
chuànɡ kě tiē
  • adhesive bandage;sticking plaster;plaster
  1. 她的脚踝上贴着创可贴。

    She had a Band-Aid on her ankle .

  2. 但要做好准备哦!你手中的MP3播放器马上就要变小很多了,具体点儿说,就是变得像创可贴那么小。

    But get ready for the MP3 player in your hand to get much smaller , the size of a Band-Aid , to be specific .

  3. 由于无法扩容至必需的规模,欧洲最大的救助基金、高达4400亿欧元的欧洲金融稳定基金(EuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility)昨晚最终宣告无法为欧元区带来稳定,最大的一块创可贴也正式失效。

    The largest attempted fix , the 440 billion euro European financial stability facility , finally fell off last night , after the fund announced that it would not be able to lever up to a level that could actually bring stability to the eurozone .

  4. 医用水刺敷料主要包括以下几种:伤口敷料,包扎纱布、绷带,外科纱布,眼科专用纱布,自粘性敷料,口罩纱布,创可贴,消毒包纱布,X射线寻踪纱布,药物膏贴,医用胶带等等。

    Spun laced medical compresses includes mainly : wound compress , binding gauze , bandages , surgical gauze , eye gauze , self-stock compress , masks gauze , Wound Plaster , disinfectant gauze , X-ray detectable gauze , medical paster , medical adhesive tape , etc.

  5. 1920年,为了把妻子Josephine做饭过程中反复弄伤的手包起来防止感染,Johnson和他的雇员EarleDickson发明了世界上第一个创可贴。

    In 1920 , Johnson and Johnson employee Earle Dickson created the first bandage to cover the frequent burns and cuts his wife Josephine inflicted on herself while cooking .

  6. 现年六岁的基奥瓦·卡沃维特(KiowaKavovit)是3月14日那期节目的参赛者,他推销的是一款有多种颜色可选的液体防水创可贴BooBooGoo。

    Kiowa Kavovit , who was six years old in the March 14 episode , pitched Boo Boo Goo , a waterproof , liquid bandage available in many colors .

  7. 她仍在探索Piñatex的其它潜在用途,包括制成抗菌创可贴(该材料的透气性很好)和房屋的绝缘材料。

    She is also looking into other possible uses for Pi ñ atex , including anti-bacterial wound bandages , as the material would allow air to circulate to an injury , and insulation for homes .

  8. 这些纳米纤维缠绕在一起就形成了智能创可贴。

    The nanofibers were then interwoven to create the smart bandage .

  9. 用邦迪牌消毒弹性创可贴牵拉法代替伤口缝合

    Fixation of Wound by " Band-Aid " Bandage in Place of Suture

  10. 你能给我开点邦迪创可贴和一些药吗?

    Could you send up a band-aid and some medicine ?

  11. 不用担心——蜂蜜干了会形成天然的创可贴。

    Don 't worry -- honey dries to form a natural one .

  12. 贴上创可贴就好了。

    It will be OK right after applying the bandage .

  13. 就像撕下创可贴一样,照直做吧。

    Like a Band-Aid , just rip it off .

  14. 护踝套和创可贴长带在身上,有时候穿上袜子也可以缓解疼痛。

    Anklets and plasters helped , or sometimes socks .

  15. 她将这项工程称之为“创可贴式的补救”,并不能成为长远的解决方案。

    She called the project a " Band-Aid " rather than a long-termsolution .

  16. 它可以像邦迪创可贴一样直接粘在皮肤上。

    It could stick to your skin like you would attach a Band-Aid .

  17. 银行业的问题亟需外科手术式的治疗,而不是“创可贴”式的利率调整。

    The banking problem calls for surgical treatment , not interest rate Band-Aids .

  18. 等一下下,我给你粘个创可贴。

    Wait one teensy-weensy minute and I 'll put a band-aid on it .

  19. 浅谈创可贴的设计、生产及发展趋势

    Design , manufacture and development trend of bandage

  20. 带一些创可贴,确保是防水的。

    Take a selection of plasters , and make sure that they are waterproof .

  21. 还要备一些阿司匹林,邦迪创可贴和针线。

    Also , invest in some Asperin , Band-Aids and a needle and thread .

  22. 我决定不要创可贴,继续前行。

    I resolved to proceed without the Bandaids .

  23. 创可贴——我在哪儿看到的?

    Band-Aids - where had I seen them ?

  24. 我觉得我的眼睛需要创可贴。

    I think my eyes need band-aids .

  25. 还有放点阿司匹林创可贴,还要有针线

    Also , invest in some aspirin , Band-Aids , and a needle and thread .

  26. 但这伤痛依旧,创可贴或者诗歌也不能修复。

    There is hurt , here , that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry .

  27. 噢,爸爸弄得很好呀,超人创可贴,真不赖。

    Oh dad did a great job on these cuts ... Superman bandaids - the works .

  28. 牙签,橡皮圈,创可贴,铅笔,橡皮,口香糖,薄荷,棒棒糖,茶包。

    Toothpick , Rubber Band , Band Aid , Pencil , Eraser , Chewing Gum , Mint .

  29. 她抱住女孩说:谢谢,这个创可贴会治好我的伤口的。

    She hugged the girl and said , Thank you . This band-aid will cure my wound .

  30. 我是那种想打开“邦迪创可贴”,却把手划破了的人。

    I 'm the kind of person who 'd get a paper cut trying to open a Band-Aide .