
  • 网络opportunism;speculative incentive
  1. 认知偏差、缺乏自我约束和投机心理构成大学生作弊的个体内在因素。

    Cognitive bias , lack of self-restraint and speculation constitute individual internal factors of students cheating .

  2. 第三节分析了投机心理对金融泡沫形成的作用。

    The third segment analyzes the function of speculative instinct in the forming process of financial bubbles .

  3. 理性的证券投资者应当摒弃投机心理,树立理性的投资理念,采取价值投资策略,以上市公司的基本分析为出发点,重视企业的内在价值在股票投资中的作用。

    Rational investors should build up concept of rational investment , conduct value investment strategy with the irrational stockjobbing being through away .

  4. 利用资产重组及关联交易舞弊等方面。财务报告舞弊的原因主要有公司治理结构不完善、政府监管不到位、信息不对称、投资者投机心理等。

    The reasons of financial fraud lie in inadequate corporate governance , poor government regulation , information asymmetry , investors'wait-and-see attitude and so on .

  5. 社会投机心理、证件管理的法制意识不强及打击不力是证件犯罪较为猖獗的主要原因。

    Well-organized . The main reasons that credentials crimes are so rampant are : speculative psychology , Being short of strong legal sense in credentials-managing .

  6. 本章包括三节,着重从制度、市场环境和投机心理三个方面对金融泡沫的形成机理进行分析。

    The first chapter is divided into three segments to clarify the forming mechanism of financial bubbles from three aspects-system , market environment and speculative instinct .

  7. 很明显,他们对在刻板的国有企业、一个威权政府或他们他们认为带有投机心理的外企里工作并不太感冒。

    They clearly did not cherish the idea of working for a stodgy state enterprise , an autocratic government , or what they deemed to be an opportunistic foreign multinational .

  8. 这表明投资者对概念股的关注驱动的交易行为更多地是一种短线操作而不是长期持有,也证明了投资者对概念股的关注确实代表了一种投机心理。

    This shows that transactions driven by investors ' attentions is a short-term operation rather than long-term holding , which proves that investors ' attention about concept stocks indeed represents investors ' speculation .

  9. 但这一想法更多地是基于投机心理,而非基于行业基本面走强的确凿根据。只要出现危机苗头,这些国有银行的很多新股东就可能逃之夭夭。

    But that belief is based more on speculative psychology than on solid evidence of stronger industry fundamentals . At the first sign of trouble , many of the banks ' new shareholders will be likely to bolt .

  10. 随着中国证券市场逐步向规范化运作的方向发展,投资者或投资机构对证券投资的理念已从投机心理回归到更加注重证券内在的投资价值分析。

    With the development of the securities market in China to a normative operations model , regarding security investment , investors and investment institution focused on speculative psychology , but have transferred to analysis on intrinsic investment value of security .

  11. 梳理了A股市场自建立以来的主要政策诱因,指出我国投资者普遍存在投机心理、易于形成心理群体、政策敏感性及政策依赖性特征明显、过度自信及过度恐慌心理突出等群体心理特征。

    It explains the main political issues since the establishment of China A-share stock market , pointing out that speculations , easy-to-form mental groups , policy sensitive and policy-dependent generally exist in investors . The characteristics of over-panic and over-confidence as well widely exist .

  12. 通过对大学生考试舞弊的心理起因&投机心理、吃亏心理、虚荣心理、哥们义气、学习无用心理的分析,从主观和客观两方面提出了较为有效的矫治考试舞弊心理的措施。

    The paper analyses the psychological reasons of cheating on exams , such as psychologies of being opportunistic , suffering losses , vanity , personal loyalty and futility of study , and puts forward effective measures to rectify cheating psychology on exams subjectively and objectively .

  13. 但随后文艺整风运动又让我们看到了不惜牺牲别人而自保的投机心理的丁玲,一切文艺都是宣传又成为她的创作宗旨,丁玲的形象也基本定型。

    But then the rectification campaign literature and art we saw at the expense of letting other people and try to keep the speculation , the writer , " all art is propaganda " has become the purpose of her creation , and shaped the image of Ding Ling .

  14. 随着大家对股票市场参与的深入,长期投资的心理慢慢超过了短期投机的心理。

    With the participation of everyone on the stock market , people accept the long-term investment than the short-term speculation .

  15. 大学生产生考试作弊的心理因素主要有自我意识淡薄、投机侥幸心理、功利虚荣心理等,外部环境因素主要有社会环境教育制度和学校管理三方面。

    The psychological factors of college students ' cheating in examinations mainly has ego consciousness , the idea of leaving things to chance , vanity psychology and so on , and the external environmental factors mainly include the social environment , the education system , and the school administration .

  16. 投机需要预测市场心理,投资则需要在整个寿命周期预测资产收益率。

    Speculation involved forecasting the psychology of the market , enterprise the prospective yield of assets over their whole life .