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  • 网络return on assets;RoA;ROE;ROI
  1. 随着facebook的业务增长,资产回报率应该也会改善。

    Return on assets should improve as Facebook grows .

  2. 根据惠誉(Fitch)的数据,早在金融危机之前,在2003至2007年期间,台湾各人寿保险公司的平均资产回报率就不到1%。

    Even before the financial crisis , Taiwan 's life assurers earned an average of less than 1 per cent return on assets between 2003 and 2007 , according to Fitch .

  3. 如果超额储备所配置的资产回报率较无风险资产高3%,那么对一些国家而言,其收益合计可能高达GDP的1%。

    If excess reserves were deployed in assets with a 3 per cent premium over returns on risk-free assets , benefits could tot up to as much as 1 per cent of gross domestic product for some countries .

  4. 来自德勤(Deloitte)的一些最新研究发现,许多行业正面临巨大的定价压力和不断下滑的资产回报率(ROA),传媒业尤其严重。

    Some new research from Deloitte has found that , while many industries suffer from intense pricing pressures and falling return on assets , the media industry is doing worst of all .

  5. 这项研究中任职时间最长、赚钱最多的CEO们比同行们创造的财务业绩更为逊色,至少从一项指标表明如此:他们任职期间的资产回报率比所在行业的资产回报率低了12%。

    Chief executives in the study who had held the post the longest and made the most money also showed more lackluster financial results than their peers at other companies , at least by one measure : return on assets over the course of their tenure underperformed their industries " ROA by 12 % .

  6. 资产回报率对企业绩效有显著的影响。

    Return on assets on firm performance has a significant impact .

  7. 第二,资产回报率下降,产能大量过剩。

    Second , returns on assets have decreased and overcapacity has soared .

  8. 由于安全资产回报率较低,这进而会推动投资者承担更多风险。

    With low returns to safe assets , investors are in turn pushed to take more risks .

  9. 几十年来,银行的资产回报率(一个无杠杆的业绩衡量指标)几乎未变。

    Banks ' return on assets – an unleveraged measure of performance – has barely changed in decades .

  10. 本文还进一步检验了异常资本性投资和上市公司未来年度的资产回报率呈显著的正相关关系。

    It also further proved that the abnormal capital investment and the return on assets is positively related .

  11. 几乎按任何一项运营指标衡量(无论是毛利率,还是资产回报率),特许半导体的境况都比同行更糟。

    On almost every operating metric gross margin , return on assets chartered comes off worse than peers .

  12. 官方数据显示,国有集团的资产回报率远远落后于民营同行。

    Official data show that state groups ' return on assets trails far behind their privately owned counterparts .

  13. 约翰逊说,总统属于哪个党派与资产回报率没有系统性的关系。

    Says Prof. Johnson : ' There 's no systematic relationship between the party of the president and asset returns . '

  14. 本文认为,资产回报率的差异构成分散投资者投资金字塔结构公司的主要动机。

    In this paper , we think that the divergence between ROAs provides the main incentive to invest for dispersed investors .

  15. 对于投资金字塔结构子公司的投资者,子公司高的资产回报率所产生的增长效应成为其主要投资动机。

    As for the investors who finance the subsidiary firms , the growth effects functions as the main incentive to invest .

  16. 她发现中国企业的整体净资产回报率实际上与欧美国家的水平旗鼓相当(见图)。

    The average return on equity in China is similar to that in America and Europe ( see chart , above ) .

  17. 国际金融界普遍认为,消费信贷利率和净资产回报率高,且风险分散;

    It is universally acknowledged by the financial circle that consumption credit yields high interest rate and net asset returns with scattered risks .

  18. 事实上,国企对经济的拖累非常严重,它们的平均资产回报率甚至低于它们的资金成本。

    Indeed , the SOEs were such a drag on the economy that their average return on assets was less than their cost of capital .

  19. 利润水平也很高:沃尔玛在墨西哥的营业利润率与美国业务相当,而资产回报率比公司平均水平略高一些。

    Profits are strong too : operating margins in Mexico are comparable to US levels and return on assets are a shade higher than the corporate average .

  20. 而杜邦分析是一种常用的财务报表分析方式,它是把经营性净资产回报率分解为两个相乘的部分:利润率和资产周转率。

    DuPont analysis , a common form of financial statement analysis , decomposes return on net operating assets into two multiplicative components : profit margin and asset turnover .

  21. 简言之,这些电影推动整个迪士尼公司实现了平均10%的有形资产回报率而且这些回报相当稳定。

    The films , in short , animate the whole company to generate average returns on tangible assets of 10 per cent and those returns are quite stable .

  22. 但这种努力失败了:自2007年以来国资委监督企业的资产回报率大幅下降,现在还不到其资本成本的一半。

    But this has failed : the return on assets of Sasac 's companies has plummeted since 2007 , and is now below half their cost of capital .

  23. 采购的成本直接影响到企业的利润和资产回报率,影响企业流动资金的回笼速度。

    The purchasing cost influences the profit and assets payback of the enterprises directly , and also influences the speed of withdrawal from circulation of circulating fund of enterprises .

  24. 日本企业的资产回报率都很低。他们有少数企业会有4%,5%,或6%的回报。

    The Japanese companies earn very low returns on equity , and they have a bunch of businesses that earn 4 % , 5 % , 6 % on equity

  25. 相比之下,私营钢铁企业的资产回报率在2006年之后出现上升,在2011年达到逾10%的峰值后略有下降。

    In contrast , the return on assets of private steel companies rose after 2006 , reaching a peak of over 10 per cent in 2011 before declining slightly .

  26. 他们也可能因此变得过于保守:对于那些职业生涯受过经济低迷的严峻考验的老板,他们的企业的资产回报率相比其他老板的要低。

    They may thus be too conservative : firms with bosses whose professional baptism came in a weak economy have lower returns on assets than those run by other managers .

  27. 目前各大公司一般都以销售收入、净利润、每股收益、资产回报率、净资产收益率等指标来考核。

    At present , big companies are using indexes such as selling income 、 net profit 、 share income 、 capital return rate 、 net capital income rate etc to assess .

  28. 大多数投资资金来自留存利润,因此资产回报率是国企两倍多的私营工业企业能够更为迅速地扩张。

    Most investment is financed with retained earnings – so private industrial businesses , with a return on assets more than twice that of state companies , can expand more rapidly .

  29. 而且,此项业务的资产回报率停滞不前,要实现这些目标只有两种显而易见的办法:要么过度冒险,要么坑骗客户。

    And since the return on assets in the business is stagnant , there are only two obvious ways to achieve these targets : taking excessive risk or gouging the customer .

  30. 2015年第一季度,它们的资产回报率只有0.6%,尚不及中国国内大型商业银行1.29%资产回报率的一半。

    Their return on assets was just 0.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2015 , less than half of the 1.29 per cent ratio for large domestic commercial banks .