-earnings ratio for mainland shares has risen to 14.8 times , compared with 10.8 times for the MSCI China , an index of shares listed outside the mainland .

  17. 目前约有6个供应商提供艺术品市场指数,如毕加索(Picasso)指数或大师级作品(OldMasters)指数,追踪艺术家及艺术流派多年来的行情表现。

    There are now about half a dozen players offering art market indices that track the performance of artists and genres of art over time , such as a Picasso index , or an Old Masters index .