
  1. 他们往往创造自我封闭的势力范围。

    They tend to create self-enclosed areas of influence .

  2. 创造自我,超越自我

    The creation of self , beyond the self

  3. 这使得我们有可能在每一个崭新的片刻里重新创造自我。

    That makes it possible to re-create who we are in each new moment .

  4. 这些人实际上是打着娱乐的幌子,按照自己的想法来重新创造自我。

    In the name of recreation these people , in fact , are re-creating themselves in their own images ;

  5. 它采用创造自我就业创收活动,为穷人和住房,而不是消费。

    It is offered for creating self-employment for income-generating activities and housing for the poor , as opposed to consumption .

  6. 开放总结式管理,发掘各阶层员工潜力,以员工创造自我价值为中心理念。

    " Open mind " style management , explore the potentials of employees in different levels , create their own value as the key philosophy .

  7. 此外,教师还要进行自我调适:要加强角色学习,提高角色扮演能力;进行角色整合,改变角色行为;创造自我角色。

    In addition , the teacher themselves have to strengthen role study , improve role ability , make role integration , change role behavior and create a self-role .

  8. 邱亚才跳脱了学院画风的限制,在都会中静静的观察,成功的创造自我风格。

    Having broken away from academic constraints , Qiu , a silent observer of urban dwellers , is able to successfully create a style to call his own .

  9. 幼儿园管理者要切实关怀幼儿园教师的主体地位与权利,为幼儿园教师创造自我实现的条件,充分发挥幼儿园教师的创造才能。

    The administrators should offer human touch to maintain the dominant status and rights of the teachers to facilitate their self-realization , giving full play to their creativity and talent ;

  10. 在为了迎合社会的需求而重新创造自我以后,他却遭到了社会的抛弃与迫害,最终明白了自由的真正含义。

    However , after he reinvents himself to cater to the social needs , he is abandoned and persecuted by the society . Finally , he learns what the true freedom is .

  11. 我们应当遵循教育规律,从全面了解学生、引导自我管理意识、指导自我管理方法、创造自我管理平台四个方面,培养民办高校学生的自我管理能力。

    It is necessary for us to guide the students to cultivate self-management sense and ways and create self-management platform by following the educational rule and overall understanding the students , so as to enhance their ability for self-management .

  12. 使全体成员全身心投入并有持续增长的学习力,让全体成员体会到工作中的生命意义,通过学习创造自我、扩展创造未来能量是缔造学习型组织的好处。

    The benefits to found learning type organization are to make all members throw themselves into studying wholeheartedly and have motive force of learning increased continuously , make all members realize the life meanings in work , and develop themselves and create future energy through learning .

  13. 在某些情况下,投机者能够创造出自我实现的预言。

    In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies .

  14. 人类文明的发展史实际上是人类改变自然、创造适合自我生存空间的历史。

    The phylogeny of human society civilization is the history of human beings making nature change and creating suitable living space for themselves .

  15. 当精神性意识到自身的存在,就会发挥作用并为自己创造出自我代言的必需品。

    When the mind and spirit recognizes the existence of self , it will manifest itself by creating an object to represent it .

  16. 从业状态审美化的基本内涵至少包括:关系谐调、自由创造、自我实现、心情愉快。

    The basic connotation of aesthetic appreciation of employment status includes at least : relationship harmonization , freedom creation , self-realization and pleasant mood .

  17. 在过去的几年中,他运用这一设备创造了自我独立的系统,只要进入这个便携的世界,你就无法自拔。

    Over the years , he creates a self-contained ego system with the device , with the portable into the universe as the budget membership .

  18. 波拉尼奥肯定不这么认为——对于他来说,文学令人不安地变化多端,是一种无关道德的力量,有着自我创造、自我辩解和自我神化的神秘能力。

    Not Bola ñ o - for him , literature is an unnervingly protean , amoral force with uncanny powers of self-invention , self-justification and self-mythification .

  19. 他认为冲创意志是超人的基本特征,它来自人的本能,是一种自我创造、自我超越的意志,但不是强权。

    He considers breakthrough & will as the fundamental feature of superman , which comes from human instinct , and it is a self-creation , self-perfection , but not power .

  20. 针对大石路地段城乡结合的特点,提出对其未来用地进行生态控制,创造生态自我维持社区。

    To create a self sustain ecological community , control the ecology of future utilized land according to the specialty of dashi road as the joint of city and countryside .

  21. 社会发展是建立在主体实践基础之上人的自我生成、自我创造和自我超越的过程,也是一个由人自己和为人自己的辩证统一过程,社会时间和社会空间是社会发展的存在方式。

    Social development is the process of human being 's self-generating , self-creating and self-transcending on the basis of subject practice and the dialectical unity of acting on one 's own and relying on others .

  22. 马克思由实践观变革实现了哲学观的变革,他认为实践是作为自然存在物的人类自我创造、自我完善的活动,同任何形而上学的存在无关。

    Marx holds that practices as an activity for self-creation and self-improvement of mankind never has connection with any metaphysics , after experiencing a process from the change of practice viewpoints to that of philosophical outlook .

  23. 只不过此时人自身的生产已经不再是原始状态下人的生命个体的生产和中群的扩大,而是使人成为一个真正的自我创造、自我生成的实践主体再生产出来。

    People 's own production has outgrown the individual production and the enlargements of middle groups under primitive condition at this moment , and has made people become a real subject that can self-create and self-produce , and then reproduce .

  24. 在塑造教师自身形象层面,教师需要本着以学生为本的观念,进行主动、积极的自我创造、自我实现,实现教师形象自我提升主动化。第五部分,结束语。

    In shaping the image of teachers in their own level , teachers need the spirit of " student-centered " concept , for active , positive and self-creation , self-realization , the image of teachers to upgrade themselves to achieve , initiative . Part ⅴ, concluding remarks .

  25. 本文认为,在这个新的历史视野和文化框架下,研究、分析和解读全部人类历史也即人类由起源走向未来的自我创造和自我发展的过程,是文化研究的根本任务。

    This article argues that under the new historical horizon and culture framework , the fundamental task for the culture research is to study , analyze and interpret whole human history , that is , the course of self-creation and self-development in which human-beings went from origin into the future .

  26. 时尚的设计。创造出自由自我的个性空间。

    Fashion design , create the space for freedom of self-personality .

  27. 大部分原因是因为督导有困难创造一种自我激励的氛围。

    Often not knowing enough about employees is the reason supervisors have difficulty setting a climate that motivates .

  28. 第四章,阐述构建身份后的露丝所达到的和谐以及在第三空间内创造的新自我&书写自我。

    Chapter Four states the harmony achieved by Ruth after identity constructing and the new self in the Third Space & writing for self .

  29. 黄亮在许多现实与不现实的场景中创造出他的自我世界,表现手法上则没有把过多的精力放在语言手法的诉求上;

    Huang Liang creates his self-world among many realistic and unrealistic scenes , however , he is not redundantly concentrate on the languages of painting itself ;

  30. 教师要在树立学生主体观念的前提下,通过创设主动发展情境,构建开放式主体课堂,充分激发学生主动参与,搭建学生求知、创造、展示自我和体验成功的平台。

    The teacher will develop the scene voluntarily through founding the student 's subject idea , construct the open class , fully stimulate students to participate in voluntarily , and put up a successfully platform for the students to seek knowledge , create and show themselves , and experience success .