
  1. 在持续的交易中,市场让我们自身的问题一一暴露无遗;

    We continue to trade and the market teaches us more and more about ourselves .

  2. 默认条件下,RationalPerformanceTester报告给出了运行总体持续时间完成交易的总体数量。

    By default , a Rational Performance Tester report gives the total number of transactions achieved across the total duration of the run .

  3. 《交易心理分析》阐述了一种严肃认真的心理方法,让你成为持续一致的交易赢家。

    Trading in the Zone presents a serious psychological approach to becoming a consistent winner in your trading .

  4. 但政策制定者和银行家最好持续关注那些交易数字,并祈祷“闪电暴跌”不会很快再次出现。

    But policy makers and bankers alike had better keep watching those trading numbers . And cross their fingers that there will not be another " flash crash " any time soon .

  5. 这种权利是一种抽象的参与权,达成交易后取得的是现实的具体的财产权利,持续不断的交易活动就是资格权利向具体财产权利转化的过程。

    It is an abstract participation right , which refers to material right after deal . Whereas the continuing deals could be defined as the process changing from competency to real property rights .

  6. 电子指令驱动市场上的交易持续期与知情交易的相互关系研究

    Intertrade Duration and Information-Based on an Electronic Order-Driven Market

  7. 因特网的成长速度是惊人的,因特网用户数量持续增长,网上交易变得越来越多。

    Internet and its user maintain high-speed growth and transactions on Internet also increase very fast .

  8. 反弹之后出现下跌,行情持续两个以上交易日。

    The price drops then followed by a bounce , anywhere from the following day to the next few days .

  9. 有些性能测试拥有稳定状态下指定持续时间内业务交易上的非功能性需求量。

    Some performance tests have non-functional requirements for volumes of business transactions achieved over a specified duration in a steady state .

  10. 金融市场在交易日是持续不断地进行交易的,而预定策略也受制于许多会影响价格的因素。

    The financial markets are continuously traded during trading days , and an intended strategy will be subjected to so many factors that could influence the pricing .

  11. 随着企业集团的不断涌现和市场经济的逐步深化,关联交易不论在规模上还是在种类上都在持续增长,关联交易对公司价值的影响也越来越大。

    With the Emergence of more and more group corporation and the constant development of market economy , related party transactions had been increasing on the scale and the type , playing more important role for affecting the corporate value .

  12. 实证研究结果显示:动态二元混合分布模型很大程度上能够捕捉收益波动的持续性特征;交易量由信息交易和噪声交易构成,而交易量的系统变动主要是由于信息交易部分的变动产生的。

    The results show that the BMD models can capture the persistence of return volatility basically , and prove the daily trading volume has informed and noise components . The systematic variation in trading volume is due solely to fluctuations in the informed volume .

  13. 中期而言,我们可以修改法规和标准,例如,对在持续开放市场以外进行交易的证券实施较高的资本要求;公允价值会计准则只适用于那些在交易所或持续开放市场进行交易的证券。

    In the medium term , we could adapt regulations and standards , for example , with higher capital requirements for securities that trade outside continuously open markets ; and the application of fair-value accounting could be limited to those securities that trade on exchanges or in continuously open markets .

  14. 同时,还要建立持续的信息披露制度,通过信息的持续披露,减少交易中的信息不对称性;另外,应加强信用档案和现代商业伦理道德的建设,充分有效地发挥社会舆论宣传和监督职能。

    Meanwhile , will set up lasting information announcing system , will strengthen the construction of the credit file and modern commercial ethics .