
  • 网络creative concept;The Creative Idea
  1. 创意概念的外延形成了广告分类的边界模糊,这是广告创意思维前卫发展的必然结果。

    The extension of creative concept formed the boundary of the fuzzy classification advertising , advertising creative thinking is the inevitable result of the development of avant-garde .

  2. 提出阶段以创意概念的提出为标志,确立阶段以指令的发出为标志,实现阶段以物化途径的形成为标志。

    The proposition stage takes proposed creative concept as the symbol , the establishment stage instruction emanation as the symbol , and realization stage the implementation as the symbol .

  3. 自上世纪90年代末的互联网革命以来,许多中国企业成功地吸收了美国的创意概念并实现了其在中国的本地化策略。

    Since the Internet revolution of the late 1990s , many successful companies have been built by taking American ideas and localizing them for China .

  4. 最有趣的是探索这个创意概念,揣摩怎么应用元素,让图像在表意的同时吸引人。

    Martin Juul : Exploring the concept and understanding what elements to use to make the images work and at the same time look appealing .

  5. 本文将服装概念设计定义为用于指导服装新产品开发的时尚创意概念设计,包括风格主题概念,及其对应的色彩、面料、辅料、图案、工艺和款式等概念设计。

    The definition of fashion conceptual design is the fashion creative concepts for guiding the new fashion product development , including the concept of design theme , and the corresponding color , material , accessory , pattern , technique and style design .

  6. 产品广告创意的概念测试方法

    The Concept Test Method on Product Advertising Creativity

  7. 我国引入创意产业概念后,历经十余年,产业发展己取得一定成就。

    After China drew into the creative industries concept one decade ago , the achievement of it is remarkable .

  8. 从事视觉沟通领域有许多专业性的可能,而且设计总是需要表现各种创意和概念。

    Working in the visual communication field offer many professional possibilities and designs are always needed to express any kind of ideas and concepts .

  9. 因此,我们可以从动静两个角度来理解广告创意的概念,静态的广告创意就是创意思维符号化的结果;

    So , we could understand the concept of the advertising creativity from two aspects , one is the static advertising creativity which is the result of creativity thought symbolized ;

  10. 广告创意的概念测试是广告创意研究中的基础流程,从消费者视角归纳创意基础概念,然后进行广告创意。

    The concept test of advertisement originality is the fundamental flow of advertisement originality research , which concludes the basic concepts of originality from the consumer 's view of point .

  11. 根据产品创新专家的统计,每11个认真思索过的创意或概念中,只有3个能得到开发,1.3个投产,最终只有一个能获得成功。

    According to the product experts ' statistic , only three can turn to product development from eleven earnest thinking ideas or concepts . Then 1.3 ideas can turn to production , and finally only one can success .

  12. 本文围绕图形创意的新概念,展开论述。

    This paper focuses on graphics and innovative new concept to start discussion .

  13. 创意城市:概念问题和政策审视

    Creative Cities : Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions

  14. 讨论是要厘清创意、使概念及技术问题更加清晰,而非推导出团体报告。

    Discussion with others is intended to clarify ideas , concepts , and technical questions , not to derive group papers .

  15. 新产品概念开发一般指生成新产品创意、产品概念评估和比选等一系列工作。

    New product concept development is generally considered as a series of work such as the creation ? evaluation and election of new product concept .

  16. 通过对相关文献的梳理,对创意产业的概念、特征和分类进行界定,指出创意产业概念是一个动态集合体概念。

    Defining the concept , characteristics and classifications of creative industries , and pointed out that the concept of creative industries is a dynamic collection of concepts .

  17. 主要是有好的创意性的概念版画作品,无论是在视觉上还是技术上都要有独到的焦点,不要拿概念欺骗消费者不然他们不会买单的。

    Main is a good creative concept pieces , whether in the vision or technology will have the original focus concept , don 't cheat consumers pay or they won 't.

