
  • 网络Organic board;Organosheet
  1. 适用于加工各种密度板、刨花板、人造板、ABS板、PVC板、有机玻璃板及实木等木材结构,硬度相似的板材;

    Apply to processing all kinds of density boards , shaving boards , wood-based panels , ABS panels , PVC panels , organic glass plates and soild wood and others with wood structure and similar hardness .

  2. 艺术桥上的铁丝网被粉刷一新,用有机玻璃板保护起来。现在它有了一个新用途:这里正在举办当代艺术家丹尼尔·乌尔代(DanielHourdé)的雕塑展。

    Now the Pont des Arts , its iron grillwork freshly painted and protected by plexiglass panes , has taken on a new role , as the setting for an exhibition of sculptures by the contemporary artist Daniel Hourd é .

  3. 方法:利用自制多孔有机玻璃板外固定器固定胸壁13~17d。

    Method : 86 cases received self - made multiporous lucite plate external fixation device , for treatment of flail chest for 13 ~ 17 days .

  4. 结果在低能区,2cm厚有机玻璃板的反散射特性,以及在高能区水模体的反散射特性更接近人体。

    Results In the lower energy region , the backscatter property of PMMA is close to that of human body , and in the higher energy region the backscatter property of water is close to that of human body .

  5. 运用流体力学理论对所得波形进行分析;结果表明,锰铜压阻法测试有破片产生的爆炸元件时,加1mm厚有机玻璃板优于加0.05~0.10mm的Mylar膜。

    By analyzing the measured waveform hydrodynamically , the following conclusion was obtained : the use of 1 mm PMMA compared better than a 0.05 ~ 0.10 mm Mylar film when measuring explosive elements with fragments .

  6. 有机印制板上倒装芯片的可靠性研究

    Reliability Study of a Flip Chip on Board Assembly

  7. 吸塑成型用有机玻璃板柔韧性的研究

    The Flexibility of Polymethylmethacrylate Sheet Used for Thermoforming

  8. 多孔有机玻璃板外固定器治疗连枷胸的临床观察及护理

    Clinical observation and nursing about treatment of flail chest by multiporous lucite plate external fixation device

  9. 特殊性能有机涂层板

    Polymer coated strip with special performance

  10. 方法用有机玻璃板、不锈钢丝等材料制作尿滴记数器。

    Method The organic glass slide , stainless steel wire and so on were used as the materials in the making process .

  11. 通过对四周固支中心加载的有机玻璃板的测试证明用相位相减法能得到比条纹相关法好的多的结果。

    The system is proved to be very efficient by measure the organic glass that is fixed all around and loaded in center .

  12. 准备一块有机玻璃板用于放置在待测部件表面,以在灌注时阻止液体流出。

    Perspex plate for sealing against the surface of the component , so that the fluid will not leak out of the component during measurement .

  13. 用有机玻璃板和橡皮膜制成了双联压强计,不仅可以直观的演示液体中的内部压强,还可以演示浮力的有关实验。

    The double piezometer is made of organic glasses and rubber membranes . It can not only directly shows the interior pressure in liquid , but also can be used in the buoyancy force related experiments .

  14. 与刷漆木板是057;与有机玻璃板是038,所有的动摩擦系数都随正压应力、运动速度的增加而降低。

    In addition the measured dynamic friction coefficients between the model ice and aluminum , painted wood and plastic are 0 37 、 0 57 and 0 38.The friction coefficient decreases with the increase of normal load and moving speed .

  15. 介绍了粘接聚碳酸酯聚碳酸酯板、聚碳酸酯玻璃板、聚碳酸酯有机玻璃板等透明防弹材料用透明聚氨酯胶粘剂的合成,讨论了原材料配比、NCO/OH的配比、水含量对胶粘剂性能的影响,确定了制备工艺。

    The method of making a transparent polyurethane adhesive for manufacturing polycarbonates-polycarbonates , polycarbonates-glass and polycarbonates-polymethyl methacrylates composite bullet-proof plates were introduced . The effects of raw materials , formulation , NCO / OH ratio and water content on adhesive properties were discussed , and the preparation process was established .

  16. 国外有机玻璃挤板技术

    The Extrusion Technique of PMMA Plate from Abroad

  17. 非金属:模切板、有机玻璃、PC板、PVC板、橡胶板、纺织材料、纸材、塑料。

    Non-metal : die cutting board , organic glass , PC board , PVC plate , plate , textile materials , paper , plastic .

  18. 本文综述了有机电致发光板(EL)的进展,并着重介绍了用有机发光二极管(O-LED)研制点矩阵显示器的近况。

    The progress of organic electroluminescence ( EL ) is summarized . Emphasis is given to recent developments for a dot matrix display using organic light emitting diodes .

  19. 通过有机玻璃的曲线板梁的荷载试验,测量了各个截面内外侧的正应力,验证了曲率沿梁宽变化对弯曲应力的影响是正确的。

    Through the pmma plate beam load test , the normal stress of each section is measured , the conclusion that the influence of the bending stress due to curvature variation along the beam width is correct has been verified .

  20. 提出了一种以导电金属粒子、有机成膜物质构成的复合导电浆料为熔覆物质,以有机环氧板为绝缘基板,采用CO2激光加热直接制备线路板的新工艺、新方法。

    In this paper , a new technology named laser micro-cladding technique is introduced , in which the metal-organic conductive pastes are used as the cladding materials , and the organic insulator resin boards are used as the substrate .

  21. 综述了有机硅烷的结构、分类、钝化工艺和缺陷,以及有机硅烷在镀锌板上的研究进展和耐蚀性能。

    The passivation technology of galvanized steels were reviewed in details , specially the development of research on organofunctional silanes films and their anti-corrosion performance .