
  • 网络homologous;homology of medicine and food
  1. 佤族医药文化有着悠久的历史和民族特色,在其医药文化中,有一个十分显著的特点,就是药食同源,药和食相伴相生。

    The medical culture of the Wa Nationality has a long history and typical ethnic traits , of which one is the homology of medicine and food .

  2. 本课题以药食同源天然植物槐米和甘草为主要原料,以VC为增效剂制备天然复配抗氧化剂,对其抗氧化活性和防腐性能进行了深入的研究。

    The subject used natural plants Flos Sophorae Immaturus and Radix Glycyrrhizae which were homology of medicine and food as the main raw materials , Vc as synergist to prepare natural mixed antioxidants , and a deeply research on the antioxidant activity and anti-corrosion performance was did .

  3. 苦瓜(Momordicacharantialinn,MC)既是我国主要的蔬菜,也是典型的药食同源植物。

    Momordica charantia Linn ( MC ) was not only a main vegetable , but also a traditional Chinese herbal drug .

  4. 莲子药食同源,通芯白莲是江西省重要经济作物。

    Lotus seed is an important economic crop in Jiangxi Province .

  5. 佤族的药食同源文化

    On the Homologous Culture of Medicine and Food of the Wa Nationality

  6. 荞麦是一种药食同源的作物,具有较高的营养、药用及保健价值。

    Buckwheat is one kind of crop that has high nutritional and medical values .

  7. 人参是我国珍贵的药食同源植物,近年种植人参被批准作为资源型食品用于食品加工中。

    In recent years , ginseng have been approved as a food resources used in food processing .

  8. 功能性白酒,它是药食同源健康思想的创新。

    Functional liquor , the innovation of health idea of " integration of drinking and medicinal herbs " .

  9. 食养与食疗与中医的药食同源、医食同源思想有关。

    Fresh dependent and therapeutic medicine and Chinese medicine homologous food , medicine , fresh thinking on the homology .

  10. 药食同源的植物葛根对骨质疏松症的防治作用黑龙江省动植物性食品农兽药使用情况调查

    The preventive effect of puerariae radix on Osteoporosis Utilization of pesticide and veterinary drugs for crop and stock farming in Heilongjiang province

  11. 玉米花粉是我国新资源药食同源食品,其中多糖是很重要的功能因子。

    Maize pollen is a new resource of Medicinal and Edible food , in which the polysaccharide is a very important function-factor .

  12. 西洋参是药食同源植物,既是名贵上品中药,又是高级滋补佳品。

    American ginseng is homologous plant food medicine , Chinese medicine is not only superior luxury , it is the best tonic High .

  13. 苦荞作为一种药食同源的作物,具有很好的营养价值和保健作用。

    Tartary buckwheat is one kind of crop that has high nutritional and medical values . It is a healthy food with lots of nutrients .

  14. 山楂在我国具有悠久的保健与药用历史,为药食同源植物。

    Hawthorn was of a medicine homologous for food plant which have a medicinal and health protective affection for a long history in our country .

  15. 药食同源,选择清热、解毒、润肺的食物也能达到提高免疫力的食疗效果。

    The medicine food homology , the choice refrigeration , the disintoxicating , Run lung 's food can also achieve enhances the immunity the nutritional therapy effect .

  16. 利用药食同源的罗汉果浸提液添加适量的酸味剂和植物赋香剂,研制了适合于糖尿病人、肥胖病人及肥胖儿童饮用的低热量饮料。

    A low-calorie beverage suitable for diabetics , corpulent people and obese children was developed from Lo-Han-Kou extract with the addition of acidulating agents and natural flavourings .

  17. 纯正药食同源植物,健康安全,富含维生素,矿物质等营养素,提高人体免疫力。

    The pure medicine food homology plant , the healthy security , richlycontains the vitamin , nutrient and so on mineral substance , enhancesthe human body immunity .

  18. 所以中医说的‘药食同源’,肉、蛋乃是血肉有情之品,是大补药。

    Therefore , Chinese medicine , said the'drug homologous food ' , meat , eggs is the love of flesh and blood products , is a major tonic .

  19. 菊糖是一种从药食同源的植物-菊芋中提取的天然果聚糖,它以自身优良的保健和药用价值成为国际上热门的功能性食品。

    The inulin is the natural levan which withdraws from the medicinal and edible plant Jerusalem artichoke . Because of its good health and medicinal value , inulin has become an internationally popular functional food .

  20. 罗汉果为我国传统药食同源植物,罗汉果皂甙是其主要的功能成分,作为一类高甜度、低卡路里的理想天然甜味剂,因其具有多种生物活性而备受人们关注。

    Mogrosides were proved to be the main active components of fruits of Siraitia grosvenori , a traditional Chinese medicinal plant , which was a kind of low-calorie , high-sweet , healthy and natural sweetener .

  21. 山楂作为一种药食同源性原料,具有健胃、帮助消化的功能。以黄芪为主的方剂具有明显的抗衰老、免疫调节的功能。

    Hawthorn has the function of protecting stomach and improving digestion as a medicinal and edible material . The prescription which mainly contains the ingredient of astragalus has the obvious effects of anti-aging and immune adjustment .

  22. 1.6论药食同源药物与食物在起源上是共同的,既具有一定的食用价值和营养作用,又具有治疗疾病和保健强身的作用,构成了中医药食同源理论的物质基础。

    They not only have some food value and nutrition , but also can be used to treat diseases , keep health , which constitute the physical base of the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory called " the same source of medicine and food " .

  23. 百合是重要的药食同源植物之一,我国作为百合属植物的原产大国,拥有极其丰富的种质资源,约有46种18个变种,占全世界百合总数的一半以上。

    Lilium is one of important plant of vegetable food or medicine , as the great original habitat country of Lilium , China possess of plenty resource - 46 genus and 18 varieties , and more than half species of the world occurred in China .

  24. 该产品是在深入发掘传统中医药应用的基础上,采用药食同源的中药原料,精心研制而成。

    On the base of deep exploring the application of Chinese traditional medicine , this product is produced with Chinese traditional medicine which can use both as food and medicine .