
  • 网络Confluence;Blend
  1. 对于音色融合度问题的研究,到目前为止都还没有一个统一标准来进行划分。

    The music blend so far have not divide a unified standard .

  2. MSAP设备以其特有的高融合度、低成本、高性能等特点,被广泛的应用在各级接入网络中。

    Because of the characteristics of MSAP equipments , multi-accessibility , low costs , and high performances , they are widely used in the Access Network .

  3. OntoSurvey的目标是对各种目的的网络调查活动提供支持,消除制约网络调查发展的技术因素中的一些问题,如数据格式不一致、专业技术之间融合度低等等。

    It aims at providing support on the Web Survey activities with various target , eliminates the technical problems that baffling the development of Web Survey , for example , the disagreement of the data types , bad amalgamation of the professional technologies etc.

  4. 农民工在城市社会的融合度问题

    The Incorporation of Migrant Workers in the Urban Society

  5. 石化企业信息化融合度指标体系研究

    Research on System of Informatization Integration in Petrochemical Enterprises

  6. 文化业与金融业融合度相对还较低。

    The degree ofintegration of the cultural industry and the financial sector is relatively low .

  7. 随着电力工业的飞速发展,各大区域电网之间的融合度加强。

    With the development of electrical power industry , major regional network interconnection is strengthen ceaselessly .

  8. 长株潭3+5城市群城乡经济社会融合度评价

    The Fusion Assessment of Urban and Rural Economy Society in Chang Zhu Tan " 3 + 5 " Urban Agglomeration

  9. 如今,债务已经到期,在全球经济融合度如此高的情况下,没有人能独善其身。

    Now the bill is due and , as the global economy is so interlinked , nobody will be left unscathed .

  10. 作为这一过程的结果,视域融合度标志着文本阐释的有效性。

    And as a result of the fusion , the degree of the horizon fusion determines the validity of the text interpretation .

  11. 然后针对流动人口社会融合度低的现实,分别从政府、流动人口自身方面提出了具有针对性的建议。

    Low the reality of social integration for the floating population , respectively , from the government , the floating population aspects of the specific recommendations .

  12. 休斯敦虽然在他巨星的融合度上有点小问题,但是增加了一名新成员——甚至是速度已经变慢的保罗——应该比增加两名能使球队变得更加流畅。

    Houston will have its own superstar integration hiccups , but adding one new guy - even a slow-it-down yapper like Paul - should be smoother than adding two .

  13. 经济全球化的发展,一方面加深了世界经济的融合度,使各国经济相互依存与相互依赖关系加强,另一方面也加剧了各国之间的冲突与摩擦。

    The development of economic globalization has deepened economic integration degrees worldwide and has strengthened the interdependence of national economies . However , it also exacerbated the conflict and friction between countries .

  14. 实验结果和分析表明,该算法可实现对嗓音源参数的灵活控制,使嗓音源的合成具有更高的融合度。

    The experimental results shows that this improvement can be used to control the voice source parameters flexibly . It makes the synthesis of voice source take on higher degree of fusion .

  15. 随着经济全球化和信息网络化的飞速发展,信息产业己成为全球经济中融合度最高、潜力最大、增长最快的领域。

    With economic globalization and the rapid development of information networks , information industry has become the highest degree of integration of the global economy , the greatest potential , the fastest growing areas .

  16. 但从整个仓单质押业务需求来看,随着各金融体融合度地不断提高,担保公司的规范合理介入将会是一个较有前景的突破口。

    However , if we look into the future demand of this business , as the integration degree of the financial system continues to increase , the regulated practices involved by the Guarantee Corporation will face a more promising breakthrough .

  17. 在技术同质性日益增强和融合度日益增加的今天,企业为了维持自身核心竞争力并保持竞争优势,结成企业R&D联盟是行之有效的选择。

    As technical homogeneity is being strengthened day by day and technical amalgamation is increasing day by day , forming R & D alliance is an effective choice for enterprise to maintain its core competition capability and to keep competition advantage .

