
chuànɡ zuò jīnɡ yàn
  • creative experience
  1. 一个染上明显的教条主义,常常忘记创作经验。

    However , He catches obvious dogmatism and often neglects the creative experience .

  2. 最后结合水彩画家的作品分析和自己的创作经验,说明水彩画笔法的实践意义。

    Finally , watercolorist who works analysis and their own creative experience , the practical significance of the watercolor strokes .

  3. 就体育学科多媒体CAI课件的制作方法,阐述了作者的具体做法与创作经验,提出了在运用于体育教学过程中所遇到的问题和难点以及多媒体辅助教学在体育教学中使用的优缺点。

    This article explores the writer 's specific method and creating experience of making and applying Media CAI in PE teaching . It proposes the problems and difficulties and shows the advantages and disadvantages .

  4. 论一种艺术观念和风格的形成&黄格胜山水画及其创作经验

    About the Forming of an Art Concept and Style

  5. 但是,过去的戏曲创作经验,对他的小说创作又有着很大影响。

    However , former experience of dramatic creation has great impact on his novel creation .

  6. 住区规划设计中的人性化理念&金冠嘉华住宅小区设计创作经验

    Human Oriented Concept for Residential Quarter Plan & Successful Design Lesson from Jin Guan Jia Hua Residential Quarter

  7. 唐代爱情诗在吸收前代创作经验的基础上,呈现出这个时代所具有的独特魅力。

    Love poetry of Tang Dynasty presents unique glamour of itself , based on creation experiences of anterior dynasty .

  8. 通过对二者有关人物关注度的比较,我们可以发现文言小说进步的轨迹、发展趋势,及给后人留下的宝贵创作经验。

    Contrast with them , can we discover Chinese classical stories ' development trend and also leave the precious experience to posterity .

  9. 接触了具有鲜明区域个性的地方民间艺术,从中吸取和积累了丰富的创作经验和艺术语言。

    Contact with distinct regional character of the local folk art , draw , and accumulated rich experience in creativity and artistic language .

  10. 其中大多借鉴西洋大歌剧的创作经验,力图解决音乐戏剧化问题。

    Most of these works borrowed from the creative experience of major Western operas in their efforts to solve the problems of musical dramatization .

  11. 借鉴和运用国外高校发展建设中的一些成功的理论体系和实践创作经验,对我国高校建设目标的实现与创作水平提高具有重要的指导价值。

    Drawing on some successful theories and experiences of universities abroad in this regard has great value on the realization of our national campus construction .

  12. 通过自己的学习过程,积累创作经验,培养审美兴趣,增长审美能力,提升审美观念。

    Pass oneself of learning process , backlog creations experience , the development appreciate beauty interest , growth appreciate beauty ability , promote esthetic sense .

  13. 它们极大地丰富了古代散文理论,积累了正反两方面的创作经验,贡献出了一大批特色显著的散文作品。

    They have greatly enriched the ancient prose theory , accumulated positive and negative composing experience and created large numbers of poses with notable styles .

  14. 他在1928年的《背影·序》中总结自己的散文创作经验时说:“我意在表现自己”。

    In1928 , in " Back · Foreword ", he summarized his experience of writing and said that ," I intend to display myself " .

  15. 而他的抗战前期的诗歌理论也是极有影响的,它是艾青在总结前人的诗歌理论和结合自己的诗歌创作经验的基础上的新的创造。

    Ai Qing 's poetic theories in the former part of the War were influential creations by summarizing former poetic theories and integrating his own compositional experiences .

  16. 多年来,她倾力呈现一部部独具匠心的作品,积累了丰富的创作经验,也吸引了相应的受众目光。

    Over the years , she presented a great deal of original works , accumulated a wealth of creative experience , and attracted the appropriate audience attention .

  17. 指出由于融化了中国传统诗学、西方现代诗学和诗人自己的创作经验,其诗论颇具匠心独得的理论意义;

    It points out that his poetics has an original theoretical sense for he blends Chinese traditional poetics and western modern poetics with his own experience of creation .

