
  • Talent cultivation mechanism;talent development scheme
  1. 调查报告显示,民众认为官僚作风是大学存在的第二大问题,其他对大学教育的不满意见包括人才培养机制落后、创新教育不足以及学术剽窃现象。

    Bureaucratic manner ranks second among public concerns , other unsatisfactory opinions like poor talent development scheme , poor innovative education and plagiarism showed up in the survey report .

  2. 现阶段我国CUBA联赛的人才培养机制,普遍采用将体育课余训练的管理模式与竞技体育的训练模式相结合的形式。

    At present , the personnel training system of CUBA league is mainly adopted the train mode which combines the school extracurricular sports management and athletic training together .

  3. 加入WTO后,中外银行的激烈竞争促使我国商业银行必须尽快提高认识,优化服务手段,完善人才培养机制,防范市场风险,加快发展中间业务。

    After WTO entry , the drastic competition between Chinese banks and foreign banks spur Chinese commercial banks to increase the recognition , optimize the service methods , perfect the talents cultivating mechanism , prevent the market risks , and speed up the development of the intermediate business .

  4. 高校人才培养机制的重构

    Reconstruction of Training Mechanisms of Qualified Personnel in Universities and Colleges

  5. 中央公益性地质调查队伍人才培养机制研究

    Research on Talent Training Mechanism of Center Commonweal Geological Survey Team

  6. 林业科技创新人才培养机制探讨

    Discussion on Personnel Training Mechanism of Forestry Science and Technology Innovation

  7. 关于我国高水平田径后备人才培养机制的探讨

    Cultivation System on Reserve Personnel of Our High-level Track and Field

  8. 研究型地学人才培养机制的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Training Model of Geological Research Personnel

  9. 关于建立企业人才培养机制的探讨

    The Inquiry into The Establishment of The Personnel Training Mechanism

  10. 改革人才培养机制,提升人才培养的国际化水平,促进博士后制度的国际化。

    Reform the talents training system and promote it internationalized .

  11. 民族高校人才培养机制改革初探

    On the Cultivation of Talents in National Colleges and Universities

  12. 计算机学研产互动人才培养机制的研究与实践

    Study and practice of education-research-industry training mechanism for computer major

  13. 电子设计竞赛在人才培养机制中的作用

    Reformation of the Train System and Curriculum Caused by Electronic Designing Contest

  14. 现代医院创新型青年人才培养机制探讨

    Discussion on Building People-oriented Training Mechanisms of Innovative Youth Talents in Modern Hospital

  15. 企业高技能型人才培养机制构建新探

    The New Research on Cultivation Mechanism Construction of Enterprise High-level Technical Person with Ability

  16. 构建与煤炭工业规模化现代化相适应的人才培养机制

    Talent cultivation mechanism to be formulated to adapt for modernized coal industry of scale

  17. 提出我军神经科学研究应建立的学科人才培养机制。

    He also puts forward the development system of talented people in this field .

  18. 科教兴湘战略与创新型人才培养机制研究科教兴国是根本大计

    " Developing Hunan through Science and Education " Strategy and Innovation-oriented Talent Training Mechanism

  19. 其次,创新人才培养机制;

    Secondly , Innovating talent training mechanism ;

  20. 基于创新人才培养机制的高校考试改革探讨

    Discussion on the Examination Innovation of Colleges and Universities Based on the Talents Training Mechanism

  21. 通过建立新的人才培养机制,可以有效地促进编辑群体人才的成长。

    Setting up new mechanism for personnel training can effectively promote the development of editorial personnel .

  22. 中外职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养机制比较

    Comparative study on training programs for talents-in-support of professional football clubs in China and foreign countries

  23. 第二,建立国际化人才培养机制,吸纳和培养国际化人才。

    Second , the establishment of an international talent training mechanism , to absorb and train international personnel .

  24. 而诸多的交叉学科的涌现,需要建立与之适应的交叉学科研究生人才培养机制。

    The emerging of numerous interdisciplines calls for the establishing of corresponding training mechanism for interdisciplinary graduate students .

  25. 本文从人才培养机制和文化体制两方面简要地分析了问题产生的原因;

    Then it analyzed the causes of the problems from two aspects of training mechanism and culture system .

  26. 创新人才培养机制,确立有利于人的全面发展的价值坐标。

    Cultivate innovation people of ability ; build up the value coordinate in favor of man 's overall development .

  27. 创新预防医学专业人才培养机制将极大提升公共卫生控制能力,提高社会应急反应能力。

    Innovation preventive medicine professional 's cultivation mechanism will greatly enhance public health control , improve emergency response capabilities .

  28. 科学技术通过对经济的贡献间接为人才培养机制的转换提供了物质基础。

    Science and technology provide material basic for the change of talent cultivation mechanism through indirect contribution to economy .

  29. 改革的核心目标是建立产学研一体化的人才培养机制;

    Its core object is to establish a training system of production , teaching and research integration for talents .

  30. 科技创新与人才培养机制转换之间是一种良性互动的关系。

    There is a beneficial interaction relation between the innovation of science and technology and the change of talent cultivation mechanism .