- 名history of an undertaking

They don 't like to follow the KISS principle ( keep it simple , stupid ) , which is required to make a business succeed .
History of Making a Career : Complicated , Profound Version
Liu Qing 's An Enterprising History and Chinese Contemporary Literature
Pioneering : Revision Intention and Publishing Nature
Identity Anxiety and Aesthetic Conflict & Re-reading the History of Entrepreneurship from A New Perspective ;
The Imaginations of Ten Gates
Apparently he started already in high school , selling computers out of a friend 's garage .
Disciplined Rural Literary Narration in Contemporary China & a Case Study of Writing and Comment on the History of Pioneering
Between Politics and Daily Life & Comparison and Research of History of Starting An Undertaking and Beginning with Two Eggs
It was a novel by Liu Qing , and it was called " To Build a New Life . "
Chapter 2 makes a comparison between the first edition and the modified edition of " The history of Entrepreneurship " .
From Collectivization Narrative to Personalization Narrative & A Comparison between the Narrative Patterns between " Undertaking History " and " Ordinary World "
The venture may have begun as a way to buy his mom a car , but Cory says he now has even higher hopes .
The Advantages and disadvantages of Revolutionary Narration and Epics & On Novels of the West China in 1950s and 1960s by Taking the Example of Chuang Ye Shi
The changes from the first edition and the original edition of " The history of Entrepreneurship " are mainly caused of the reason " listening to the Party ";
In this article the writer analyzes and delineates the secret of his success : he combined the classical military strategy with modern business war and evolved management strategy from classical strategy .
The narrative in % White Deer Field % indicates that its hero Bai Jiaxuan and that in % The History of Creating A Career % , Yao Shijie are based on the same model in life .
The paper looks into the role of Liu Qing 's An Enterprising History on contemporary Chinese literature as a spiritual and cultural resource in terms of clinging to the homeland complex , pioneering spirit , and so on .
Today I read the friend write book commercial award , in writing the book he began to go to university , love history , history , and what is a failure , to end to give up the course .
By summarizing the external and internal reasons of the canonization of the " Starts an Undertaking History ", the article investigated the interactive effects among the writer , the readers , the work , and the age of the work .
MIT Entrepreneurship Center : Information on the history of entrepreneurship at MIT , class offerings , and how to get involved with the Center and its activities .
In June 2013 , UP Global hosted the Startup Weekend Women 's Edition SF and , with 85 % women , clocked in with the highest number of women ever at a startup weekend .