
  • 网络artificial coloring;artificial color;ARTIFICIAL COLOURS;Synthetic Color
  1. 本产品未添加任何人工色素及调味品。

    No artificial coloring or flavoring is added to this product .

  2. 但是袋装的通常会加上像牛奶巧克力糖,人工色素和油脂这种不健康的东西。

    But the packaged versions are often packed with unhealthy stuff , too , like coated milk chocolate candies as well as artificial coloring and oil .

  3. 人工色素双分子类脂膜(PBLM)厚度小于100(?)

    The artificial pigmented Bilayer Lipid Membranes ( PBLM ) less than 100A thick separating two aqueous solutions containing different redox compounds .

  4. 无人工色素,香料或甜味剂。

    No artificial colorings , flavorings or sweeteners .

  5. 标签上说没有添加任何防腐剂和人工色素。

    It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colouring s have been added .

  6. 人工色素,人造香料,防腐剂,麦麸,盐,面粉和大豆。

    Free of : Artificial colors , artificial flavors , preservatives , gluten , salt , wheat or soy .

  7. 总体来说,我不赞成使用带有人工色素染剂的染发剂,对于我来说,对化妆用品的不可信就像对食物中一样。

    In general , I discourage use of hair dyes containing artificial coloring agents , which to my mind are as suspect in cosmetic products as they are in food .

  8. 亨氏一直致力于用高品质原料生产绝佳美味的食品,绝不添加使用任何人工色素及香料,这也是亨氏在英国家家户户总有一席之地的原因。

    It is committed to producing great-tasting food from quality ingredients , without the use of artificial colours and flavours , which is why Heinz has a place in most households across the UK .

  9. 莱尔先生补充说:“我们认为人们应该有机会享受并体验一个纯粹的夜晚:没有化学制品、没有人工色素、没有电、没有燃气、没有电话——甚至没有衣服。

    Mr Lyall added : " We believe people should get the chance to enjoy and experience a night out without any impurities : no chemicals , no artificial colours , no electricity , no gas , no phone - and even no clothes .

  10. 研究表明人工合成色素添加剂有较好的着色效果。

    That showed artificial synthesized pigment additions had better pigmentation effect .

  11. 番禺区熟肉制品中人工合成色素使用情况调查

    Investigation on Usage of Synthetic Pigments of Cooked Meat Products in Panyu District

  12. 导数伏安法同时测定5种混合人工合成色素

    Simultaneous determination of five mixed colorants by derivative voltammetry

  13. 离子对高效液相色谱法对人工合成色素的分离和测定

    Separation and Detection of Synthetic Food Colors by Ion-pair High - performance Liquid Chromatography

  14. 同时检测肉制品中6种人工合成色素

    Determination of Artificial Pigment from Meat Products

  15. 河南省市售红葡萄酒中甜味剂以及人工合成色素使用情况分析

    Analysis of Sweeteners and Synthetic Pigments used in Commercial Available Red Wine of Henan Province

  16. 广州市售糕点、熟肉制品中人工合成色素含量的现状分析

    Analysis of existing circumstance of pigment content of pastry and cooked meat product sold in Guangzhou

  17. 目的:建立果冻中人工合成色素测定的高效液相色谱法。

    Objective : To establish a high performance liquid chromatography method for determination of6 kinds of synthetic colour in jelly .

  18. 目的了解上海市售食品中人工合成色素胭脂红的含量水平,为食品卫生学研究和保护食用者安全提供实验数据。

    Objective Contents of ponceau in food on sale in Shanghai were determined in order to provide some data for hygiene studying in food and security of consumers .

  19. 不合格主要项目是含有人工合成色素,其次是霉变及细菌总数、大肠菌群超标。

    The main item that is not up to the hygiene standard is synthetic colouring ; besides , the number of mould and bacteria and coliform group exceeds the limitations .

  20. 另一个普遍应用于治疗动症儿童的最基础的方案是“法因戈尔德饮食(Feingolddiet)”,即禁止各种人工味素、色素、防腐剂。

    Another common starting point for hyperactive kids is the Feingold diet , which bans artificial flavors , colors , and some preservatives .

  21. 术后主要并发症人工晶状体表面色素沉着、虹膜后粘连及黄斑囊样水肿发生率,PHACO组明显低于ECCE组。

    The incidence of postoperative complications such as pigmentation on the IOL , iris posterior synechia , cystoid macular edema in the PHACO group was inferior to that of the ECCE group .

  22. 唐山市肉制品中人工合成食用色素使用情况调查

    Investigation of Application of Artificial Food Colors in Meat Products in Tangshan

  23. 饮料中人工合成食用色素的分析质量控制

    Quality control of analysis of artificial food color in

  24. 脑活素不含:酵母、食盐、糖、麸质、奶油、淀粉、豆类、动物产品、人工防腐剂、色素。

    Brain Fuel contains no : yeast , salt , sugar , gluten , dairy , starch , soy , animal products , artificial preservatives or coloring .

  25. 赛百味将使用全天然食材赛百味位于北美的餐厅将不再使用人工香料、色素和防腐剂,成为又一家在食品中使用全天然成分的连锁餐厅。

    Subway restaurants will remove artificial flavors , colors and preservatives from its menu in North America , becoming the latest restaurant chain to embrace all-natural ingredients .

  26. 避免:苯醇,柠檬酸,味精,糖精,含防腐剂,人工添加剂和色素的食物。

    Avoid : benzol alcohol , citric acid , monosodium glutamate ( MSG ), artificial sweeteners such as aspartame Nutrasweet ) and saccharine , foods containing preservatives and artificial ingredients and colors .

  27. 结果应用肝素组术后人工晶状体表面色素沉着较对照组明显减轻(P<0.05),后发障发生率低(P<0.05),对角膜水肿程度及眼内压无影响。

    Results The pigment precipitation and posterior capsular opacification were significantly reduced in the patients ( P < 0.05 ) with heparin compared with control group . Heparin had not any effect on degree of corneal edema or intraocular pressure .

  28. 焦糖色素是一种人工合成的食用色素,也是目前广泛使用的一种食品添加剂之一。

    Caramel pigment is a kind of synthetic edible pigment , which is widely used as a kind of food additives .

  29. 不包含:酵母,小麦,盐,麸质,牛奶,淀粉,人工香料,人工色素,人工甜味剂,酒精或者蜂蜜。

    Does Not Contain : Yeast , wheat , soy , gluten , milk , starch , artificial flavors , artificial colors , artificial sweeteners , alcohol or honey .