
  • 网络Innovation Index
  1. 研究了科技创新指数对人均GDP水平和GDP增长的作用,对影响科技创新指数的因素进行了实证分析。结果表明,科技创新指数对人均GDP与GDP的增长均呈现正的推动作用;

    This paper studies on the influence of sci-tech innovation index on the level of GDP per person and the growth of GDP , and makes positive analysis on the factors influencing the sci-tech innovation index .

  2. 英国NESTA创新指数模型的分析结果佐证了创新对经济增长的重要性。

    The results of Innovation Index model by NESTA of Britain corroborated the importance of innovation on economic growth .

  3. 中国在2020年“全球创新指数”中保持第14位,是前30名中唯一的中等收入经济体。

    China retains 14th place in the 2020 Global Innovation Index , remaining the only middle-income economy among the 30 top-ranking countries .

  4. 法国欧洲工商管理学院全球指数执行董事兼《2018年全球创新指数报告》的联合主编布鲁诺·朗文表示,贸易战对任何国家都没有好处。

    Bruno Lanvin , co-editor of GII 2018 and Executive Director of Global Indices at INSEAD , a business school based in France , says a trade war benefits no one .

  5. 2001年创新能力指数(UNICI)在99个国家中排名65位。

    UNICI in 2001 ranks 65 among 99 countries .

  6. 本文对世界100多个国家的生活质量指数和国家创新能力指数等进行相关性分析。

    This paper makes a correlation analysis on quality of life index and two indices about national innovation capacity in more than 100 countries .

  7. 运用该模型对家电企业的实际经营数据进行特征选择,去除数据中多余的指标,同时给选中的指标赋权重,从而最终计算出每个企业的创新能力指数。

    Apply this model for feature selection , wipe off redundant targets , endow target weights , and figure out innovation capability exponent of each enterprise .

  8. 其次运用层次分析法构造判断矩阵,确定出各个单项指标的权重,提出产业技术创新水平指数、发展指数和协调指数,对产业技术创新能力进行综合评价;

    Then it makes sure the proportion of every index by the analytic hierarchy process and makes the evaluation on the technological innovation of industry by the level index , development index and harmony index .

  9. 华尔街市场交易屡创新高道琼斯指数飙升了超过200个百分点

    trading on Wall Street markets breaks records , the Dow Jones Index rises more than 200 percent .

  10. 城市创新效率的Malmquist指数测算及差异分析

    Survey of Malmquist Index for the Innovation Efficiency of Cities in China and Difference Analysis

  11. 普通程序员会僵化跟随模式书籍中的指示,就如遵守参考指南一般;专家则明白对模式的创新可能会带来指数级的性能改善。

    Average developers follow patterns books like they are cookbooks , expert developers understand that innovation applied to patterns can lead to exponential performance gains .

  12. 再用所得的指标标准化指数进行加权并求和,最终得到山东省各地区中小企业创新能力的综合指数。

    Then weight and sum the indicators standardization index and get the comprehensive index of innovation capability of SMEs of each area in Shandong Province .

  13. 在分析民营科技企业创新因素的基础上,构建民营科技企业创新能力评价指数,结果显示,人力资源投入比例和科技投入比例是影响民营科技企业总收入的重要因素。

    Based on the analysis of Private Scientific-Technological Enterprise innovation factors , the appraisal index of its innovation ability is constructed . The result shows that the human resources investment proportion and the technical investment proportion are the most important factors influencing the gross income .

  14. 人们展开了不少尝试,试图在更大的经济背景下考察创新,康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)、欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)以及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)创立的“全球创新指数”(GlobalInnovationIndex)就是其中之一。

    One attempt of many to try to look at innovation in a wider economic context is the Global Innovation Index , created by Cornell University , Insead , the business school , and the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) .