
  • 网络Creative Development
  1. 人的创造性发展的意义及其实现路径

    The Meanings of Creative Development and Its Realizing Path / Rout

  2. 马克思的现代化理论及其在中国的创造性发展

    Marxist Theory of Modernism and Its Creative Development in China

  3. 三个代表是当代中国马克思主义的创造性发展

    Three Represents Thinking : An Innovative Development of Marxism of Contemporary China

  4. 当代大学生创造性发展中存在的几个问题

    On Issues of Development of the College Students ' Creativity

  5. 论大学生的文化素质与创造性发展

    On cultural quality and creativity development of university students

  6. 师生关系:学生创造性发展的情感基础

    Teacher-Student Relationship-Affective Basis Of Students ' Creative Development

  7. 希望藉此文为中国老年健康事业的创造性发展做出贡献。

    And I hope this thesis can make creative contribution to our elderly health-care business .

  8. 文化自觉是指知识阶层对其民族文化的自知之明和创造性发展。

    Cultural consciousness refers to the self-recognition and creative development of the national culture by the intelligentsia .

  9. 张力论在新批评派内部得到广泛引申,后又受到阿恩海姆的创造性发展。

    It had been used widely in New Criticism School , and was then developed creatively by Arnheim .

  10. 认为在理论上,“一国两制”是对马克思主义国家学说即国家本质、国家职能、国家主权、国体与政体的创造性发展。

    In theory , " one country , two systems " is the creative development to the national theory of Marxism .

  11. 而这种创造性发展正是基于对语言分析的整体观和心理表征的组块性特征之间关系的深入认识,客观上惠及语言教学应用。

    The creative development is based on deep understanding the relationship between Holistic View of language and the Block of mental representation .

  12. 城市文化活力既是城市文化传承的动力,也是城市创造性发展的条件。

    Urban culture vitality is not only the dynamic factor of cultural heritage , but also the condition of the creative development of a city .

  13. 教师创造性发展是以以下必要条件为前提的:树立创造的教育观;构建合理完善的知识结构;

    The development of teachers ' creativity is well founded on such prequisites as progressive educational outlook , reasonable knowledge structure , and creative personality .

  14. 艺术设计教育必须继续发展教育学模式,这一模式与基于个人创造性发展的学习需求相适应。

    Art and design education must therefore continue to develop pedagogical models which respond to the need for individual learning based on a development of personal creativity .

  15. 改革开放,是中华民族自强不息和变革创新精神在当代的集中体现和创造性发展。

    The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times .

  16. 清洁生产是对关于产品和产品制造过程中预防污染的一种新的创造性发展战略,是实现可持续发展的重要措施,它将成为21世纪工业发展模式的主要内容。

    Cleaner production is a new strategy of prevention pollution in the process of making product , and it is also very important measure to sustainable development .

  17. 创造教育障碍是指教育中阻碍创造性发展的因素,教育中制约和妨碍受教育者创造的机制。

    The creation education obstacle refers to the factors that hinder development of the creativity and the creative mechanism that restrict or hinder the educated in the education .

  18. 在介绍中国社会现代思想进程的基础上,分析了三个不同发展时期中的服饰观念,阐述了中国服饰的现代转换应基于我们民族的现代生存本身而创造性发展的观点。

    According to presenting the course of modernism in Chinese , this article analyses characters of three periods and outlines an idea of the transformation focused on Chinese modernism society itself .

  19. “积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应”的思想,充分体现了实事求是的精神,堪称对马克思主义宗教观理论的创造性发展。

    The thought of guiding religions to correspond with socialist society positively embodies the practical and realistic spirit sufficiently , and can be rated as a creative development in Marxist religious theory .

  20. 第二部分基于我国中小学教师创造性发展的现状,认为教师创造过程中存在的主要问题是创造意识薄弱,创造能力与动力不足,创造目标与动机偏离。

    Part two points out there are some problems in current situation of teacher 's development in primary school , which are the weakening of the creative consciousness , the lacking of capability , and the inappropriate goal .

  21. 创新教育,就是根据有关创造性发展的原理,运用科学性、艺术性的教学方法,培养学生的创造意识、创造能力和健康个性,造就创造性人才的一种新型教学方法。

    Innovation teaching is a new kind of teaching method to develop creative consciousness and a-bility and healthy personality of the students according to the principle of creative development and by means of scientific and artistic teaching methods .

  22. 教育工作者就是要去营造这样一种适合培养学生创造性发展的氛围,使之成为学生日常学习、生活的社会环境。

    The duty of an educator is to create a kind of atmosphere which is suitable for students ' improvement in their creativity , and which can be developed into a social environment of their daily life and study .

  23. 丁玲的转变,颇为典型地代表了当时左翼作家自我改造与自觉选择的方向。改革开放,是中华民族自强不息和变革创新精神在当代的集中体现和创造性发展。

    Ding-ling was a commissary of the authors turning to revolutionary asceticism . The reform and opening-up endeavor is an embodiment and a creative development of the Chinese spirit of constantly striving for self-perfection and renovation in modern times .

  24. 黑格尔在1817年提出的艺术终结论影响深远,其后的海德格尔、阿多诺及丹托等都基于自己所处历史文化语境对此理论进行了重新阐释和创造性发展。

    The End of Art which was argued in 1817 by Hegel has a profound affection , and this theory has been developed and re-interpretation by Heidegger , Adorno and Danto who based on their own artistic and social environment .

  25. 新中国的几代领导人在汲取中华传统人本思想精髓的基础上,将马克思主义基本原理同中国革命和建设的具体实践相结合,使马克思主义以人为本思想在中国得到具体化和创造性发展。

    Extracting the essence of the traditional idea of putting people first , the leaders of New China of various generations have combined Marxist primary principles with the actual practice of revolution and construction in China and thus promoted its creative development .

  26. 从创造性发展与培养的研究理论、研究方法、研究课题、研究成果等方面分析总结了20世纪80年代以来国内外创造性研究的新进展,以为广大教育工作者培养儿童的创造性提供科学依据。

    This paper analyses and summarizes the new development of creative research in China and other countries since 1980s from such aspects as research theory , methods , problems and production in order to offer educators scientific basis about fostering children 's creativity .

  27. 它们也不能把一个人同之相关的事物--别人的痛苦现实、自我创造性发展的可能性、种族的印记以及下一代的权利联系起来。

    Nor do they connect a man to the things he has to be connected to - the reality of pain in others ; the possibilities of creative growth in himself ; the memory of the race ; and the rights of the next generation .

  28. 住房公积金是我国在城镇住房制度改革当中,借鉴国外经验并结合国情加以创造性发展应用的一种义务性长期储金制度。

    The housing accumulation fund , developing during the reform of housing system in the city and town , learning from the experience of foreign countries in accordance with the conditions of our country , is a long-term compulsorily deposit system developing and using creatively .

  29. 他创造性地发展出佛教在近现代印度的新乘。

    He creatively develop new multiplication of Buddhism in modern India .

  30. 中学生创造性倾向发展的初步测试

    The Developmental Research on Creative Inclination of Middle School Students