  18. 在介绍其产业背景时,引入创意产业的概念,指出了手机网游所属的产业类别及其有别于一般产业的行业特点。

    In introducing its industrial background , the introduction of the concept of creative industries that the mobile games are related and different from the general industry , industry characteristics .

  19. 第一部分界定了创意扩散的概念和研究范围,指出创意扩散分为知识扩散和产品扩散两个过程。

    Part one gives a brief introduction to Rogers ' innovation diffusion theory and defines the concept of creativity and creativity diffusion . It divides the process of creativity diffusion into product diffusion and knowledge diffusion .

  20. 然后,对创意产业的概念、分类、特征及其生产组织形式和创意企业的概念及特点进行了定性分析,奠定了研究的现实基础。

    Then , this paper makes a qualitative analysis of creative industries ' concept , classification , characteristics and their productive organization forms and of creative industries ' concept and characteristics and this lays a foundation in reality foundation .

  21. 第二部分对文化创意产业的概念、分类、增长因素、企业规模特点等进行系统分析,重点提出文化创意产业的两部类分类&生产性服务部门和消费性服务部门。

    The second part we talk about the concept of creative industries , classification , growth factors , characteristics of enterprise scale system analysis , focusing on cultural and creative industries in the two proposed classification-the production of services and consumer services .

  22. 在1998年英国布莱尔政府首次正式提出创意产业的概念之后,美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡等都致力于加快发展创意产业。

    Blair in 1998 the first time formally proposed the " creative industries " concept , the United States , the European Union , Australia , Japan , South Korea , Singapore and so committed to speed up the development of creative industries .

  23. 艺术是最基本的创意活动,是概念的构思和灵感的体现。

    Art is innovation at its most basic level . Art is conception and inspiration .

  24. 主要考察了与文化创意产业有关的概念和统计范围的界定,指出各种界定的主要差异之处,并根据本文的写作目的选取了概念的称谓及范畴。

    It reviews the concepts and confines of statistics of Creative Industry , and points out the major differences of various definitions .

  25. 本文在文献回顾的基础上,对文化创意产业的相关概念进行梳理,概述其在我国的发展历程。

    Based on the literature review , some relevant concepts with cultural creative industry will be systemized and its development process in China will be outlined .

  26. 自1998年英国政府明确提出创意产业这一概念以来,创意产业在经济发达国家与地区得到迅速发展。

    Since 1998 , British government has explicitly put forward the concept of creative industry . Then , creative industries in the developed countries and regions have developed rapidly .

  27. 共分为五个部分:第一部分是引论,对文化创意产业的相关概念进行了界定和清理,介绍了服装文化创意产业的内容,并讨论了文化创意对服装产业的作用和影响。

    The first chapter gives the correlative concept about Cultural Creative Industries , then introduces the Garment Cultural Creative Industries to reader and discussed the effect of cultural creative to Garment Industry .

  28. 第二部分,介绍珠江三角洲地区创意产业园相关概念,研究对珠江三角洲地区地理、气候特点以及个性鲜明的岭南文化,介绍创意产业和创意产业园的基本概念。

    The second part introduces the concept of the Creative Industry Park of the Pearl River Delta region , the Pearl River Delta Region geography , climate characteristics and distinctive Lingnan culture research , introduced the basic concept of the creative industries and creative industry park .

  29. 然后,设计小组开始进行创意开发,找出创意概念。

    Then , the design team to begin creative development , to find creative concept .

  30. 优秀的电视广告创意,以对创意概念的关联性、原创性、震撼性地具像化艺术呈现,吸引了人们的注意,诱发起消费者的购买欲望,最终实现了电视广告的营销目标和传播目标。

    An excellent creativity of TV advertising , visually presenting the creative concepts of artistic relevance , originality and impact , can attract people 's attention , induce their purchase desire and achieve the ultimate marketing and transmission goal of TV advertising .