- 网络equity ratio;debt to equity;fixed financial charge & risk

From the micro perspective , the equity ratio , asset size , return on equity can have a positive effect .
Traditional opinion holds that owing to tax shield effect of debt financing market value is positively related to debt equity ratio .
Of course , no one is arguing for a return to the bad old days of extreme asset-to-tangible common equity ratios .
Three famous hypotheses bonus plan hypothesis , ratio of liability to equity hypothesis and business scale hypothesis have been made by Prof. Watts and Zimmerman .
They are debt-equity ratio , debit to tangible net worth ratio and etc.
The debt-equity ratio is another indicator that reflects a corporation 's long-term debt-paying ability .
The drop in debt-to-equity ratio was mainly attributable to the continued improvements in the operating results of the group .
Globally , tangible common equity ratios fell from about 6 per cent in the mid-1990s to around 4 per cent in mid-2000s .
Drawing from their experiences and combined with the status quo of our capital market , it is necessary to bring in Safe Harbor Approach and to perfect our thin capitalization rules by standardizing the definition of Associated Enterprise , establishing a rational Debt / Equity Ratio and so on .
At the same time , the European Banking authority ( EBA ) is raising European banks ' common equity capital requirement to 9 % , a huge jump from the Basel II standard of 2 % and roughly equivalent to the New Basel III standards .
Vanke 's net debt to equity is a mere 16 per cent .
Goldman estimated that net debt to equity for European companies was 54 per cent , compared with an average of 48 per cent since 1988 .
Better understand ratios based on stockholders ' equity .
Smaller banks are now required to have 8 per cent tangible equity per dollar of assets ( the leverage ratio ) .
Alternatively , banks could be forced to return to the average tangible common equity to assets ratios they had in the 1990s .
That leaves leverage . The ratio of assets to shareholders ' equity is likely only to fall as companies cease the massive buybacks that have helped boost past returns ; rebuilding balance sheets is the order of the day instead .
CE fell into negative shareholders ' equity , while SA 's net debt to equity hit 22 times .