
  1. 中投董事长楼继伟手下有一个由经验丰富的中国专业人士组成的团队,其中包括首席投资官高西庆和首席风险官汪建熙(jessewang)。

    Below Lou Jiwei , CIC chairman , is a team of experienced Chinese professionals who include Gao Xiqing , chief investment officer , and Jesse Wang , chief risk officer .

  2. 据高西庆称,美联储(fed)在“定量宽松”计划(即该机构通过购买债券来增加货币供应)下每印1美元,其中40美分就会由中国接手。

    According to Mr Gao , for every dollar the US Federal Reserve prints as part of its " quantitative easing " programme , under which it increases the money supply through bond purchases , 40 cents end up in China .

  3. 摩根士丹利和中投公司总经理高西庆拒绝置评。

    Both Morgan Stanley and Gao Xiqing , CIC president , declined to comment .

  4. 她与高西庆等中投公司高层官员已认识多年。

    She has known top officials at the CIC , such as Gao Xiqing , for years .

  5. 高西庆表示,社保基金不希望看到市场下跌,但有责任管理其在股票方面的投资。

    Mr Gao said that the fund did not want to see the market fall , but had a duty to manage its exposure to equities .

  6. 高西庆试图缓解欧美对主权财富基金所造成威胁的担忧。他表示,中投的投资是为了取得财务汇报,而非出于政治动机。

    Mr Gao sought to play down concerns in the US and Europe about the threat posed by sovereign wealth funds saying that CIC was investing for financial return not political motive .

  7. 该基金已高调请来老资历金融官员、曾在华尔街当过律师的高西庆。但是,要组建一个具备全球投资经验的大型团队,需要多年时间。

    The fund has made one high-profile hiring , Gao Xiqing , a long-time financial bureaucrat and former Wall Street lawyer , but building a large team with global investment experience will take years .

  8. 针对美国对本国大量金融企业实施国有化、政府接管汽车业、以及联邦预算赤字激增,高西庆表示,他从中看到了美国特色的社会主义。

    Surveying the nationalisation of large chunks of the US financial sector , Washington 's takeover of the automobile industry , and the soaring federal budget deficit , Mr Gao said he detected socialism with American characteristics .

  9. 高西庆表示,中投将“尽可能达到各国各种法律规定的透明度”,但不可能预先示意投资内容,因为这会使市场和它对着干。

    Mr Gao said that CIC would be " as transparent as required by any law in any country " but could not signal in advance what investments it was making because this would move markets against it .