
  • 网络Financing interest rate;lombard rate
  1. 要将eonia维持在接近于零的水平,需要欧洲央行要么大幅下调主要再融资利率,要么大幅增加政府债券的购买,要么恢复对银行提供更具扩张性的流动性支持。

    To keep the EONIA at close to zero will require either a big cut in the main refinancing rate , a significant increase in the purchase of government bonds , or a return to more expansive liquidity support for the banks .

  2. 他还表示,欧洲央行或将进一步下调再融资利率水准。

    He did say that further Refi-rate cuts were not to be discounted .

  3. 欧元区的主要再融资利率为0.15%,存款利率为负0.1%。

    The key refinancing rate stays at 0.15 % , while the deposit rate stays at - 0.1 % .

  4. 欧洲央行宣布将再融资利率保持在1%的水平不变,同时将经济预测小幅向上修正。

    The ECB announced to keep its refinancing rate unchanged at1 % , while slightly revised up economic forecasts .

  5. 上周五,俄罗斯央行将再融资利率上调100个基点,至13%。

    On Friday the central bank raised its refinancing rate by 100 basis points , to 13 per cent .

  6. 当她的第一笔贷款偿还近,她又借了7000美元和再融资利率至百分之十五。

    When her first loan was nearly repaid , she borrowed another $ 7,000 and refinanced the rate to15 percent .

  7. 这笔贷款的应付利率为5.8%,而其融资利率仅为2.9%,息差高得离谱。

    The interest rate payable on the loan is 5.8 per cent although the funding cost is 2.9 per cent .

  8. 但拜欧元所赐,南部国家和爱尔兰的融资利率与德国一样。

    But the southern countries and Ireland could borrow at the same rates as Germany , courtesy of the euro .

  9. 为援助借款人,在进一步的资产通缩出现之前,必须大幅推低长期融资利率。

    To help borrowers , rates used in long-term financing need to move down dramatically before further asset deflation takes hold .

  10. 欧洲央行不再有借口不将主要再融资利率重新削减到1%或者更低水平。

    The central bank no longer has an excuse not to cut its main refinancing rate back to 1 per cent , or possibly lower .

  11. 四月底,美国财政部高级官员玛丽•米勒表示,让大银行能获得较低融资利率的理由可能有很多。

    Last week , Mary Miller , a top Treasury official , said there could be a number of reasons big banks get lower lending rates .

  12. 西班牙政府无法长时间承担7.57%的融资利率,更别提还要为17个自治区提供支持。

    The national government cannot afford to finance its own debt at 7.57 % for very long , let alone support its 17 regions as well .

  13. 存款准备金率通常与主要再融资利率保持同步,但也可以单独下调(目前的水平是0.75%)。

    This rate is usually moved in lockstep with the main refinancing rate , but could be independently lowered from its current 0.75 per cent level .

  14. 与利率相关的风险溢价是一个关键变量:一旦它开始上升,当前的赤字融资利率就会变得不可持续。

    The risk premium attached to the interest rate is the critical variable : once it starts rising , the existing rate of deficit financing becomes unsustainable .

  15. 他在欧洲央行管理委员会的利率制定会议之后发表讲话称,“当前共识”是维持主要再融资利率在0.75%不变。

    Speaking after a meeting of the interest rate-setting Governing Council , he said the " prevailing consensus " was to keep the main refinancing rate at 0.75 per cent .

  16. 乌克兰将其基准再融资利率急剧提升了10.5个百分点至30%,这一绝望举措是为了抑制加速上升的通货膨胀,并制止汇率的暴跌。

    Ukraine has sharply raised its benchmark refinancing rate by 10.5 percentage points to 30 per cent , in a desperate move to temper spiralling inflation and halt its sinking currency .

  17. 而和欧元区很多邻国一样,德国一些联邦州发现自己已难以获得足够低的融资利率来填补不断扩大的债务窟窿。

    Like many of the members of the eurozone , some German states have found it difficult to borrow money at low enough interest rates to continue funding their widening debt hole .

  18. 上周四,欧洲央行突然采取行动,将主要再融资利率下调0.25个百分点,降至0.50%。

    On Thursday , the ECB , the central bank for countries using the euro , swooped in , cutting the main refinancing rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 0.50 % .

  19. 分析师表示,如果下周四理事会采取行动,主要再融资利率很可能会下降0.25个百分点,而0%的存款利率不变。

    If the governing council acts next Thursday , analysts say it is most likely to chop a quarter percentage point off the main refinancing rate and leave the zero per cent deposit rate untouched .

  20. 银行家们预计,受上次拍卖参与银行众多和获得无限制低成本资金(融资利率仅为1%)承诺的鼓舞,将会有更多银行参加2月份的拍卖。

    Bankers expect many more banks to take part in the February auction , encouraged by the widespread participation last time , as well as the promise of unlimited cheap money – the funds attract an interest rate of only 1 per cent .

  21. 基于上述模型,对供应链中各成员企业在各种情况下的定价策略、订购策略、供应链中的利润状况、保理融资利率、保理商和供应商参与保理业务的条件等进行了研究。

    Based on these models , it studies on the following factors , including pricing strategy , ordering strategy , profit of supply chain , interest rate of factoring financing , factors and requirements for suppliers to take part in factoring and so on .

  22. 在预算约束和资本市场不完善条件下,虽然低收入家庭可以通过资本市场获得人力资本投资所需资金,但要支付较高的融资利率而使人力资本投资对收入差距的影响具有不确定性。

    Budget constraints and imperfect capital markets conditions , the influence on human capital investment by human capital investment is uncertain , cause the low-income families can receive investment in human capital through the capital funds needed , but leaving to pay a higher interest rate financing .

  23. 但是,美元融资的利率仍在持续走高,央行的策略似乎没有发挥作用。

    But with dollar-denominated funding rates still rising , global central banks'tactics don 't appear to be working .

  24. 项目融资的利率已经大幅上升,银行不愿放贷,投资者持币观望。

    Interest rates on project financing have soared , banks are reluctant to lend , and investors are sitting on their cash .

  25. 建国以来,为了适应社会发展的需要,我国国有企业的融资政策和利率政策几经变动,国家从融资方式和宏观调控等方面对国有资产进行优化。

    Since the founding of new China , the Financing policy and Interest rate policy has changed several times , optimize State-owned property from financing mode and macroeconomic policy , in order to meet the social development needs .

  26. 在土地储备风险理论研究的基础上,提出土地储备财务风险的概念,并深入分析土地储备财务风险的种类及产生原因,包括融资风险、利率风险和违约风险。

    The concept of land banking financial risk is presented based on the research of land reserve risk theory . And a deep analysis on types and causes of land banking financial risk , which include financing risk , interest rate risk and default risk , is given .

  27. 一些银行不满再融资方案中的利率低于商业利率。

    And some banks resent the sub-commercial interest rates offered on the two-tranche refinancing .

  28. 再融资会降低抵押利率。

    Refinancing will lower a mortgage interest rate .

  29. 同时,央行降低再融资和再贴现利率,等等。

    At the same time , the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate , and so on .

  30. 随着信贷市场走弱,较长期融资的集团融资利率上升约100个基点。

    As credit markets retreated group funding rates rose by around 100 basis points for longer term funding .