
  • 网络equity market
  1. 在亚太地区培育更复杂的成长权益市场,不仅限于风投和私募,还要发展不那么正规的市场。

    Development of more sophisticated growth equity markets in the APEC Region , not just at VC PE level , but at the small less formal levels .

  2. 一些策略,是不相关的权益市场能够提供极低的损失风险稳定回报,而另一些可能被视为或超过共同基金的波动性。

    Some strategies which are not correlated to equity markets are able to deliver consistent returns with extremely low risk of loss , while others may be as or more volatile than mutual funds .

  3. 在二手私人股本基金权益市场,利用贷款来为收购数量往往上百的杠杆化投资组合公司的股份提供部分资金的做法,已在某些投资者当中流行开来。

    In the market for second-hand private equity fund interests , the use of loans to part-fund the acquisition of stakes in often hundreds of already leveraged portfolio companies has become popular with some investors .

  4. 本文构建的资本结构动态调整模型表明,信贷市场和权益市场的数量性和成本性指标的变动,作为外生宏观冲击,对企业选择负债还是权益融资及以此形成的资本结构具有重要影响。

    We construct a dynamic adjustment model of capital structure , and find that the scale and cost indexes of credit market and stock market , which as exogenous macroeconomic shocks , do have impacts on firms ' choice between debt and equity financing .

  5. 但伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)的股票交易拥有一个世纪之久的先发优势,并提供了在很大程度上受到限制的英镑权益融资市场。

    But stock trading in the City of London has a centuries-old first-mover advantage and a largely captive market for sterling equity financing .

  6. 汇丰(HSBC)权益资本市场亚太区联席主管亚历克西斯亚当奇克(AlexisAdamczyk)表示:还有一些发行人在等待赴港上市。未来两个月将是关键。

    There are a number of issuers in the wings waiting to come to Hong Kong , says Alexis Adamczyk , co-head of equity capital markets for Asia Pacific at HSBC . The next two months are going to be important .

  7. 环境权益及其市场化代理制度

    The market-oriented agent system for environmental rights and benefits

  8. 保护消费者合法权益是市场经济发展的客观要求。

    Protecting the consumers ' legitimate rights and interests is an objective requirement of the market economy .

  9. 会计信息偏差在我国资本市场中的放大作用探究&以权益资本市场为例

    Research of expanding function of accounting information warp in China capital market & take equity capital market as example

  10. 企业形象广告是一种独立的广告类型,若其被滥用则会对消费者权益和市场竞争秩序造成损害。

    Corporate image advertising would bring detriment to consumers ' rights and market competition order if it were to be abused .

  11. 在此基础上,本文对于以账面价值为基础评估权益的市场价值,以及会计信息价值相关性的经验性研究,提出了相关建议。

    Based on the conclusion , the article provides suggestions on empirical research of accounting information value relevance and equity evaluation based on book value .

  12. 在发达国家,非正式权益资本市场,风险投资体系和二板市场的发展,在很大程度上缓解了中小企业的权益资本融资缺口。

    Currently , in informal interests-and-right capital market of developed countries , the development of risk investment system and " second park market " has , to great degree , alleviated the " gap of interests-and-right capital financing " .

  13. 将利率结构对称原理引入银行资产组合优化,解决了资产与负债利率的协调和匹配问题,使银行股东的权益在市场利率发生变化时不受到影响和损失,并解决了决策模型的服务对象问题。

    The interest rate structure symmetry is introduced into the optimization of bank assets portfolio . The proposed method solves the harmonization and match problem , and protects the bank equity against the effect and loss while the market interest rate changes .

  14. 首先运用聚类分析方法对项目进展情况进行定量判断,然后再用安全边界判断分析风险投资项目的权益资本市场价值是否值得继续投资,最后综合聚类分析安全边界判断的结论,进行投资决策。

    Then , applying safety-boundary analysis to estimate , whether or not the venture capital project 's merit capital is worth to continuously invest ; at last , we must make the invest decision based on integrated estimation , both cluster analysis and safety-boundary analysis .

