
  • 网络create awareness
  1. 在最近的动态指导健康进步对参与者和公众创造意识。

    To create awareness amongst participants and the public on recent trends directed towards the advancement in health .

  2. 论述了如何在物理学习及实践中进行创造能力的培养,特别提出创造意识在实践中的形成过程。

    The article elaborates on how to train the creativity in physical learning and practice , and presents the formation process of create awareness in practice .

  3. Avalon的有机化妆品中创造意识,一种意图,责任,效能和生命价值的认识。

    Avalon Organics creates Consciousness in Cosmetics , an awareness of intention , responsibility , efficacy and the value of life .

  4. 油画基础教学中创造意识的养成

    Development of Creative Sense in Basic Oil Painting Teaching

  5. 知识创新需要具有创造意识、创造能力的创造型人才。

    The innovation of knowledge requires creative talents with creative mind and creative ability .

  6. 探究性实验教学有利于培养学生创造力和创造意识。

    Exploring experimental teaching helps to develope the creativity and sense for creation of students .

  7. 指望我同样也聘请了我们很多次让我们接触和创造意识。

    Count Me In has also hired us many times giving us exposure and creating awareness .

  8. 具体策略如下:第一,树立创造意识是培养学生数学创造性思维的前提。

    First , the sense of creation is a prerequisite for training students ' creative thinking .

  9. 培养学生的创造意识和实践能力是当今教育的主要任务。

    The main tasks of present education are to foster students ' creative consciousness and practical ability .

  10. 即在思想政治课教学中,通过联想与想象思维能力的培养,培养学生的创造性思维能力,提高学生的创造意识和创新精神,成功地进行创新教育。

    So attention should be paid to the training of thinking ability in the activities of creative education .

  11. 学习知识的过程中培养学生的创造意识和创造能力成为我们追求的目标。

    Therefore , our goal is to train students ' creation awareness and creativity power in the process of learning knowledge .

  12. 因为这是你最伟大的工具,能够创造意识流,能够传递爱。

    Reason is your greatest tool , it creates an atmosphere of understanding , which leads to caring which is love .

  13. 在和平和幸福的成长和提高创造意识,看你的爱感受生命流这些特质。

    Grow in peace and happiness by conscious creation and raising the loving feelings and watch your life flow with these qualities .

  14. 创造意识(3)三曹文学作品形式&文体、结构、文辞、作品气势的生命特征三方面谈谈三曹文学创作的生命意识。

    Third , three Caos ' writing style____the life characteristics in the literary style , structure , diction and manner of their works .

  15. 本文通过不定式极限的教学研究,对在课堂教学中培养学生创造意识和提高学生创造性思维进行了初步的研究。

    Through the reaching study on the indeterminate limit , the essay stresses on how to cultivate student 's creative awareness and thinking .

  16. 最终把自身的创造意识和创造能力诱导出来,焕发人的生命精神和生命活力。

    Finally , they will induce their own creative consciousness and creative ability and irradiate their spirit of life and their vigor of life .

  17. 如创造意识、创造思维、创造个性、创造技能、创造美感等。

    The author expresses her own opinion in training the students ′ creative consciousness , creative thought and creative individuality during the Chinese reading education .

  18. 中学自然科学的教育教学,应以实验为基础,注重加强教师的创造意识,引导学生的创新意识,培养学生的创造性思维能力。

    In the teaching of natural science in middle schools , teachers should foster students ' creative thinking through experiments by stressing their own awareness of creativeness .

  19. 立体构成学习不再是简单的技能培训,也不是模仿性的学习,重点在于创造意识、创造能力的培养。

    Three-dimension composition teaching , which is not simply training of skills , nor imitating study , it aims at the ability and creativity cultivating of students .

  20. 设计性实验不仅能激发出学生的强烈的学习兴趣和创造意识,还能有效的培养学生从事科学实践活动的能力。

    The designing experiment can not only excite strong study interest and innovative consciousness of students but effectively cultivate the ability of student 's engaging in scientific practice activity .

  21. 培养学生创造性思维的教学实验达到了三个目的:一是大大提高了学生的数学成绩,二是大大提高了学生的创造性思维水平,三是增强了学生的创造意识和创造精神。

    Firstly , students ' results have been greatly improved . Secondly , it raise students ' standard of creative thinking . Thirdly , it strengthens students ' creative consciousness .

  22. 设计人员要进行创新构思,就要有强烈的创造意识,坚实的创造性知识基础,灵活的思维方法及对创造性机理的认识和理解。

    The designers who are to make innovations must have a strong sense of innovation , a solid basis of creative knowledge and a clear comprehension of the innovative mechanism .

  23. 本文从培养学生的创造意识、创造精神、创造能力入手,探讨在体校化学教学中开展创新精神教育的基本思路。

    The essay talks something about creative consciousness , creative spirit and creative ability in order to know more knowledge of the basic thought in chemical teaching in modern society .

  24. 其大巧若拙的形象和简约的表现手法体现了一种淳朴的精神观念,这种创造意识和审美趣味,正是现代公众审美需求中的一部分。

    The image which looks crude and the simple expressing method reflect a kind of pure and simple spiritual idea , which is wanted in the modern public appreciation of beauty .

  25. 艺术设计的精髓是培养创造意识,创造的核心在于创意思维,而综合的思维方式是艺术设计活的血脉和创造的原动力。

    The essence of artistic design is to cultivate the sense of creation and the central issue of creation is creative thinking . The comprehensive way of thinking is lifeblood of creation .

  26. 高师音乐学专业的艺术实践教学,能够培养学生的艺术表现力和创造意识,开发自身潜力,提高实践能力和综合素质,这些都为学生全面、持续发展奠定了良好基础。

    It can also help foster students ' capacity of artistic expression and conscience of creativity which may lay a good fundation for the sustainable development of the students in a fully round way .

  27. 创新教育是现代教学理论与教学实践相结合的产物,它能激发学生的创造意识和学习兴趣,提高其分析解决问题的综合能力。

    Initial education is the result of combining teaching theory with teaching practice , able to impel students to learn from interest and innovative consciousness , and enhance comprehensive ability of analysing and soluting prob-lems .

  28. 笔者最后提出,在翻译活动中,译者应该具备创造意识,同时也不能忽视其制约因素,以更好地促进翻译实践活动和翻译研究活动的开展。

    At last , the writer proposes that , in the translation activity , the translator should possess creative consciousness and should not ignore its restrictive factors so as to promote practice and research of translation .

  29. 在力学教学中,透过现象揭示本质,展示力学美,渗透人文文化,通过这些方法激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创造意识。

    We should see through the appearance to the essence , display the beauty of mechanics and combine humane culture in mechanics teaching so as to arouse the students study interests and develop their creation sense .

  30. 创造力是由多种基本素质构成的。如创造意识、创造思维、创造个性、创造技能、创造美感等。

    The creativity is made up of some kinds of basic quality , such as the creative consciousness , the creative thought , the creative individuality , the creative technical ability , the creative aesthetic feeling etc.