
rén fǎ
  • laws of persons;human law
  1. 莎士比亚的法律观体现了他的人法和神法的统一观。

    His views on law are of the unity of human law and divine law .

  2. 莎士比亚强调人法的重要性,但又不完全否定神法的合理性。

    Shakespeare highlights the significance of human law , but does not despise the rational elements of the divine law .

  3. 总之,民法就是人法,与人性有着天然的联系。

    And it has a natural connection with human nature .

  4. 为制止奴仆逃亡,遂作逃人法。

    For the Suppression of the slave escape , was fleeing law .

  5. 第二部分介绍了逃人法的具体内容和流变过程。

    Part II introduces the escape method of the specific content and change process .

  6. 第三部分为对逃人法的评价。

    Third part on escape method of evaluation .

  7. 应用绘人法对儿童智力发育的研究

    Draw-A-Man Test Applied to Children 's Intelligence Development

  8. 并对逃人法的内容和流变做了初步的概括介绍。

    Escape and contents and changes of law made a preliminary summary of the presentation .

  9. 民法是人法,是权利法,也是能力法。

    As human law , civil law is also law of right and law of capacity .

  10. 《法学阶梯》人法、债、继承、诉讼法四编的合理结构奠定了罗马法、乃至现代民法体系的框架基础。

    Its reasonable structure laid the foundation for Roman civil law and even modern system of civil law .

  11. 现阶段中国的治国特点是“人法同治”。

    The current feature of running the country is to " rule by both man and law " .

  12. 总起来看,逃人法是施行过程中,是负面影响大过正面影响的。

    Overall , ran law is in the process of implementation , is the negative impact of having a positive impact .

  13. 因八旗制不易,故奴仆制不易,故逃人法一直沿袭。

    Because of the eight banners system difficult , slave system it is not easy to escape laws have been followed .

  14. 逃人法作为一项军事时期的临时政策,对入关之前的满洲有着巨大的积极意义。

    Escape by people as a temporary for a period of military policy , prior to entering Manchuria has great positive significance .

  15. 清初逃人法是中国历史上仅见的一项法律制度。

    Content summary escaped in early Qing dynasty law is a legal system has not been seen in the history of China .

  16. 概要:深圳准备为好人立法,颁布“好撒玛利亚人法”。这也将是中国第一部对公民救助行为进行保护的条例。

    It is the first time China is formulating a special regulation to protect bystanders who choose to help a stranger in distress .

  17. 主要介绍了满洲建治之后的宏观社会背景,并说明了与逃人法产生密切相关的两项制度&八旗制度和奴仆制度。

    After built mainly introduces the Manchu rule of macro-social context , and describes the escape and laws closely related system-two-eight banners and slave systems .

  18. 介绍了对泡桐木变色的不同看法;对现有的防止泡桐木变色和变色后泡桐木处理人法的优缺点加以概述;

    Different views about discoloration of Paulownia wood and different treatment methods used to prevent and remove stains on surface of Paulownia wood are summarized .

  19. 莎氏的人文主义法律观相互矛盾,是三重悖论的统一体:法律既应是人法,又应是神法;

    His Humanist views on law are contradictory , and is a three-folded paradoxical unity . Law is not only the human law , but the divine law ;

  20. 对我国尤其具有重要借鉴意义的是:苏格兰1972年公司浮动抵押和代管人法,以及日本于1958年以英格兰衡平法为蓝本制定的《企业担保法》。

    To our country particularly importance we can obtain lessons is that in 1972 Scotland company floating charge and receiver law and in 1958 Japan enterprise guarantee law .

  21. 引起大量奴仆逃亡,为此加重逃人法的处罚力度,无异于火上浇油,造成巨大的社会动荡和经济损失。

    Caused by a large number of slaves escape , aggravated escape penalties of the law , was tantamount to the flames , causing tremendous social upheaval and economic loss .

  22. 因此,“好撒马里塔人法”被通过了,以确保人们不会因为好心帮助别人而反遭控诉。

    As a result a law called the " Good Samaritan law " was passed to protect people so that they could not be sued for trying to save others .

  23. 作为现代信托法的核心,受托人法由两大基本原则支撑,即忠实义务和善管义务。

    As the core of the modern trust law , trustee law is supported by two basic principles , that is , the duty of loyalty and the duty of care .

  24. 另一方面,我们也应加强制度建设,法制建设,在当前社会实行人法同治,这样不仅能形成良好的社会风气,而且对我们的政治制度建设及干部队伍建设会起到一定的促进作用。

    It can not only become a good social mode but also promote the political system and leaders ' team to put the rule of man and law into practice in the present situation .

  25. “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”。“自然”既是宇宙世界的根本规律,更是人类社会的根本规律。

    The Taoist doctrine that " man must conform to the earth , earth to heaven , heaven to Tao and Tao to nature " tells us that " nature " is the fundamental law of the universe and of human society .

  26. 结语部分,以生产力和生产关系的互动来看待各个时期的逃人法以及经济发展水平和社会矛盾,阐释为何在入关以后,逃人法必须废止的原因。

    Conclusion section , to the interaction between productivity and production relation by escaped person to look at different periods and levels of economic development and social conflicts , explained why after GATT , escaped and causes of laws must be repealed .

  27. 域中有四大,而人居其一焉。人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然

    " There are four supremes in the universe , and the person is one of them . The person reflects the earth . The earth reflects heaven . Heaven reflects the Way . And the Way reflects its own nature . "

  28. 考察大陆法系国家民法典对人格权的规定及参照我国学者的观点,我们认为,民事主体制度(人法)和侵权行为法不能承担规定人格权的重担。

    Reviewing the provisions on personal rights in civil codes of civil law countries and making references to Chinese scholars ' points of views , we consider that civil subjects system and tort law can not bear the burden as legal provisions on personal rights .

  29. 本文在最后一部分阐述了成员权,认为成员权虽然具有人法的特征,本质上却属于物权,并进一步分析了它与股东权的相似和区别之处。

    This paper describes the members in the last part right , that the members of the right , while having the characteristics of personal law , in essence , they are right , and further analysis of its shareholder rights and the similarities and differences between .

  30. 玄烨鉴于此,渐次降低逃人法的处罚力度,逐渐缓解了社会矛盾和民族对立,更深层次的原因是经济社会的发展促使封建租佃制取代了农奴生产制,对逃人产生无异于釜底抽薪。

    Xuan ye in view of this , gradually reduced to escape penalties of the law , gradually easing social conflicts and national opposition , deeper reason is economic and social development of the feudal rent system replaced the SERF system , appear to escape was tantamount to the Cauldron .