  18. 在结论中,归纳了巴林蒙古族青年诗人的诗歌创作经验,论证了巴林青年诗人在蒙古族当代诗坛上的地位和作用。

    In conclusion , summed up the Bahrain Mongolian youth poetry writing experience , proved Bahrain young poets in Mongolian minority contemporary poetry on the status and role of .

  19. 张竹坡评点《金瓶梅》,深刻总结了市井小说的创作经验,形成其创造性的市井小说理论。

    Zhang Zhu-po criticized and assessed the book of " jin ping mei ", which deeply expounded the writing experiences of the civic novels , formed distinctive theory on them .

  20. 他们或写文章总结本人或他人的创作经验,或从理论上作体系性的探讨,在探索和声民族化方面积累了丰富的经验。

    They write articles to summarize creative experience of themselves or others ' , or make system discussion theoretically . They have accumulated abundant experience in exploring harmony nationalization . Mr.

  21. 她通过大量岩彩静物画的研究与实践,积累了丰富的岩彩画创作经验,并拓展了岩彩画新的表现空间与审美范畴。

    An extensive study and practice in the field of rock-color still life painting enables her to accumulate rich experience and expand the expressive and aesthetical scope of rock-color painting .

  22. 侯咏多年来的创作经验累积最终厚积薄发,转做导演拍摄的电影中传达着对本土文化的倾诉,创作中尤其关注民族性的题材。

    Hou Yong years of creative experience cumulative final well-grounded , turn of a film director in the transmitting to native culture pleading , creation is particularly concerned national theme .

  23. 结合平时的创作经验,希望能够打开一扇窗,为以后的创作添一份色彩,为以后的空间美学开辟一条小径。

    Combining the creative experience , hope to be able to open a window for the later creation , add a color , for future space aesthetics opens a path .

  24. 寻根文学在借鉴拉美魔幻现实主义创作经验的基础上,注重对传统文化的审视,表现了深广的社会内容,其价值取向趋于多元化。

    Touch rooting literature , drawing on the creation experience of Latin American Magic & Realism , attaches im-portance to survey over traditional culture , and displays deep and substantial contents .

  25. 一个作家的文艺思想是其创作经验和审美理想的凝聚,对于作家文艺思想的研究将有助于我们学习、借鉴作家的伟大之处。

    A writer 's literature ideology is the condensation of his creative experiences and aesthetic ideas . Study on a writer 's literary ideology , we can benefit from his great achievements .

  26. 革命文学创作经验,例如较好地处理了文学与政治的关系,较好地解决了文学大众化的问题等;

    Experience for writing revolutionary literature , for instance , the relation between politics and literature was well handled , and the problem of literature popularization was well resolved , and etc. ;

  27. 小说作家由于有创作经验及天然的关注作品的生成,在红学研究上有独特贡献。

    Fiction writers have made unique contributions to the study of the " Red Chamber Dreams " because they have creative writing experience and the born concern on the creation and formation of writings .

  28. 剧作者王俭来自空政话剧团,是一个戏剧创作经验丰富的剧作家。这出戏是由一名著名的剧作者写的。

    " Wang Jian , who wrote the script , is a veteran playwright of the Theatrical Troupe of the Air Force Political Department . " The play is written by a well-known playwriter .

  29. 他的诗学理论体系在总结前人创作经验基础上,从诗歌的理论属性和外部因素两方面结合自己的创作实践,系统地提出了独有的诗歌创作理论,是蒙古族诗学研究的重要组成部分。

    He combines both the theoretical property of poem and external factors with his own creation practice , and systematically advanced particular poetry creating theory , which is the main part of Mongol poetics research .

  30. 唐代文学是经过数百年艺术创作经验积累后的一次大释放,是对前代文学传统的最佳继承,并为后世提供了典范。

    Literature in that period is a great emission of artistic experience accumulated hundreds of years , a perfect inheritance of the literary traditions from its forefathers , and a model for generations to come .