
mài fāng
  • seller;vendor;the selling party
卖方 [mài fāng]
  • [the selling party] 出售东西的一方

卖方[mài fāng]
  1. 卖方认为中国的高铁计划太过庞大,他们愿意降低价丅格;

    The selling party thinks that China 's high-speed train plan is so huge , they are willing to reduce prices ;

  2. 无论买方还是卖方,让步都是其达成有效协议所必须采取的策略。

    Either for the buying party or the selling party , concession is the tactics we have to use for reaching effective agreement .

  3. 记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。

    Remember , the estate agent is working for the vendor .

  4. 房地产成了卖方市场,房价急剧上升。

    Housing became a seller 's market , and prices zoomed up .

  5. 理论上,买方可以要求卖方进行一次测试。

    In theory , the buyer could ask the seller to have a test carried out

  6. 卖方支付固定的服务费。

    Sellers pay a fixed commission fee .

  7. 卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。

    The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker

  8. 仲裁人裁定赔偿卖方五百英镑。

    The arbitrators awarded the sellers £ 500 as damage .

  9. 卖方只同意提供技术

    The licensor simply agrees to provide technology .

  10. 进行交易的买方和卖方

    buyers and sellers transacting business

  11. 你最初的出价低于卖方的要价,卖方也接受了。你要买的这套房下架,你就要买成了。

    Your below-asking-price offer has been accepted , the property you are buying is off the market , and it 's all steam ahead towards completion .

  12. 例句:买方有权确定在规定期限内提取货物的时间和/或地点时,应将有关信息通知卖方。

    When the Buyer is entitled to determine the time within a specified period and / or the place of taking delivery , the Buyer in question shall give the Seller the notice thereof .

  13. 随着我国加入WTO,电信市场已逐渐由卖方市场向买方市场过渡,电信行业正面临着新的机遇和挑战。

    With China 's entry into WTO , telecommunications industry faces new opportunities and challenges .

  14. 任何一个能够实现买方、卖方和发货方服务提供者类型定义的Web服务提供者都可以胜任这样的角色。

    Any web service provider who properly implements the buyer , seller , and shipper service provider type definitions may fill these roles .

  15. 由于Agent具有自治、移动、灵活等特点,能在不同的买方或卖方中协商出一个最佳的交易方案。

    Agent has the features of autonomic , mobile and flexible , which is useful to give a best trade solution during the negotiation between seller and buyer .

  16. 关于由卖方供应的主要设备和材料的细节已在合同附件III中列明。

    Details of the major Equipment and the Materials supplied by the Seller are specified in Annex III to the Contract .

  17. 请买方提供LOI(购买意愿书)和BCL(资金证明)给卖方。

    Please buyer provides LOI and BCL to seller .

  18. 从卖方承担费用的差异看FCA、CPT、CIP

    From the costs undertaken by the seller to see the difference among FCA , CPT and CIP

  19. 根据我国《海商法》关于托运人的定义,FOB术语买方和卖方都具有运输合同的托运人法律地位。

    Both the buyer and the seller in FOB contract are shipper according to the definition of shipper in CMC .

  20. 卖方市场面向ISCN的MRPⅡ订购策略

    Ordering Strategy of ISCN-oriented MRP ⅱ in Seller Market

  21. EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。

    Whilst the EXW term represents the minimum obligation for the seller , DDP represents the maximum obligation .

  22. 在卖方按照a4规定交货时受领货物,并在指定的目的港从承运人收受货物。

    Accept delivery of the goods when they have been delivered in accordance with a4.and receive them from the carrier at the named port of destination .

  23. 随着农产品市场由卖方市场到买方市场的急剧转变及加入WTO后我国农业与世界农业的全面接轨,我国农产品销售将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。

    With the great change from seller 's market to buyer 's market of agricultural products and the all round connection of our country with the world in agriculture after we joined WTO , our agriculture products will face great chances and challenges .

  24. FOB术语是国际贸易中常用的术语,但在使用FOB术语的情况下,卖方面临更大的风险。

    FOB is a term used frequently in international trade , but the sellers have to face much more risks when using FOB term than other terms in a contract .

  25. CA、CPT、CIP三个价格术语是国际贸易实务中比较重要的三个价格条件,他们之间的联系主要表现在对卖方费用承担的差异上。

    FCA , CPT and CIP are the three more important price terms in the international trade and the relationship among them is mainly shown in the differences of the costs that are undertaken by the seller .

  26. 于是笔者尽己所能搜集相关的资料与文献,以期总结出FOB术语下卖方所存在风险的共性以及相应的应对措施和预防手段。

    So I do my best to gather relevant data and literature , to conclude that the common risk of the seller under FOB and corresponding response measures and means of prevention .

  27. 卖方通过发回一个“OrderResponse”文档确认订单。

    The seller acknowledges the order by sending back an " OrderResponse " document .

  28. 第三,结果表明在B2C市场中消费者对中介的信任对态度忠诚和购买意愿都有影响,然而消费者对卖方的信任则对二者无影响。

    Third , the results show that consumers in the B2C market in the trust mediator of attitudes impact loyalty and purchase intentions are , but consumer confidence is on both the seller had no effect .

  29. 所以在IPO股票上市首日存在巨大的卖方力量,如果此时没有足够的买方力量与之平衡,IPO股票就有出现破发的可能。

    So the first day of the IPO stock market there is a huge seller power , this time , if the buyer does not have enough balance of power with them , IPO stocks , there appears the possibility of a break .

  30. 但是由于我国《海商法》第42条关于托运人定义规定的缺陷,致使在我国进出口贸易实践以及司法实践中,对FOB合同项下卖方的权利存在许多的和争议。

    However , In our " Maritime Law " the 42nd item , the definition of shippers has some defects , which results in the confuse and dispute on sellers ' rights in FOB contract .