
  • 网络Creating Methods
  1. 我想使用LINQ到对象的查询,以减少循环,创造方法。

    I thought of using LINQ to object query to reduce the looping and create method .

  2. 下个月,第二部分将提供关于创造方法内容和过程的更详细信息,包括指导和对RMC支持的不同形式的指导的评述。

    Next month , Part Two will provide even more details about authoring method content and processes , including guidance and a review of the different forms of guidance supported by RMC .

  3. 家具形态设计中的空间创造方法探析

    Discussion of Space Creation Method in Form Design about Furniture

  4. 新词与传媒的共生效应及其创造方法

    On the Creation Methods of Neologisms and Symbiotic Effect between Neologisms and Media

  5. 建议运用体验式服装设计的创造方法去思考和实践。

    It suggests to think and practice by use of such an apparel designing .

  6. 用户和市场的创造方法。

    Methods of creating user and market .

  7. 但没有哪种预防措施是完美的,骗子们善于创造方法,绕过看上去万无一失的安全措施。

    But no method of prevention is perfect , and crooks are ingenious at inventing ways round what appears to be foolproof security .

  8. 创新思维学理论的梳理与创造方法的思路理清将对设计艺术的创作有着具指导性的重要作用。

    Theory of innovative thinking and creative ways of sorting out the idea of clarifying the design of artistic creation will have a guiding role .

  9. 以哲学、社会学和现代技术为思想基础和手段,用艺术的创造方法来解决现实问题,将成为工业设计努力的主方向。

    We will solve the actual problems on the basis of technique , philosophy and mankind 's sociology , and by using the method of art as trunk , which will become the main direction of design .

  10. 最后一章是通过这几年在表演教学中的经验及对各个流派的研究后的一个总结,阐述了我自己对于性格化创造方法的一些认识与运用。

    The final chapter is through these years of experience in performing and teaching in various schools of study on a summary to explain the character of my own to create some understanding and application of methods .

  11. 通过对城市水处理厂建筑及景观环境特点的分析,并结合我国的现状,提出了城市水处理厂的建筑设计及景观环境创造方法,并就存在的一些问题进行有益的探讨。

    Through the analysis for the architecture space and environmental landscape of the water treatment plant in the city , have suggested it creation method and for some existent problems , it is going to be beneficial discuss .

  12. 批判现实主义继承了传统现实主义的创造方法,通过客观描写典型环境的代表人物刻画细节的真实来加强批判效果。

    Critical realism succeeded the literary method of traditional realism to enhance the critical effect , which was characterized by the verisimilitude of details derived from observation and objective description of the representative character in a typical circumstance .

  13. 显然,零售业再创造的方法并非线上线下零售之间简单的一场血战。

    It is becoming increasingly clear that retail reinvention isn 't a simple battle to the death between bricks and clicks .

  14. TS:创造这个方法用了一个月,但我想你不是指这个。

    TS : The writing of the approach took a month but I don 't think that is what you are talking about .

  15. 本文对BergerandBouwman(2009)所构建的银行流动性创造衡量方法进行适当修正,使之更适应我国的实际情况。

    This paper amends the measure method of bank liquidity creation which is established by Berger and Bouwman ( 2009 ), and makes it more adapt to the real situation of our country .

  16. 开展实践,培养创造思维方法。

    Put it into practice and foster ways of creative thinking .

  17. 创造工程方法在决策程序中的应用&一种非定量化决策方法的探讨

    Application of the method of creative project in the sequence of policy & making

  18. 于是,科技工作者创造种种方法,力图提高激光准直系统的测量精度。

    So technician try to improve precision of laser collimation system in many ways .

  19. 因此有必要创造新方法,使其能用控制多边形的方法来表示。

    Consequently , we need to create new method which can represent Archimedes helix with control polygon .

  20. 有意歧义在社会交往中有着积极作用,并可运用再创造的方法对有意歧义进行翻译。

    Intentional ambiguity has a positive effect in social communication and it can be translated in a creative way .

  21. 证实了分解综合是一种有效的创造设计方法。

    Therefore , it is proven that the decomposition synthesis is one of the effective methods in creative design .

  22. 本文拟从对古人相关意境学说的读解,就意境的存在方式及其多样性进行论述;并通过对音乐作品个案的分析,探索音乐表演艺术中意境创造的方法和途径。

    With a case study of a musical work , the writer discusses the approaches to the creation of artistic conception in musical performance .

  23. 我打算今年在建设基础设施和修复我们破损的移民系统等得到验证的创造工作方法上与国会展开合作。

    And I want to work with Congress this year on proven ways to create jobs , like building infrastructure and fixing our broken immigration system .

  24. 自主学习以学生作为学习的主体,通过学生独立的分析、探索、实践、质疑、创造等方法来实现学习目标。

    In autonomous learning , students , as the center in learning , try to achieve learning goals through independent analysis , exploration , practice , questioning and creation .

  25. 想要利用这一趋势的公司将会积极主动地创造各种方法,来利用这一观点:展示我们的身份是最最普遍也是最最基础的欲望。

    The companies who want to take advantageof this trend will proactively create ways to harness the idea that showcasing our identity is the most human and primary of desires .

  26. 在努力建设一流大学的新形势下,督办工作在高校管理和办公室建设中的作用将进一步突出,需大力加强并积极主动地研究新思路,创造新方法,以更好地适应新形势的需要。

    In the new situation of building the first-class university , the role of supervising and handling will be more prominent in the administering the institution of higher learning and in the administrative af - fairs .

  27. 在高等代数与近世代数教学中进行教法创新,实践创造教育方法,培养学生的创新兴趣,激发学生的创新欲望,以达到培养学生的创新能力。

    Creating new teaching method in higher algebra and modern algebra , practicing the method of creative education , training the students ' creative interest , motivating creative desire , so as to enhance the students ' creative abilities .

  28. 创造性思维是创造性的核心,它包括一切发现新事物、揭示新规律、创立新理论、创造新方法、创作新作品、发明新技术、研制新产品、解决新问题的思维过程。

    It 's also the core of creativity including all the thinking processes : discussing new things , revealing laws , putting forward theories . finding original solutions , creating works , inventing new technologies , developing products and solving new problems .

  29. 第二章从表现派与体验派的表演理论中,找出它们各自关于性格化创造的方法,并根据自己的理解对两个流派各自的方法进行的分析。

    The second chapter from the " expressionist " and " school experience " performance theory , find their own way on the character of creation , and according to their own understanding of the two schools of analysis of each method .

  30. 新形势下,要认真探索高校思想政治教育工作的特点和规律,积极开辟新途径,创造新方法,总结新经验,把工作落到实处。

    In the new situation , it is necessary to conscientiously explore the characteristics and laws of ideological and political education in colleges and universities , vigorously develop new ways , create new methods , summarize new experience , and earnestly implement the work .