
  • 网络speculative attack
  1. 考虑到欧盟(eu)在爱尔兰纾困问题上传达出的混乱信息,本周对欧元区外围国家信贷的投机性攻击可以理解,但并不成熟。

    The speculative attack on peripheral credits this week was understandable given the mixed messages the European Union sent over the Irish bail-out , but it was premature .

  2. 外汇储备管理人会把自己的美元储藏起来,以防本国货币遇到投机性攻击。

    Reserve managers will hoard their dollars in case their domestic currencies come under speculative attack .

  3. 另外一些德国官员私下表示,德国政府已经告诉欧盟和七国集团(g7)的其它成员国,目前自己“原则上倾向于”公布结果,希望增强透明度将有助于阻止银行股面临的投机性攻击。

    Other German officials said privately that the government had told EU and G7 partners it was now " in principle in favour " of publication in the hope that more transparency would stop speculative attacks on bank shares .

  4. 只是在希腊债券市场遭到投机性攻击后,才出台了具体措施,但大量伤害已经造成。

    It took a speculative attack on the Greek bond market to bring about concrete action . A lot of harm has been done in the meantime .

  5. 南欧各国利率的不断攀升,不是投机性攻击或险恶阴谋的结果,而是对根本性失调迟来的领悟。

    The rise in southern European interest rates is not the consequence of a speculative attack or a sinister plot . It is a belated realisation of an underlying misalignment .

  6. 这无疑是受欢迎和必要的,但是这样一家基金如何就足以抵御对周边所有中东欧货币的投机性攻击,却一点也不清楚。

    This is desirable and necessary , no doubt , but it is not at all clear how this is sufficient to ward off a speculative attack against all peripheral CEE currencies .

  7. 那一天,泰国为抵抗针对汇率的投机性的攻击,耗尽了自己的外汇储备。

    On that day Thailand ran out of foreign-exchange reserves trying to defend its currency from a huge speculative attack .

  8. 如果欧洲央行确立明确的欧元区利率息差目标,那么只要有任何德国反对的风声,就可能令人对该机构的承诺产生疑虑,招致投机性的市场攻击。

    If the ECB set explicit targets for eurozone interest rate spreads , any whiff of internal German opposition could cast doubt on its commitment and encourage speculative market attacks .