  18. 证券市场在西部大开发中面临的问题,导致西部地区经济与证券市场的融合度偏低,证券市场推进西部地区经济发展的内在动力不足,并难以全方位渗透和导向西部经济。

    The problems of stock market have brought about the results that the inner dynamic power is insufficient in the western economic development , the stock market is too difficult to inject and lead the western economy , deeply and comprehensively .

  19. 当前经济与金融全球化浪潮席卷全球,市场的日益开放、经济依存度与融合度的逐步提高,使世界各国都不同程度地卷入了这一不可逆转的历史潮流。

    Nowadays , the globalization of economic and finance sweeps the whole world . The increasingly open of market , the higher extend of economic dependence and amalgamation , make countries all over the world , in various degree , be involved in this irreversible tide .

  20. 该方法以LBP为特征,对指纹模式区进行分块,统计直方图向量,融合隶属度构造分类器,对指纹进行分类,达到较好的分类效果。

    This method applies LBP as characteristics to divide the fingerprint pattern area into sub-block , count histogram vector , classify fingerprint with the fusion of membership . It achieves good classification results . 2 .

  21. 因为在实践中两者的张力不可能达到完全的平衡,因而二者的融合存在度的问题。

    As total balance between the text and the translator is not possible , there are different degrees of fusion .

  22. 其次利用本文提出的融合自由度矩阵和融合特征属性矩阵,在逐步求精方法下进行创新运算,求解创新设计模型;

    Then , innovatively operate design modeling with stepwise precision method by using freedom aggregation matrix and feature attributes aggregation matrix .

  23. 本文主要针对以下方面进行了研究:1.研究指纹分类算法,提出基于融合隶属度的指纹分类方法。

    Our main work is listed as follows : 1 . Study fingerprint classification algorithm , and propose fingerprint classification method based on the fusion of membership .

  24. 本文通过深入研究煤炭行业两化融合成熟度测评体系和模型,有助于企业明确自身两化融合发展水平,对于政府制定经济发展战略、完善发展政策具有重大战略意义和现实意义。

    Through the research of maturity evaluation of integration of informatization and industrialization in coal industry , this paper helps enterprises to locate its development level in the integration process , and has great strategic and practical significance for the government to formulate economic development strategy .

  25. 重点研究了拉普拉斯图像融合、对比度调制融合、基于小波分解的图像融合技术。

    Laplacian image fusion , contrast modulation fusion and image fusion technology based on wavelet decomposition are studied emphatically .

  26. 对于多聚焦图像的融合,偏差度为0.0520,熵为7.6609,相似度达到0.9985。

    For fusing multi-focusing image , the deviation index is 0.0520 , the entropy is 7.6609 and similarity is 0.9985 .

  27. 在点状图符识别方面采用了多基元信息融合和置信度分析的算法。

    As to the point symbol , an algorithm based on the information fusing of basic elements and the analysis of confidence has been adopted ;

  28. 经10~38个月(平均22个月)随访,均达骨性融合,矫正度无丢失,无一例脊髓神经损伤,外观改善满意。

    All cases achieved satisfactory appearance without injury of spinal cord or nerve , and the osteotomed vertebra fused well without losing of corrective rate after 10 ~ 38 months ( average 22 months ) follow-up .

  29. 利用贝叶斯规则,结合各组成系统平均执行性能的信息,推导出一种新的相关度计算公式,较好地解决了结果融合中相关度规范化和均衡化的问题。

    By using the Bayes rule and combining the information of the average performance of the component systems , a new relation degree formula was deduced and the problems on relational degree standardization and equilibrium were solved .

  30. 本文以置信距离测度作为数据融合的融合度,利用置信距离矩阵、关系矩阵寻找多传感器的最佳融合数,并通过极值原理及极大似然法求得最优融合数据。

    In this paper , the confidence distance measure is used to be fusion measure of data fusion . The useful fused data are looked for by confidence distance matrix and relation matrix . Finally , the optimal fused data are given by maximum principle and maximum likelihood methed .