
  • 网络Penalty Power
  1. 他们保留了在战略、战术和航行方面的权威,但把纪律、配给和惩罚权力下放给司务长(由船员选举)。

    They retained authority over strategy , tactics and navigation , but delegated discipline , rations and punishments to the quartermaster , who was elected by the crew .

  2. 权力相对有限的环保部门往往缺乏向污染者施以实质性惩罚的权力。

    Relatively powerless environmental authorities often lack the authority to hand out meaningful fines to polluters .

  3. 它包括两种情形,一是公共惩罚蜕变为政治权力斗争的工具,论落为一种公报私仇。

    It includes two kinds of situations . One is the public punishment decayed to a tool of political struggle and a personal avenge in name of public interest .

  4. 教师领导力是指教师利用参与决策、评估、惩罚、奖赏等权力性要素和知识、能力、情感等非权力性要素相互作用,在课堂内外对相关成员形成的积极的、综合性的影响力。

    Teachers ' leadership means teachers let power factor ( participation in decision-making , evaluation , punish , rewards , etc ) and the non-power factor ( knowledge , ability , emotion , etc ) interac each other , relevant members inculcate in the positive , formed a comprehensive influence .