  15. 没有健全的法律制度作为保障的证券市场,必有损害投资者权益和使市场秩序紊乱之虞。

    The securities market without perfect legal system will impair the investors ' interest .

  16. 第二,它保护市场主体的合法权益维护了市场秩序。

    Second , it protects the legal rights of the market subjects and maintains the market order .

  17. 提高体育消费水平的主要对策:加强体育消费观念的宣传和引导,细分体育消费市场,保护体育消费者权益,加强市场规划、监督和管理等。

    The countermeasures are enforcing the promotion and leading of sports consumption and the management , overlook of marketing etc.

  18. 因此,有效的广告监管制度就成为保护消费者的权益,促进市场资源合理配置的重要制度。

    So the effective administration system of advertisement is an important administration system for protecting customers'rights and interests and promoting arrange the market resource .

  19. 研究这个问题对于更好地保护商标权人的合法权益,维护市场经济秩序有很深远的意义。

    Study this problem is very significant to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of a trade mark better , and maintain the market economy order .

  20. 研究我国企业内部会计控制规范建设,对于改善现状,保证会计信息的质量,保证投资者的合法权益和资本市场的有效运行有着非常重要的意义。

    To some extent the laws and regulations regarding internal control can guarantee the quality of accounting information , the investor 's legal rights and the efficient functioning of capital market .

  21. 只有这样才能有效规制非法吸收公众存款行为,保护社会公众的权益,促进市场经济的合理、有序发展。

    Only in this way can we effectively regulate the illegal absorption public deposits ACTS , protect the rights and interests of the public , and promote the reasonable and orderly market economy development .

  22. 分析这一博弈过程,掌握其中的规律性,有利于市场管理部门制定切实有效的措施,以制止这一严重损害消费者权益、扰乱市场秩序的行为。

    It is beneficial to analyse the game for market management department to make efficacious measures in order to get rid of the conduct which harms the consumer 's rights and profits and disrupts the market .

  23. 合同诈骗罪的设立,对于保护合同当事人的财产权益以及维护市场合同管理秩序,打击、预防合同诈骗行为,发挥了重要的作用。

    Establishment of contract fraud , the parties to the contract for the protection of property rights and interests and maintain market order and contract management to combat , prevent contract fraud , has played an important role .

  24. 本文的研究属于前者的范畴,即,不考虑公司权益资本的市场交易价格,研究着眼于公司本身的公司估价理论。

    The field of study in this dissertation belongs to the former , that is , the focus of research is placed on the evaluation theories of the corporation without considering the market pricing of the corporate equity .

  25. 因此,强化破产企业财务控制,保护破产企业利益相关人的合法权益,既是市场经济的客观必然要求,更是破产企业实践管理过程中的核心问题之一。

    Therefore , strengthening the financial control of bankrupt enterprises and protecting the legitimate interests of stakeholders of bankrupt enterprises is a necessary objective requirement of market economy and even the core issues of enterprises in the process of implementing bankruptcy .

  26. 笔者试图通过本文说明:缺陷产品强制召回制度不是一个束之高阁的完美理论,而是一个能够保证产品质量和消费者权益、规范市场竞争秩序、促进和谐社会建设的法律制度。

    In this paper , we try to show forced recall system is not a useless theory , but a law system which can guarantee product quality and consumers ' rights , standard competitive order of market , promote the Construction of Harmonious Society .

  27. 因此,证券市场信息披露制度是现代证券市场监管的核心内容,是保障证券交易安全、维护投资者合法权益和证券市场秩序的重要法律制度。

    Therefore , as the hard-core of modem securities market management system , information publicize system for listed companies is the important system , which shall maintain securities change security , protect legal right of investors , as well as keep the order of securities market .

  28. 投资者权益保护是证券市场健康发展的基石。

    Investor protection is the cornerstone for the healthy development of the securities market .

  29. 保险欺诈损害保险合同当事人的合法权益,扰乱保险市场秩序。

    Insurance cheating does damage to legitimate right of contract party and disturb order of insurance market .

  30. 基于农民权益保障的农地市场化流转研究

    The Research of the Marketing Circulation of Farmland Based on the Protection of the Rights of Farmer