
  • 网络Asset transfer
  1. 资产转移和SPV的构建则是资产证券化实现破产隔离的两大基础。

    Asset transfer and the establishment of SPV are the two main pillars of the bankruptcy remoteness mechanism of securitization .

  2. 在这种情况下,悄然出现的第四方物流(theForthPartyLogistics,4PL)正日益成为一种新的、真正帮助企业实现降低外包业务的资产转移运作成本的物流运作模式。

    In this case , the quietly emerging fourth party logistics ( the Forth Party Logistics , 4PL ) is increasingly becoming a new mode of logistics operation that can really help enterprises to reduce costs of asset transfer operating of the outsourcing of logistics .

  3. AMC运作中的不良资产转移定价研究

    The Non-performing Assets in AMC Operation Shifts the Fixed Price to Study

  4. 由此引发的投资者向高质量资产转移,将AAA级政府债券进一步推高,从而降低了收益率。

    The resulting flight to quality saw triple A-rated government bonds move higher , pushing yields lower .

  5. 无论达成何种交易,GrahamHoldings都会将部分资产转移到目前尚未组建的一个子公司中,其中可能还包括其持有的伯克希尔股票。

    Any deal would have Graham Holdings transfer some of its assets and potentially , Berkshire shares that it owns , into an as-yet unformed subsidiary company .

  6. 如果Zynga真的认真看待移动游戏,那么,它应该把更多的重要资产转移到HTML5这个正在迅速成熟的网络标准上来。

    If Zynga is serious about mobile , it should move more of its key properties over to the quickly maturing web standard .

  7. 当时,阿里巴巴的股东雅虎(YahooInc.)表示,阿里巴巴利用VIE结构将有价值的资产转移出公司,将其置于马云的控制下。

    Alibaba shareholder Yahoo Inc. then said Alibaba used the VIE structure to move valuable assets out of the company and put them under the control of Mr. Ma .

  8. 截至周三,cit一直在与监管机构谈判,以争取获准发行政府支持债务和将资产转移至其银行业子公司。

    Until Wednesday , CIT was locked in talks with regulators to win approvals to issue government-backed debt and move assets into its banking subsidiary .

  9. 德国工业巨头西门子公司(SiemensAG)将旗下核资产转移到新成立的Areva,换取后者下属核反应堆制造分公司ArevaNP34%的股份。

    Siemens AG , the German conglomerate , transferred its nuclear assets to the newly created Areva in exchange for a34 % interest in Areva NP , the group 's reactor-making arm .

  10. 该贷款机构还试图获得监管机构批准,将资产转移到旗下银行机构,以改善流动性。CIT昨日还表示,它无法保证哪一种方法能够取得成功。

    The lender is also trying to win regulatory permission to transfer assets into its bank subsidiary to improve liquidity , CIT said yesterday , adding that it could make no assurances that either avenue would prove successful .

  11. 例如,固定资产转移在二之间部门。

    For example , Fixed Assets been transferred between two Dept.

  12. 资产转移不仅涉及企业所得税,同时也涉及到流转税的问题。

    Both income tax and turnover tax are involved in asset transfer of enterprises .

  13. 否则,爸爸可能会把所有的资产转移到他名下。

    " Else , papa may transfer all " the property to his name .

  14. 货币市场基金的资产转移至不受监管的离岸市场也将带来不良影响。

    Shifting money fund assets offshore to the unregulated sector would also be undesirable .

  15. 这些努力失败的主要原因,在于资产转移的定价和融资问题。

    These efforts foundered largely because of problems over pricing and financing of asset transfers .

  16. 早期资产转移税的税收抵免

    Credit for tax on prior transfer

  17. 随着金融工具创新的迅速发展,对金融资产转移的终止确认将变得更为复杂。

    The author proposes that terminal confirmation will be more complicated with the rapid development of financial Instruments .

  18. 资产转移的性质主要涉及真实出售的认定问题。

    Transfer of assets , mainly related to the nature of " true sale " of the identified problems .

  19. 银行通过银信合作将表内资产转移至表外,以规避监管及扩大业务规模。

    Through cooperation , banks can move assets in-balance sheet into off-balance sheet so as to avoid regulation and expand business .

  20. 资产转移必须在会计规则上和破产法律上达到真实出售的效果。

    Asset transfer has to be recognized to the extent of true sale in the term of both accounting rule and law .

  21. 拉塔等发展经济学家强调了将汇款向房产或小企业等实质资产转移的重要性。

    Development economists such as Mr Ratha stress the importance of channelling remittances towards material assets such as houses or small businesses .

  22. 与大多数欧洲同行的做法不同,瑞信并未将资产转移到银行帐户内,而是按市值计价。

    Unlike most of its European peers , it didn 't transfer assets to its banking book but marked them to market .

  23. 此事件的实际情形应当属于企业资产转移,因此笔者认为符合上述条件。

    The actual situation of this event belongs to enterprise asset transfer , so the author believes that the above-mentioned conditions are met .

  24. 这纯属一派胡言:俄罗斯的大多数亿万富翁都是寡头,通过将国有资产转移至精心挑选的私人手中积聚财富。

    Nonsense : most Russian billionaires are oligarchs who amassed their wealth in a process that steered state assets into selected private hands .

  25. 席尔瓦夫妇要求将所有这些信托资产转移给他们,或者得到不少于230万美元的赔偿。

    Mr and Mrs da Silva are demanding the transfer of all such trust property to them or restitution of not less than $ 2.3m .

  26. 资金确实在向高质量资产转移,这是一个买方市场,投资者关注的是以最低廉的价格达成最好的交易。

    There is a real flight to quality and a buyer 's market , with investors focused on getting the best deals at the cheapest price .

  27. 当华能集团于2008年收购大士能源时,它立即表明了将资产转移至子公司的意愿,并且在不到4个月时间内就完成了这笔转移。

    When it bought Tuas in 2008 , it quickly stated its intention to transfer the asset to its subsidiary , completing the transfer within four months .

  28. 该公司还将贷款资产转移到其他部门,以帮助缩减其美国消费金融业务的资产负债表规模。

    It has also transferred loan portfolios to other parts of the bank in order to help shrink the balance sheet of its US consumer finance arm .

  29. 总体而言,将资本充足率要求与贷款增长率挂钩的做法,将进一步刺激银行努力将表外资产转移给那些准银行机构。

    More generally , relating capital adequacy requirements to the rate of growth of lending would further stimulate banks ' efforts to unload assets off-balance-sheet to quasi-banks .

  30. 如果这些(指新闻中提到的价格操纵、洗钱、非法资产转移和逃)在美国也算犯罪的话,我们的金融、商务、工业和政府的一半首脑都该进监狱了。

    If these were crimes in the U.S. , half of the leaders of our financial and business industries and government would be in jail right now .