
  • 网络Yen carry trade
  1. 西莫塔斯(PhilipSimotas)在专门投资汇市的对冲基金FXConcepts担任总裁,他说,美元正在遭遇同样的命运,美元是融资套利交易的理想借入货币。

    ' It 's one thing that 's working against the dollar , 'said Philip Simotas , president of FX Concepts , a currency-focused hedge fund . 'It 's a great currency to fund out of .

  2. 在外汇市场的融资套利交易中,交易商看重的那些借入货币通常都具有利率低、汇率波动性小的特点。

    In the currency market carry trade , ' funding currencies ' traditionally feature the low interest rates and low volatility traders want .

  3. 对日圆来说不幸的是,它作为融资套利交易借入货币而遭遇的无情卖盘一定程度上导致日圆处于疲弱地位。

    Unfortunately for the yen , the relentless selling pressure generated by those using the yen as a funding currency helped keep Japan 's currency feeble .

  4. 就像日圆一样,港元在融资套利交易中也是充当融资货币,投资者以低利率借入港元,投资于其他高利率资产。

    Like Japan , Hong Kong was a source of funds for the carry-trade , in which investors borrow funds at low rates to invest in higher-return markets elsewhere .

  5. 某种程度上说,投资者正用美元来重演一套在本世纪以来大部分时间内推动日圆走低的策略,即融资套利交易。

    In some ways , investors are using dollars to reprise a strategy that helped weaken the Japanese yen for much of the decade -- what is known as the carry trade .

  6. 在此次世界经济危机使投资者的风险偏好大为降低前,这种被称为“融资套利交易”的投资策略一直能够创造丰厚回报。经济危机发生后,投资者匆忙买回日圆以结清头寸。

    Dubbed ' the carry trade , ' the strategy generated hefty returns until the world economic crisis soured investor bets , sending them scurrying back to buy yen and close out their positions .

  7. 一些汇率观察人士说,投资者现在又对融资套利交易跃跃欲试了,只不过他们这次考虑借入的货币是美元。

    Now , some currency watchers say investors are getting tempted into to giving the carry trade another try , only this time investors are considering using the dollar as the base of the trade .