
  • 网络audiobook;audio book;audio
  1. Audible是全国最大有声书制作商与零售商。它投资原创作品是为了展示这种形式的极大潜力,并像电视界的HBO、Showtime和Netflix那样提供专属内容。

    Audible , the country 's largest audio book producer and retailer , has been investing in original works as a way to showcase the dramatic potential of the form , and to provide exclusive content as HBO , Showtime and Netflix do in television .

  2. 可下载有声书的价格一般为接近20美元(约合人民币123元)。

    An average downloadable audio book costs close to $ 20 .

  3. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  4. 据有声出版机构联合会(AudioPublishersAssociation)数据,2011年网络下载有声书销售量较2010年增长了近30%。

    Unit sales of downloaded audio books grew by nearly 30 % in 2011 compared with 2010 , according to the Audio Publishers Association .

  5. 知情人士表示,《哈利波特》有声书目前在苹果在线商店itunes有售,但等到10月份pottermore网站对公众开放以后,就将从那里移除,而只在pottermore网站上出售。

    Digital audio versions of the Potter books are available on the apple shop , iTunes , but will be removed and sold solely on the pottermore site when it opens to the public in October , people familiar with the business say .

  6. 有些小说家绕开印刷版,直接以单纯有声书的形式发布小说。

    Some novelists are bypassing print and releasing novels as audio exclusives .

  7. 这是另一个下载有声书的好资源。

    This is another great resource for downloading audio books .

  8. 网站开发者未透露这些电子书和有声书的预计定价。

    Developers have not disclosed how much the e-books or audio books will cost .

  9. 有声书不再被视为印刷书的辅助产品。

    Audio books are no longer viewed as just an ancillary product to print .

  10. 休森曾发现,写作有声书所需要的技巧不同于散文写作。

    Mr. Hewson has discovered that writing for audio requires different techniques from prose writing .

  11. 你可以听有声书,听讲座,也可以看电影或电视剧。

    You can listen to books , lectures , watch movies or TVs on the players .

  12. 威廉对演员艾美达•斯丹顿说,他的孩子们非常喜爱她朗读的有声书《咕噜牛宝宝》。

    William told actress Imelda Staunton that his children love The Gruffalo audiobooks which she narrated .

  13. 试试有声书。

    Get an audio book .

  14. 如果一想到大部头书籍就头疼,你可以先听听有声书。

    You can start by listening to audiobooks if the thought of reading thick books is daunting to you .

  15. 我要去参加替盲人录制有声书的活动,因为我知道读书的快乐。

    I want to join the activity of read books for blinds , because I know the happiness of reading .

  16. 你在本有声书中听到的故事是说明性的例子,不基于特定事件或人物。

    The stories you will hear in this audible book are illustrative examples , not based on specific events or people .

  17. 现在点一下手指就可以把有声书下载到智能手机上,价格常常跟电子书一样。

    Now they can be downloaded onto smartphones with the tap of a finger , often for the price of an e-book .

  18. 有声书已经从1997年4.8亿的零售额膨胀为一个12亿美元的产业。

    Audio books have ballooned into a $ 1.2 billion industry , up from $ 480 million in retail sales in 1997 .

  19. 1999年开始不只在文化街街头讲故事,更走遍全马推广她的有声书‘红姐姐来了’及宣传环保意息。

    Linda loves to tell stories , in1999 she started traveling all over Malaysia to promote her audio book'Sister Hong is Coming'and the awareness to save the environment .

  20. 数字革命或许已给印刷业造成了沉重的打击,但它推进有声书的爆发式增长,通过其他意想不到的方式提高了人们的文化水平。

    The digital revolution may have dealt a heavy blow to print , but it is boosting literacy in other unexpected ways by fueling the explosive growth of audio books .

  21. 除了阅读英文书外,你亦可以在家中或车上聆听「有声书」,这可改善你的发音及措词用字。

    As a change from reading English books , you can listen to book audio tapes either at home or in your car . They will help your pronunciation and phrasing .

  22. 我记得我听过一部有声书,是采访美国总统杜鲁门的记录。

    And I remember actually listening to an audio ; it was actually an audio book and it was a series of transcripts on interviews that had been done with one of our American presidents , Harry Truman .

  23. 她常常同时买一本有声书和一本电子书,这样就可以在做其他事情的时候继续听故事。整个一天她都在自己的安卓手机上听书。

    She often buys both an audio book and an e-book so that she can stick with the story while she 's doing other things . Throughout the day , she listens to books on her Android phone .

  24. 数字创新改变的不只是有声书的创作、包装和出售方式,它也开始改变读者消费文学的方式,培育了一批新的文学爱好者。在这些爱好者看来,朗诵图书和文本图书是互通的。

    Digital innovation isn 't just changing the way audio books are created , packaged and sold . It 's starting to reshape the way readers consume literature , creating a new breed of literary omnivores who see narrated books and text as interchangeable .

  25. 增加正体中文有声图画书。

    Add illustrated audio book with traditional Chinese text .

  26. 去年,美国和英国售出的图书当中,有百分之五是电子书,包括有声书和电子阅读器。

    Last year 5 % of the books bought in the US and UK were digital ones , a combination of audio books and e-books .

  27. 而我至少有两位失明的用户现在正在下载他们自己的有声书。

    and I have at least two blind customers who are downloading their own audio books now .

  28. 这款手机应用软件将公共图书馆和有声读物结合了起来,能让你直接从手机上免费下载有声书。

    This smartphone application is the marriage of audiobooks and your public library . It enables you to download audiobooks for free straight to your mobile device .