
yǒu dài lèi
  • marsupial
  1. 这个称谓让人联想到一只长得过大却尚未离开母亲育儿袋的有袋类动物。

    The name suggests the image of an overgrown marsupial that hasn 't left its mother 's pouch .

  2. 考拉属喜夜间活动的、于树上的有袋类哺乳动物。

    The koala is a nocturnal , tree dwelling marsupial mammal .

  3. 在从细菌到有袋类动物的许许多多有机体中,已经发现光致反应系统。

    Photoreactivation systems have been found in many organisms from bacteria to marsupials .

  4. 这种一度茁壮成长的有袋类动物遭到栖息地丧失和疾病的伤害。

    The once-thriving marsupial1 has been ravaged2 by habitat loss and disease .

  5. 食虫有袋类食性选择与猎物质量的相互关系

    The Dietary Selections of Insectivorous Marsupials and Their Relations to Prey Quality

  6. 实际上,它们的皮毛算是有袋类动物中最厚的了。

    In fact , their fur is the thickest of all marsupials .

  7. 但实际上它是一种真正的有袋类动物,是靠近澳洲大陆南岛的塔斯马尼亚岛上的原生物种。

    But it 's actually a real animal , Sarcophilus harrisii , which is indigenous to Tasmania , an island to the south of the Australian mainland .

  8. 短尾矮袋鼠是种有袋类哺乳动物,看起来就好像是迪士尼里的卡通形象一样,而它实际上是澳大利亚西南角一小块区域的一种特有动物。

    Meet the Quokka , a marsupial that seems to have come straight from an animator at Disney , but is actually native to a small corner of southwestern Australia .

  9. 据该动物园网站介绍负鼠是一种生活在北美和南美的有袋类动物,其生命周期最长可达4-5年。

    Opossums , a type of marsupial found in North and South America , have a maximum life expectancy of four to five years , the zoo 's website says .

  10. 袋形构造动物身体里的肚袋或腹带,如齿类动物的颊囊成有袋类动物腹部的袋子子宫内膜移位症发生的典型部位是卵巢、宫韧带、肠阴道隔、盆腹膜、腹术瘢痕。

    A pouch in an animal body , such as the cheek pouch of a rodent or the abdominal pouch of a marsupial . Typical locations for endometriosis may include : ovaries , uterine ligaments , rectovaginal septum , pelvic peritoneum , and laparotomy scars .

  11. 考拉熊不是分在熊类动物里,而是分在有袋动物类。

    The koala bear is not classified as a bear , but as a marsupial .

  12. 小袋鼠是像袋鼠一样有袋的哺乳类动物并食用含有大量制备的食物。

    Wallabies are marsupial mammals like kangaroos and eat diets high in vegetation .

  13. 亚历山大有一个关于考拉的博客,所以她对这种特殊的有袋类动物并不陌生,她也经常在房子周围看到这些动物。

    Alexander , who has a blog devoted to koalas , is no stranger to this particular marsupial , which she often sees around her home .