
  • 网络Venture capital enterprises;VC Investment Firm;Venture Firm
  1. 促进创业投资企业发展税收政策解读

    Interpretation of policy of promoting venture investment companies to develop tax

  2. 论我国创业投资企业税收激励制度的完善

    Study on Tax Incentive System of Venture Capital Enterprise in China

  3. 《创业投资企业管理暂行办法》解读

    Notes on Provisional Rules of Administration of Venture Investment Companies

  4. 中外创业投资企业联合投资模式探讨

    Study on the Joint Investment Pattern of the Chinese and Foreign Venture Capital Firm

  5. 创业投资企业的控制权配置与非效率投资行为

    Research on Inefficient Investment Behavior and Allocation of Control Rights in Venture Capital Backed Companies

  6. 文章结合《外商投资中国创业投资企业管理规定》对四个方面进行了分析。

    It analyses four points in accordance with the supervision rule to the foreign investment venture capital enterprise .

  7. 在此基础上,对中国创业投资企业的会计制度改革提出了相应的建议。

    Based on this , the paper further discusses the reform on accounting system of venture capital enterprises in China .

  8. 在这种情况下,有限责任合伙人制的创业投资企业可以享受2007年通知规定的税收优惠政策。

    In such case , the foreign funded Start-up Investment Enterprise as Limited Liability Partnership might enjoy the preferential tax treatment under the2007 Notice .

  9. 依据2007年通知,有限责任合伙人制的创业投资企业是否同样享受税收优惠政策没有明确规定。

    According to the2007 Notice , whether the Start-up Investment Enterprise as Limited Liability Partnership will also enjoy the tax preferential treatment is not very clear .

  10. 本文对外商投资创业投资企业法律制度的研究正契合了这一主题。

    In this article , we research on the legal system of foreign venture capital investing institution , which is just corresponding to this newest trend .

  11. 研究表明创业投资企业的发展是各经济强国经济发展的重要的源泉,然而我国目前缺乏合理的创投激励合约引导创投的发展。

    The researches show that the development of venture capitals is essential to developed economies ; while our country lacks appropriate incentives to guide the development of venture capitals .

  12. 创业投资企业所面临的风险明显高于其他企业,并且对一国高新技术的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    The venture capital enterprise play a vital role in the high-tech development of a country , and the risk they faced is significantly higher than that of the other enterprises .

  13. 通过引入控制权转移和监督成本变量,分析了控制权的安排对创业投资企业的非效率投资行为的影响,认为投资不足和投资过度现象之间存在着一种松散的交替关系。

    The effects of the allocation of the control rights on the inefficient investment behavior are analyzed and some ambiguous substitute relationship between two investment behavior is found in the update model .

  14. 从创业投资看企业创业的本质

    See Through the Essence of Enterprise Pioneering Work from the View of Venture Capital

  15. 创业投资注入企业的不仅仅是资本,还会为企业带来一系列的增值服务。

    Venture Capital injection is not only the capital , will provide a range of value-added services .

  16. 到2005年中期,在我国利用创业投资的企业中,出现了农业类公司104家,其业务范围涵盖了大农业的诸多方面。

    By the middle of the year of 2005 , there have been 104 agriculture venture invested enterprises in China .

  17. 通过对创业投资、企业能力理论、公司治理等的详细回顾,找出现有研究的不足。

    By reviewing details of venture capital , firm capability theory and corporate governance , shortcomings in researches can be found .

  18. 事实上,如果没有创业投资对企业的大力扶持,高新技术的产业化将会是一个艰难而漫长的历程。

    In fact , high-tech industrialization will go through a difficult and lengthy road without the strong support from venture capital for enterprises .

  19. 而从国外的研究现状来看,近年来,创业投资对企业成长的促进作用是一个研究热点问题,许多学者对此进行了研究并取得了具有理论意义和实践意义的研究结论。

    Research from abroad in recent years , venture capital role in promoting the growth of enterprises is a hot topic , many scholars have conducted research and made a theoretical and practical significance of research findings .

  20. 研究的主要内容与结论包括:(1)通过综述创业投资对企业成长的影响,认为创业投资对企业成长的促进机制存在理论依据和经验支持。

    The main contents and conclusions of the study include : ( 1 ) The promotion mechanism of venture capital to firm growth is considered to have theoretical basis and empirical support , through overview of the impact of venture capital on firm growth .

  21. 进而通过构建一个多元线性回归模型(面板数据)对创业投资影响企业经营绩效的因素进行了分析,包括创业投资机构的声誉、创投持股比例总和、创投投资时间等。

    Then by building a multiple linear regression model ( panel data ), analyzing the factors that influenced venture capital business performance , including the reputation of venture capital institutions , the proportion of the total venture capital holding , venture capital investment time and so on .

  22. 创业投资支持的企业海外IPO市场绩效研究

    The Overseas IPO Performance of VC-backed Enterprises

  23. 创业投资与风险企业资本结构安排

    Venture Capital and the Capital Structure Arrangement in a Risky Enterprise

  24. 创业投资与家族企业转型

    Venture Capital and Transition of Family Business

  25. 创业投资影响中小企业的生存与发展,政府引导创业投资是实现扶持中小企业的有效方式。

    Venture Capital ( VC ) affects the survival and development of SMEs , and governmental guide to VC is an effective way of supporting SMEs .

  26. 作为创业投资与中小企业之间的中介服务桥梁,科技企业孵化器应该如何更好地发挥其投融资中介服务功能、帮助小型企业解决资金需求关系重大。

    The answer of how technology business incubators should better perform their functions of intermediary investment and financing services in helping small businesses solve their cash needs is at stake .

  27. 加强与社会中介机构、社会公益性机构、政府、投融资机构、其他创业投资、大型企业、医药企业服务机构的合作,逐步整合这些资源,提高创业投资与孵化器的服务能力。

    Strengthen the relationship among the service agencies , social public-spirited organizations , government , investment organizations , other venture capitals , and the medicine business service organizations , integrate these resources gradually , and raise the service ability of venture capital and business incubator .

  28. 最后本文从创业投资机构、创业企业、投资者和政府机构四个角度出发就如何降低创业板中企业的IPO抑价程度,提出几点相关建议。

    Finally , this paper put forward some relevant suggestions from the perspective of venture capital institutions , entrepreneurs , investors and government agencies to reduce IPO underpricing .

  29. 创业投资机构对于高科技企业的发展与成长有着重要的意义。

    Venture capital institutions play an important role in the growth and development of high-technology companies .

  30. 创业投资通过扶持高科技企业的成长促进了国民经济飞速发展。

    Venture capital investments promote the growth of the rapid development of the national economy by supporting the high-tech enterprises .