
  • 网络Investment Manager;Associate;investment consultant
  1. 乔纳森贝尔为百达资产管理有限公司(pictetassetmanagement)高级投资经理

    Jonathan bell is a senior investment manager at Pictet asset management

  2. 她的其中一位老板是伦敦附近的一名投资经理,另一位则是纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)的一名网页设计师。

    One of her bosses is an investment manager in nearby London , the other a website designer in Newcastle .

  3. 国会、证券交易委员会(SEC)、最高法院(theSupremeCourt)、投资经理和分析师都没有尽到自己的责任。

    Congress , the SEC , the Supreme Court , money managers , and analysts have all let us down .

  4. 景顺亚洲栋梁基金(InvescoAsianinfrastructurefund)的投资经理MaggieLee称,景顺基金不会投资于未见盈利的公司。

    Maggie Lee , who lead manages the Invesco Asian infrastructure fund , says Invesco won 't invest in a company without reported profits .

  5. 伯克希尔哈撒韦公司高兴地宣布,托德康姆斯(ToddCombs)很快就会加入我们,成为我们的投资经理,伯克希尔旗下信息服务公司美国商业资讯(BusinessWire)发布的简短新闻稿如是说。

    Berkshire Hathaway is pleased to announce that Todd Combs will soon be joining Berkshire as an investment manager , read a terse press release on Business Wire , a Berkshire-owned information service .

  6. 专栏作家、投资经理詹姆斯阿尔托奇向西蒙康斯特布尔解释为何Google、Facebook和其他网络应用将由于一个投资观点而死亡,以及来自其他经济领域的股票很热门的原因。

    Columnist and portfolio manager James Altucher explains to Simon Constable why Google , Facebook and other Internet plays are dead from an investment standpoint . Plus what stocks are hot in the rest of the economy .

  7. 一些投资经理担心,一旦股市不再受益于央行提供的刺激资金,科技类IPO的缺乏将暴露今年股市反弹的脆弱。

    Some money managers worry that once the stock market is no longer the beneficiary of easy money from central banks , the dearth of tech IPOs will expose the fragility of this year 's rally .

  8. 昨日,美国检方在一份公开的法庭文件中主张,这位被控设计了500亿美元旁氏骗局(PonziScheme)的投资经理寄送上述物品的行为明显违反了法院指令,应投入监狱候审。

    The money manager , who is accused of perpetrating a $ 50bn Ponzi scheme , sent the items in an apparent violation of a court order and should be jailed pending trial , US prosecutors claimed in a court document made public yesterday .

  9. 2013年12月,投资经理鲁奇尔•夏尔马(RuchirSharma)在印度中央邦(MadhyaPradesh)和拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)街头,就即将开始的选举采访当地人。

    In December 2013 the investment manager Ruchir Sharma was on the road in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan , interviewing locals in connection with upcoming elections .

  10. 被告证人、帆船集团(galleon)前总裁理查德舒特(richardschutte),甚至不同意检察官的观点,即投资者希望投资经理为他们取得良好回报。

    Richard Schutte , a former president of galleon and witness for the defence , even refused to agree with a prosecutor that investors want investment managers to make good returns .

  11. 新加坡安本资产管理公司(AberdeenAssetManagement)的高级投资经理ChristopherWong说,由于三星年度资本开支的规模和科技行业的周期性质,三星持有大量现金不是坏事。

    Christopher Wong , a Singapore-based senior investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management , said it is ' not a bad thing ' for Samsung to maintain a large cash balance because of the size of Samsung 's annual capital expenditures and the cyclical nature of the technology industry .

  12. SunriseCapital投资经理斯坦顿(ChrisStanton)称,似乎美国正带动全球走出衰退,而这将自然而然地使资金流向美元。SunriseCapital总部位于加州,管理的资产规模约为3亿美元。

    ' It looks like the U.S. is leading the world out of recession , ' said Chris Stanton , portfolio manager at Sunrise Capital , a California-based fund managing about $ 300 million . ' This will naturally lead to a flow of money into the dollar . '

  13. AXA地产公司的投资经理AdrianD’Enrico称,网络销售出现之前,连锁零售商要覆盖全国市场需要开设200家分店,而现在只需要开50到80家。

    In Britain the number of outlets a retail chain needs to have national coverage has dropped from 200 in the pre-online era to 50-80 , says Adrian D'Enrico of AXA Real Estate , an investment manager .

  14. 私人客户投资经理与经纪商协会(apcims)正计划改变其基准指数的权重比例,以更好地反映私人客户资金投向的这种转变。

    The association of private client investment managers and stockbrokers ( Apcims ) is planning to change the weightings of its benchmark indices to better reflect this shift in how private client money is invested .

  15. 投资经理是否把你的根本利益放在心上?

    Do investment money managers have your best interests at heart ?

  16. 大多数国际投资经理都坚信这一点,直到一切已为时太晚。

    Most international investment managers kept the faith until much too late .

  17. 这是因为,投资经理们受到的激励是极度扭曲的。

    This is because the investment managers ' incentives are badly skewed .

  18. (作者是一家资产管理公司的股票投资经理)

    ( The author is Equity Manager of Rothschild Asset Management . )

  19. 作者是达利资金管理公司的投资经理。

    The writer is Investment Manager of Tat Lee Asset Management Limited .

  20. 用最近的良好记录来确定一些投资经理是很容易的事。

    It 's easy to identify many investment managers with great recent records .

  21. 他是国内数一数二的证券投资经理。

    He 's one of the top hedge fund managers in the country .

  22. (作者是一家基金管理公司的投资经理。)

    ( The writer is Investment Manager of an asset management firm . )

  23. 外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕

    External Managers Division [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  24. 一些最大型的国际私人股本公司已开始招募中国本土的投资经理。

    The biggest global players have already begun hiring local Chinese investment managers .

  25. 投资经理们使用一套股票评级系统,而且对内部研究的依赖程度很高。

    Managers use a stock rating system and rely heavily on in-house research .

  26. 投资经理是指本公司随时委任的投资经理。

    Investment Manager means investment manager that the Company may appoint from time to time .

  27. 《华尔街日报》采访了投资经理和其他一些专家,总结出以下六大投资思路:

    Here are six ideas , culled from interviews with money managers and other experts :

  28. 我们将会委任两类投资经理:被动式和主动式的投资经理。

    We shall need to appoint two types of managers : passive managers and active managers .

  29. 按照这种假设,没有哪位投资经理会因为购买丰田股票而下岗。

    No portfolio manager , went the theory , would get fired for buying Toyota stock .

  30. 虽然投资经理们认识到前沿市场存在机遇,但他们对其中风险较高的领域同样有所警觉。

    While the managers see opportunities in frontier markets , they are wary of riskier areas .