
yè jì
  • performance;achievement;outstanding achievement
业绩 [yè jì]
  • [outstanding achievement] 建立的功劳和完成的事业;重大的成就

业绩[yè jì]
  1. 基于DEA的开放式基金业绩有效性评价研究

    Evaluation and Research of DEA Appling on Open Style Fund Achievement Validity

  2. 经理业绩的AHP分析

    Analytic hierarchy process about achievement of manager

  3. 公司需要在所有这些方面改善业绩。

    The company needs to improve performance in all these areas .

  4. 我们的业绩的确超过了去年的数字。

    We 've certainly improved on last year 's figures .

  5. 文章对政府的业绩进行了猛烈的抨击。

    The article was a savage attack on the government 's record .

  6. 以后,工资的增加将和业绩挂钩。

    In the future , pay increases will be related to productivity .

  7. 他有可靠的销售业绩记录。

    He has a proven track record in marketing .

  8. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。

    The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering .

  9. 提拔一个人应当看业绩,还是看资历?

    Should promotion be based on merit or seniority ?

  10. 公司的业绩受到了英镑高值的冲击。

    The company 's performance was impacted by the high value of the pound .

  11. 这项工作需要有良好投资业绩的人来担当。

    The job needs someone with a good track record in investment

  12. 没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。

    There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises .

  13. 政府还将曝光业绩最差的航空公司。

    The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines .

  14. 这些困难都已在不影响业绩的情况下得到了克服。

    These difficulties have been overcome without detriment to performance .

  15. 她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。

    She 's a hotshot broker on Wall Street .

  16. 这一业绩为他们赢得了85,000英镑的奖金。

    The feat won them a prize of £ 85,000

  17. 他的目标是通过提高公司的业绩来实现盈利。

    His purpose was to make a profit by improving the company 's performance .

  18. 业绩不佳的原因被归咎于经济衰退和低价跑车的进口。

    The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports

  19. 夏季的干旱已经对政府的经济业绩造成了沉重打击。

    The summer drought has dealt a heavy blow to the government 's economic record

  20. 在过去的12个月里,公司的业绩提高了10%。

    Over the past 12 months the company has managed a 10 per cent improvement .

  21. 新主管的任务是确保实现业绩目标。

    The job of the new director-general was to ensure that performance targets were met .

  22. 传统上认为业绩评定最适用于那些身处管理和监督职位之人。

    Appraisal has traditionally been seen as most applicable to those in management and supervisory positions

  23. 业绩出众的人会获得现金奖励。

    High achievers will receive cash bonuses

  24. 对于马尔科姆来说,工作归根结底就是要取得好的业绩。

    For Malcolm work could always be boiled down to one idea : being good in business .

  25. 对劳埃德银行的业绩进行了仔细分析,以确定对其他银行的表现可以作何种期待。

    Lloyds ' results were carefully scrutinised as a guide to what to expect from the other banks .

  26. 毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。

    It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John , whose pay is linked to performance , is entitled to every penny

  27. 周总理的光辉业绩在中国人民心中立下了不朽的丰碑。

    Premier Zhou 's illustrious deeds are an everlasting monument in the hearts of the Chinese people .

  28. 他津津乐道地讲述着自己的业绩。

    He lingered lovingly over the account of his exploits .

  29. 一个委员会将对这个部门的业绩进行审核。

    A committee will audit the department 's performance .

  30. 公司周三因未披露2009年业绩被停牌一天。

    The company 's stock was suspended from trading Wednesday for failing to disclose its2009 financial results .