
  • 网络investment period;Time Horizon;investment horizon
  1. 其他的考虑还有变现的需要,而投资期也决定投资者承担风险的胃口,因此影响他选择投资的资产等级。

    Other considerations such as liquidity needs and time horizon also determine an in-vestor 's appetite to assume risks and , accord-ingly , his choice of asset class to invest in .

  2. 在伯克希尔,我们的投资期是没有尽头的。

    At Berkshire , our time horizon is forever .

  3. 这家总部位于旧金山的公司正处于一个快速投资期,这一新举措印证了一点:根据开通服务的城市的数量计算,印度是Uber在美国以外的最大市场。Uber在印度开通服务的城市将达到18个。

    The new push comes amid a period of rapid investment for the San Francisco based company , and confirms India as its largest market by number of cities served outside the US - bringing the total to 18 .

  4. 研究了有限周期买入期权的三项式定价模型,对每一投资期内具有3种变化的股票价格模型进行了讨论,是现存的CRR二项式定价模型的推广。

    A trinomial option pricing model for finite periods is studied in this paper , between two consecutive periods the relative price changes have three possible states , so it extends the theory of Cox_Ross_Rubinstein binomial option price model .

  5. 他还警告称,私人股本3年至5年的投资期不适合于基础设施领域。

    He also warned that private equity 's three to five-year investment horizons were unsuitable for infrastructure .

  6. 那么,如果你想要在协议好的基金投资期实现全部的资金投资承诺,就会面临更大的压力。

    You may be facing more pressure to invest your entire capital commitment within the agreed investment phase of the life of your fund .

  7. 我们预计,在5年的投资期中,我们每年将节省5000万美元成本,此后每年将节省1亿美元。

    " We project savings of $ 50m per year during the five-year investment period and $ 100m in the years to follow ," he says .

  8. 文章考虑两部门(农民工和政府)、两时期(教育投资期和工作期)经济,构造基于职业风险、并纳入新政策变量的效用函数,通过局部均衡和比较静态分析揭示新政策效应。

    By the two sector and two period economic model , this paper constructs a utility function in which new policy variables and vocational risks are included .

  9. 范德维德表示,私人股本的优势在于能够经受住萧条时期的困难,因为它们的投资期为3至6年。

    Mr VandeVelde says private equity has the advantage of being able to ride out the difficulties of a bad season , as it invests for 3-6 years .

  10. 搞好设备的投资期管理,做好技术经济论证,是设备全过程管理的重要组成部分。

    Doing wdll the management of equiPment in Period of investment and making good technical-economic proof are the important components of the management of equipment in its whole procedure .

  11. 他们明白在投资期结束前出售他们在私募股权基金中的投资给次级基金通常需要折价处理,尤其是在当今的市场条件下。

    They understand that to sell their interest in private equity funds to a secondary fund before full term usually requires a discount , particularly in today 's market .

  12. 本文在归类整理投资期投资收益计算公式基础上,主要阐述成本法下长期股权投资的核算技巧。

    This essay discusses the skills in long-term stock ownership investment accounting under the cost method as well as giving an account of the formulae for calculation of the investment income .

  13. 汇丰银行近日推出了一种“连动式债券”产品,该产品的回报与一篮子货币相对于美元的表现相挂钩,从而在一个投资期内为中国投资者提供高达18%的回报。

    HSBC recently launched a " structured note " that offers Chinese investors returns of up to 18 per cent by making a bet on the appreciation of a basket of currencies against the dollar .

  14. ROI投资回收期总收益(PV)总成本(PV)净现值

    ROI Payback period Total benefits ( PV ) Total costs ( PV ) Net present value

  15. 中国对外FDI年度流量波动比较大,经历了投资低迷期、恢复与稳定增长期和飞速增长期。

    On one hand , the annual flow of foreign FDI is unstable . China has been through investment depression , recovery , stable growth and rapid increasing period .

  16. 以隔热层最小热阻为基准,选择动态投资回收期法,分析围护结构隔热层建设投资费用与运行费用等综合最经济状态下的经济热阻Re。

    By use of dynamic payback period method , analysis economical thermal resistance , R_e , in most economic status for cost of construction and operation of exterior-protected construction 's thermal insulating layer .

  17. 按现场实际操作连续运行情况下,稀土电动机单机小时平均节电1962kW·h,每年可节省电费6992元,其投资回收期为75个月左右。

    One hour run of a permanent synchronous motor results in energy saving of 1.962kW · h. Annual saving of power cost is 6992 Yuan RMB and investment payoff period is about 7.5 months .

  18. 大量的信息表明,想在短期实现RFID技术的收益是很困难的。利用RFID技术,我们必须着眼于长远的利益。我们要以多年的投资回收期实现RFID技术的投资回报率。

    Numerous sources state that , attaining a short-term ROI from RFID is difficult and that implementation needs to focus on longer-term or multi-year payback period to achieve ROI objectives .

  19. 运用投资回收期法分析,结果表明:BI系统不到3年便可收回全部投资,是一个十分合适的投资项目。

    The achievements by the usage of Payback Period Method indicate that the construction of BI system can recover the whole investment in less than 3 years , in this point of view , it is quite an appropriate investment projects .

  20. 在MC法中,本系统编制了净现值模拟、内部收益率模拟、动态投资回收期模拟等,并通过实例证明了本模拟方法的科学性、可靠性和可操作性。

    In MC , net present value ( NPV ) simulation , internal rate of return ( IRR ) simulation , dynamic capital pay-off time simulation etc are worked out which have been proved to be scientific , reliable and operational through the actual example .

  21. 将此塔用于回收醋酸甲酯和甲醇,投资回收期为31d。

    And when this tower is used to recover methyl acetate and methanol , it is 31 d.

  22. 指出激光平地的最佳作业时期为4月15日至5月20日,激光平地设备每年作业35d,可直接收入3.15万元,节水26%,投资回收期7a。

    Point out the better time of leveling land with laser is April 15 to May 20 ; 35 d work can earn 31 500 yuan directly and can save water 26 % . Recovering investment time is 7 a.

  23. 改造后,节约1.0MPa蒸汽2~3t/h,冷却稳定汽油所用循环水流量减少170t/h,直接经济效益233.9万元/a,投资回收期约为4个月。

    The results showed that the revamping could save steam 2-3 t / h , circulating water 170 t / h and had good creat direct economical profits . The investment recovery period was about 4 months .

  24. 水平井全部实施后,区块采油速度可达到0.84%,预计提高采收率7.8%,增加可采储量84.9×104t,投资回收期在4.3年以内。

    After all the horizontal wells are put into production , the oil recovery rate can achieve 0.84 % , the estimated oil recovery is increased by 14 % , the increased geological reserves is 8.49 billion tons , and the investment payoff period is within 4.3 years .

  25. 投资回收期:包括建设期2.9年。

    The payback period of investment : Including 2.9 construction periods .

  26. 追加投资回收期的动态计算探讨

    A Study on the Dynamic Calculation of the Additional Investment Recovery Period

  27. 节能改造的投资回收期一年左右。

    The payback time in retrofit is about one year .

  28. 投资回收期指标若干问题的探讨

    The Research of Some Target Problems in the Period of Invest Recovery

  29. 投资回收期和内部收益率的适用性

    Applicability of payback period and internal rate of return invest

  30. 考虑资金成本的投资回收期模型的依据

    Basis of the recovery period model considering the capital cost