
  • 网络investment credit;Investment Tax Credit;FIrst Year Allowance
  1. 投资减税是一项重要的税收杠杆,是当前扩大内需、拉动经济增长的重要举措。

    Invest - credit policy an important tax leverage , acting as an effective measure to stimulate domestic demand and push the economic ahead .

  2. 理想的做法应该是增加公共投资和减税并行,尤其是在仍有财政调整空间的国家。

    Ideally , there should be a mixture of higher public investments and lower taxes , particularly in countries with room for fiscal manoeuvre .

  3. 我们的基建投资和各项减税措施都需要一段时间,才会有明显的经济成效。

    It will take some time for our investment in infrastructure and the various tax concessions we have made to produce a visible economic benefit .

  4. 因此,任何直接刺激财政支出的举措都必须有时间限制,并且是针对供应方面,比如针对投资的临时减税措施。

    Any direct boost to fiscal spending therefore needs to be automatically time limited and aimed at the supply side , such as temporary tax cuts for investment .

  5. 但即便投资额在减税和其他优惠措施的刺激下增加了,也不一定能保证创新增加。

    But even if , through tax breaks and other inducements , the amount of investment in R & D is stepped up , it will not necessarily lead to more innovation .

  6. 我所做的事情是关闭公司的漏洞,停止对那些向海外输出工作(机会)的企业的减税。这样我们才可以给在美国本土投资的企业减税。

    What I do is I close corporate loopholes , stop providing tax cuts to corporations that are shipping jobs overseas so that we 're giving tax breaks to companies that are investing here in the United States .

  7. 走出经济衰退、创造就业机会的出路在于,通过鼓励人们增加在工厂和设备方面的投资以及加快实施减税计划增强人们的购买能力,来实现经济的增长。

    The way out of this recession , the way to create jobs , is to grow the economy by encouraging investment in factories and equipment , and by speeding up tax relief so people have more money to spend .