
  • 网络Purchase of financing;leveraged buyout;lbo
  1. 融资买入包括接管反对的对手。

    Buyouts can involve a hostile takeover .

  2. 同时在融资买入以及融券卖出的方程中,他们之间是互为外生变量的。

    Through the test financing to buy and sell securities are exogenous variables with each other .

  3. 该模型建立在允许买空和卖空的情形下,即可以融资买入或者融券卖出。

    This model is allowing short buying and short selling the securities , which means the margin trading .

  4. 融资买入就是借用大量的资金买入一个公司,然后再卖出,挣取差额。

    These are deals that use large amounts of borrowed money to buy a company , usually to resell it later .

  5. 若基金以贷款融资型式买入证券进行投资,需付贷款利息。

    If a fund borrows money to buy securities , it needs to pay interests on the loan .