
  • 网络there you go;meters
  1. NET平台,有米你模式(悬浮显示),米你模式下显示系统时间。

    NET platform , you have the meter mode ( suspension show ), meter mode display system of your time .

  2. 有米用真空蒸发和溅射沉积的方法制备了ITO/PTCDA/p-Si薄膜器件,并采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和Ar+溅射技术对其表面和界面电子态进行了研究。

    ITO / PTCDA / p-Si thin film device was fabricated with vacuum evaporation and sputter deposition method . The surface and interface electron states of ITO / PTCDA / p-Si were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) and argon ion beam etch technology .

  3. 也不是饥荒屋里面有米

    It 's not famine there 's rice in the huts !

  4. 很少有米丽不喜欢的食物。

    There are very few foods that Millie dislikes .

  5. 她有米戚朋友在布里斯托尔,同意做她的保人。

    She got a family friend in Bristol to agree to be her sponsor .

  6. 巧妇为难有米之炊&关于货币紧缩与外汇储备战略

    The Strategy of the Foreign Exchange Reserve

  7. 占卜的人有米说我们得存多少钱才能安心的退休啊?

    Did Nostradamus predict how much we will need to put aside for our retirement ?

  8. 在大约一个月内,我们就会知道什么样的斗争中有米。

    In about a month we 'll know just what kind of fight Fermi has in it .

  9. 他们锅里有米煮,没有人半夜里敲门来讨账。

    They have rice cooking in their pots and no creditors knocking on their doors at midnight .

  10. 目前乳酸生产的方法大部分采用微生物发酵法,常用的菌种有米根霉和乳酸菌。

    The main lactic acid production method is microorganism fermentation in which lactic acid bacteria and Rhizopus oryzae are commonly used .

  11. 而且有米这个软件的设计方式将事实隐藏起来,使其不被使用它的软件开发者和苹果商店的守卫发现。

    And the way Youmi designed the software hid that fact from the developers and Apple 's iTunes App Store gatekeepers .

  12. 传统的便当包括有米、鱼或肉,以及一种或多种腌渍好的蔬菜或熟蔬菜作为配菜。

    A traditional bento consists of rice , fish or meat , and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish .

  13. 此后,摩押人和亚扪人,又有米乌尼人,一同来攻击约沙法。

    Now after this , the children of Moab and the children of ammon , and with them some of the meunim , made war against jehoshaphat .

  14. 收集信息并不是软件开发者的失误,因为是有米在隐瞒事实,这些被窃取的数据实际上都是传回到了它自己的服务器里。

    The data collection does not appear to be the developers ' fault , since Youmi was disguising the fact that its software was sending that data to its servers .

  15. 你知道吗,我还有《幻想曲》,这部电影也是1940年上映的,并且它里边就有米老鼠,怎么样,你想看吗?

    Well , guess what ? I also have Fantasia . That was made in 1940 too and has Mickey in it.What do you say ? Are you up for it ?

  16. 但是有米的软件从下载了它的使用者哪里收集了信息,包括电子邮箱和电话序列号,并且将所有数据穿回给有米的服务器。

    But Youmi 's software gathered information about the people who downloaded the apps , including their email addresses and iPhone serial numbers -- sending all that data to Youmi 's servers .

  17. 这款应用的创始人使用了一款由名叫有米的中国广告公司提供的软件开发系统,这个软件让应用软件开发者可以在自己的应用里加入广告,这是可以的。

    The apps ' creators used a software development kit from a Chinese advertising company called Youmi , which allowed the developers to put ads in their apps . That 's kosher .

  18. 据门户网站新浪网报道,其他不同寻常的企业名称还包括“小龙虾”和“老板娘”。此外,还有一家杭州的私人股权投资公司的名字是“锅里有米”。

    Others include " Little Lobster " and " Landlady , " and , according to web portal Sina.com , a private equity company in Hangzhou calls itself " Guoliyoumi " ( I have rice in my bowl . )

  19. 走到车那里一定足足有100米呀!

    It must be all of 100 metres to the car !

  20. 距下面的岩石有五十米的垂直距离。

    There was a sheer drop of fifty metres to the rocks below .

  21. 这座大桥约有15米宽。

    This large bridge is about 15 metres wide .

  22. 这条河有30米宽。

    The river is 30 metres broad / wide .

  23. 这个大厅直里有15米,横里有8米。

    The hall is 15 metres in length and 8 in width .

  24. 那座桥有200米长。

    The length of the bridge is 200 metres .

  25. 水有3米多深。

    The water is more than 3 metres deep .

  26. 这个水塔上下有50米。

    The water tower is fifty metres high .

  27. 这屋子直里有六米,横里有三米。

    The room is6 metres in length and3 in width .

  28. 我估计这大厅共有80米长;我来步测一下。

    I think the hall is80 metres long ; I 'll pace it out .

  29. 它重1000多公斤,至少有10米长。

    It weighs more than 1,000 kilos and is at least ten meters long .

  30. 山脚下有300米宽的一堆碎片。

    There was a pile of debris across the bottom of the mountain 300m wide .