
  • 网络Personnel Dispute
  1. 人事争议仲裁是一种行政司法活动。

    Personnel dispute arbitration is a kind of administrative judicial activity .

  2. 事业单位人事争议仲裁相关因素研究

    Study on Relevant Factors of Personnel Dispute Arbitration for Public Institution

  3. 论学校纠纷的依法处理&如何解决教师与学校的人事争议纠纷

    On Legal Treatments of Dissension in School In the school School

  4. 人事争议仲裁制度若干问题探析

    A Discussion about Some Problems in Arbitration System for Personnel Disputes

  5. 事业单位人事争议解决方式及其适用范围上的协调

    Application Scope of Settlements of Personnel Disputes in Government-sponsored Institution

  6. 事业单位人事争议法律适用问题探讨

    Application of law to personnel disputes in the institutions

  7. 人事争议解决机制的改革与完善

    Reformation and Improvement of Settled Mechanism of Personnel Dispute

  8. 人事争议仲裁法律适用问题的思考

    Pondering over Legal Application of Personnel Dispute Arbitration

  9. 本章分析了我国现行人事争议仲裁的调整范围和缺陷。

    It analyses its regulation sphere and defects .

  10. 劳动争议与人事争议的主体冲突及解决对策

    On How to Solve the Subject Conflict between the Labour Disputes and the Personnel Disputes

  11. 我国人事争议仲裁制度建设的回顾、问题和前景

    The Interpersonal Dispute Arbitration Regime in China : It 's History , Problems and Future

  12. 人事争议仲裁制度是具有中国特色的一种权益救济制度。

    The interpersonal dispute arbitration regime plays an important role in China 's personnel system reform .

  13. 现行救济途径无法满足公务员人事争议保障之需要;公务员法虽然赋予公务员说“不”的权利,但未提供相应的司法保障;

    Judicial remedy for civil servant personnel dispute is the general practice in some democratic states under the rule of law .

  14. 而人事争议仲裁的制度、机构与队伍建设都存在较多缺陷,不能有效地保护人事争议当事人的合法权益。

    The personnel disputes arbitration system has a lot of defects and thus cannot protect the parties ' legal profit effectively .

  15. 我国对工作人员与所在单位之间纠纷的仲裁可分为劳动争议仲裁和人事争议仲裁。

    Disputes arise from the employees and the employing units are regulated separately by labor disputes arbitration and personnel relationship disputes arbitration .

  16. 随着中国公务员制度改革的不断深化,公务员人事争议成为亟待解决的突出问题。

    Compared with those in other countries , Chinese Civil Service have to choose limited relief measures when they meet with personnel disputes .

  17. 公务员人事争议具有内因性、非对等性、隐蔽性、多元性、救济有限性等特征。

    Civil servant personnel disputes have internal cause , non - getting reciprocal , invisibility , pluralism , limited relief etc as its characteristic .

  18. 它是指人事争议仲裁委员会对申请仲裁的人事争议案件依法进行调解和裁决的活动。

    It means that a personnel dispute arbitration committee carries out mediation and decision activities for personnel dispute cases submitted for arbitration according to laws .

  19. 人事争议的处理,应当以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,遵循及时、公正、合理的原则。

    The settlement of personnel disputes shall be based on facts , taking law as the criterion and following the principles of timeliness , fairness and reasonableness .

  20. 一方面,在现有公务员权利救济制度框架下,完善复核、申诉、控告等行政救济制度和人事争议仲裁制度。

    On one hand , under the civil rights relief system , improve the review , complaints , charges and other administrative relief system and personnel dispute arbitration system .

  21. 人事争议仲裁是一项崭新的人事争议解决机制,是由人才流动争议仲裁制度的发展演变而成形。人事争议仲裁工作为人事争议的解决以及维系和谐的人事关系开辟了一个全新的渠道。

    Personnel Disputes Arbitration is a new style of personnel dispute resolution mechanism , and it creates a new method to resolve personnel dispute and keep harmonious social personnel relationship .

  22. 人事争议仲裁调整的工作人员可分为三类,其中:国家行政机关中的人事关系实质上属公法范畴,应纳入公务员法调整;

    The employees regulated by personnel relationship disputes arbitration system can be classified into three kinds , the personnel relationship below to the sphere of public law and should be regulated by civil servant law ;

  23. 我国的人事争议解决机制是伴随着我国经济和社会的发展和人事制度改革的深化而产生的,其主要的原因是大量人才流动的出现。

    Chinese personnel dispute settlement mechanism has occurred with the development of Chinese economy and society d and the deepening of Chinese personnel system reform , mainly due to a substantial flow of talents newly occurred .

  24. 人事争议是指人事关系主体之间,在人事管理过程中,因双方的权利义务发生分歧而产生的争议。由于特定的历史原因,我国形成了独有的人事争议仲裁制度。

    Personnel disputes refer to disputes among personnel relationship parties arise from divergence about the rights and liability during the personnel management For specific historical reasons , China has formed its unique personnel relationship disputes arbitration system .

  25. 第三章从社会环境的缺乏、人事争议的劳动法属性以及现行法律对人事争议仲裁制度的替代性角度,该制度的废除问题进行了深度思考。

    The third chapter discusses the abandonment of the system from the perspectives of the lack of social circumstances , the labor law nature in personnel relationship , and the substantive nature of other law system to the personnel relationship disputes arbitration system .

  26. 我们可以参照劳动争议仲裁及人事争议仲裁,在教育领域实行教育行政仲裁制度,可以从教育行政仲裁原则、教育行政仲裁委员会的设立、教育行政仲裁的程序等方面健全教育行政仲裁制度。

    Consulting the labor dispute arbitration and personnel dispute arbitration , we can practise the educational administrative arbitration in the field of education . To improve it , we must focus on the instauration of the arbitration committee , the arbitration process and the arbitration principle .

  27. 公务员权利非诉救济内涵丰富,外延宽泛,包括诉讼救济途径以外的各种人事管理争议解决程序和途径,具有公务员权利保障、行政自我审查和减轻法院负担等功能。

    Non-litigation remedy of rights of civil servants is rich in both connotation and extension , personnel management dispute settlement procedure and means except various litigations remedy ways , has functions of protection of rights of civil servants , administrative self-review and reducing burden of courts .

  28. 随着事业单位人事关系和人事争议日益多元化,纠纷解决机制也需要相应地调整。

    Nowadays the organizational affiliation and personnel disputes in the government-sponsored institution become increasingly diversified , so that the methods of settlement should be adjusted accordingly .

  29. 中国法治化进程是渐进的、具体的,也是全方位的。在我国法治化进程中,事业组织体制改革具有人事关系契约化、人事争议处理司法化、财政多元化、主体地位社会化的趋势。

    The legalization process of China is gradual , concrete and all-round , during which the institution system reform develops the trend of personnel relation contracting , personnel dispute settlement legalizing , all-round development of finance , and subject status socializing .