
  1. 公民资格理论传统中的社会权利观念:有效性及其限度

    Concept of Social Rights in Citizenship Theory : Validity and Limits

  2. 自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。

    The development of natural law is the history of human right idea .

  3. 论希腊正义精神和罗马法权利观念

    Spirit of Greek Justice and Idea of Roman Right

  4. 西方近代自然权利观念研究&起源、本质及其历史作用

    Study on Western Modern Natural Rights Concepts Their Origin , Essence and Historical Effects

  5. 总之,权利观念具有历史性。

    Therefore , it is safe to say that right is a historical concept .

  6. 这种理想主义的权利观念必定影响权利在现实中的实现。因此厘清权利实施过程中个人与政府之间的关系对弥补权利可行性研究的不足有重要意义。

    This idealistic view of rights must affect the realization of rights in practice .

  7. 论权利观念的历史性

    Historical Nature of the Concept of Right

  8. 集体主义伦理观为权利观念的生成和权利制度的形成起到了负面的作用。

    It plays a negative role in producing the idea and system of the right .

  9. 第一章简要地分析了社会公民资格权利观念的历史发展。

    Chapter 1 briefly analyzes a historical development of the concept of social citizenship rights .

  10. 自中国启动法制现代化事业以来,中国人的权利观念主体意识得到了极大的增强,但无讼意识仍然存在于人们的脑海里,挥之不去,与法制现代化事业形成了一种张力。

    Chinese 's subjective consciousness of right has improved greatly with the starting of jural modernization .

  11. 第二部分对西方近代自然权利观念形成和发展中的代表人物的思想进行了梳理。

    The second part combs with the thought of representatives who held the modern natural rights concepts .

  12. 自然权利观念在实践中的贯彻有赖于人类社会关系的和谐。

    The implementation of the concept of natural right in practice depends on the harmonious social relation .

  13. 近代以来,人们的财产权利观念发生了历史性的变化,财产权利绝对的神圣不可侵犯性受到挑战。

    In recent years , the property rights are viewed differently , and the absolute inviolability is challenged .

  14. 理解现代性权利观念,有助于解决很多理论和实践上的争议问题。

    Modern Conception on Sexual Rights is useful to resolve many law disputes on both theory and practice fields .

  15. 对自然权利观念建立的合理性和可能性应当从权利概念的本质性含义着手,并且立足于现实的人类生活世界来加以探讨。

    The rationality and probability of natural right should be discussed from the essence of right and based on the real life .

  16. 但是,在前工业社会以及后工业社会的历史条件下,权利观念都不具有存在的合理性。

    However , the concept of right does not maintain a rational existence under the historical circumstances of pre-industrial and post-industrial societies .

  17. 对权利观念的兴起与自然法观念的嬗变的简要考察

    A Brief Study of Relationship between the Birth of the Conception of Rights and the Variance in the Concept of the Natural Law

  18. 本章分别从自然状态、契约权利观念和宗教宽容三个方面来论述,从中可以看出胡克政治思想在现实中的生命力和在理论上的前瞻性。

    It includes three aspects : nature , contract and religion tolerance . We can see Hooker was a pioneer in political theory .

  19. 因此,完整准确地认识西方近代自然权利观念不但具有理论价值,对实践也具有借鉴意义。

    Hence , it is very important for us to understand modern natural rights notions fully and correctly both in theory and in practice .

  20. 完善于古罗马文明,表现为自然法观念的世俗化以及权利观念的出现与成熟;

    Its improvement thanks to ancient roman civilization marked by the secularized idea of natural law and the appearance and maturation of power idea ;

  21. 自然法学派起初的权利观念更多带有天赋权利的色彩,人生于自然,人的权利也来自于自然。

    Color Life The original idea of right is more of talent for man is born in nature and his right also comes from nature .

  22. 环境法制观念是法治观念、守法观念、权利观念的统一。

    The concept of legal system for environment is the unification of being ruled by law , keeping the law and the concept of right .

  23. 黑格尔的权利观念建立在“自在自为地存在的合乎理性的意志”实体性基础上;

    Hegel ′ s conception of right is established on the concrete basis of " the will which conforms to reason and exists freely " .

  24. 所有这些变革都使得权利观念深入人心,市民的权利意识有了明显增强,他们开始学习并使用法律武器来维护自己的合法权益。

    Thereby the civil ' right consciousness has been enhanced and they begin to learn and use laws to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests .

  25. 由于我国公民权利观念淡薄与民事诉讼的职权主义模式,我国尚不具备建立证据契约制度的条件。

    Because of Chinese citizen 's inactive right sense and civil litigation is Authority Orientation , the condition to found Evidence Deed system does not exist .

  26. 大学生法律意识现代化的内容包括法治观念、权利观念、契约意识、尚法意识、平等意识等。大学生法律意识现代化的培养途径有学校教育、家庭影响、法学研究育、大众传播媒介和司法实践等。

    The contents of cultivation of college students law consciousness modernization are the law idea , right idea , contractual consciousness and equal consciousness and so on .

  27. 从古登堡到数字点播机,版权法中诸制度无不经历着权利观念的变化,法律制度的变迁,版权权利穷竭也不例外。

    From Gutenberg to Digital on-demand machines , copyright law are undergoing change in concept , the legal system , and the exhaustion of copyright is no exception .

  28. 文章指出英国的保释制度起源于一项古老而重要的权力,而不是权利观念的自然萌发。

    The article points out that the English bail system originates from a kind of old and important power instead of coming from the natural concept of rights .

  29. 具体包括:培养创新文化;培养竞争文化;培养全面的权利观念;拒斥权力崇拜的思想。

    Specifically include : cultivating culture of innovation ; cultivating the culture of competition ; cultivating the idea of comprehensive rights ; rejection of the idea of power worship .

  30. 但是在现代,由于风险的改变,这些权利观念都需要发生相应的转变,以适应社会的发展。

    However , in modern times , because of the risk of form changed , these rights are needed to produce corresponding change , to adapt to the social development .